

Mark and his friends went on an adventure on an island but they ended up trapped in an Island which happens to be the abode of beasts, monsters, witches and all kinds of mystical being. Mark must survive the quests and pass through all the fanta-phase so as to save himself and his friends. Will he be able to survive? You can't survive if you don't have sex within the interval of sixty hours. How will mark survive? Will he save his friend? Satisfy your curiosity, read on.

Larry_tobey_3854 · Fantasie
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13 Chs


I appeared on a plank in the middle of a sea which was so cold, I couldn't move I was only floating around there was nothing I could do then I saw something coming close to where I was it didn't look like it was human.

**GROWL!!** I heard the familiar sound of the monster.

"Whirlwind" I said seeing it come closer. "Did you come for me?" I asked

It was flying with her large wings flapping water on my face

"Mark, get up now!" I heard another voice

It was Abigael's voice; she was on her monster too then she dropped down and poured some kind of liquid into my mouth.

"A…Abigael" I managed to speak

"You can do it, glad you've gotten your monster and you've also named her, the sword works with your mind don't let it control you, you have to control it" she said then she mounted her monster then she went away.

Looking at Whirlwind (my monster) she was giving me a facial expression that means I should get up and I managed to get up but I fell into the sea then I was drowning already.

"Hey c'mon get up sleepyhead" it was the witch's voice

The dagger was still in my chest and I was tied up already, sited on a chair. I remained silent with my face down then she lifted my face up with her index finger.

"You're so adamant; don't you love your friends? Why are you so greedy and selfless? You're everywhere enjoying while your friends are suffering". She said in a sad tone.

While she was saying it, I was trying to untie my hands which were tied; from the back, and she turned around to leave.

"I'll be back in a minute, by that time, you won't have any other choice than to drop your heart willingly or by force.

As soon as she left I remembered what Abigael said to me while I was in the trance "The swords work with your mind" Then I focused on the dagger in my chest which was slowly coming out I can't say or describe how much pain I was feeling and finally it was out then it dropped to the floor, I was using my leg to drag it closer to me but it really didn't work the dagger turned red again floated to my hands at the back.

The door opened, and the witch came in with two big, huge monsters like humans.

"Rip his heart out" she ordered

"As you command milady" they said.

I was still struggling with the rope behind me luckily for me I had cut the rope already, as they drew closer I waited for the perfect time to strike; when they took me by my shoulder, I swung into action; I struck one in the eye and the other on the chest which forced them to release me as I got free of their hold I ran breaking through a window.

The place which was showing people and houses around had turned into a dry place. I wanted to run I felt my leg stuck in the air, I couldn't move she was doing it again; she took me up and then hit me to the ground with great force.

"You wouldn't be leaving now, would you?" She said laughing hysterically

Her face was facing up while she was laughing which bought me a little time to throw the dagger at her she wasn't expecting it but all the same, she caught it in between her palm; it had pierced through already.

"Arrrghhhh" I could hear her scream so loud

"Whirlwind" I shouted loud summoning her but it didn't happen, she didn't appear I was really disappointed.

I looked back to check the witch she was there anymore; things are getting more serious.

I turned back again to find myself strangled by some wrinkled, skinny, and pierced hand; it was the witch.

"You're going to pay for what you have done" she said lifting me up with my neck

I could only struggle hard I couldn't do anything to free myself I was focusing on summoning the dagger which was far away as it was where the witch threw it after it stabbed her.

Finally, I found the strength to summon the dagger straight to my hand.

"You.... know.....what?" I managed to speak

"What! I'm ripping your heart now I don't need to know anything" She said while she was growing bigger

"You....know....what? I asked again

"What?" she asked in her rugged voice

"Go to hell!" I said as I stabbed her straight in the heart.

"ARGHH!....no way" she screamed dropping me

I changed the dagger to a sword then I swung it through her long feet.

"Die, you God-damned witch and where are my friends?" I shouted while I was hitting her with the sword.

She finally shrunk to her normal size she was on her knee she couldn't move her head faced down.

"I underestimated you... you've got potentials" she said

"That hasn't answered my question.....where are my friends?" I asked again

"I ate them!" she said laughing hysterically

"Die you, wretched woman!" I said swinging the sword through her neck causing her head to fly off, blood sprinkled on my face.

"Fuck!" I yelled out, not the blood of a witch on my face.

I started hearing growls, it's not surprising, those were the creeping creatures, and there was nothing to do but run. I got to the edge of the hill, looking back to see the mass of the creatures that were after me, I didn't bother climbing down at all, all I did was jump down unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky I hit my head on a rock then my vision went blurry.