
Fantasy Detective

[Do you want to solve mysteries beyond your wildest imaginations?] "Hm?" [Will you sacrifice your entire life for the unknown?] [Option selection] [Yes or No] [Yes has been selected] [Transporting Conciousness...] [Loading...] [Warning!!!] [You may lose your memories in this process] [Continue?] [Continue has been selected] [Sucess] [Welcome to the world of Fantasy, Detective]

Tsuki0029 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Case 1: Town Hall (Where am I?)

{Case 1: Where am I?}

{Case time limit: 1 day}

{Case Description:

{Find out information relevant to the surrounding location you are in.}



{Good Luck!}


Sighing aloud, the male, now named Chikao Katsunori, looked past the multiple screens at the ancient-looking door that stood before him. It was standing in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, yet seemed to fit right in place in this odd grass field.

'Then again, this is a fantasy world.'

Chikao thought while looking behind him to see a dirt road leading to some sort of city.

"Do I really have to walk that far?"

[Do you have to leave this world?]

Without responding, Chikao started down the dirt road that seemed to not have been used for ages as nature seemed to start growing over.

The lush green grass had grown over the path with an odd color change at the ends that varied from a mineral orange to a light type of silver. The trees that were far reached were as green as the grass and were flourishing. The wind passed by Chikao's face as he continued his journey through the grass field on the dirt road. As the wind passed his face, Chikao could see the tree branches and leaves sway slightly to the right, along with some spare, fallen leaves that the wind picked up and carried along.

The sky was blue and bright, but not blinding. Chikao himself hadn't felt the urge to squint his eyes while looking at the bright blue sky with small signs of clouds floating around.

The city, or what looked like a city from the distance that Chikao was looking from, was quite big, despite the distance separating himself and the buildings. His destination seemed so far, yet still reachable, so Chikao continued his slow stroll.

After observing his surroundings, Chikao was left with his own thoughts. One thought struck him. It appeared to him that his past self must have been really lonely, or didn't like people. He didn't even feel like starting a conversation until it had already been an entire 30 minutes of straight silence and walking. In fact, it wasn't even himself that had started the conversation.

[Are you okay?]

Before Chikao could even say he was kind of bored, a bright screen had already popped up in his face.

[You look bored]

"How'd you know?"

Chikao raised an eyebrow while looking to the side at the system screen.

[You're easy to read]

[Do you know that?]

"I haven't even seen my face since my memories have been wiped."

[True, True]

[You were always easy to read]

"How do you know that?"

In less than a millisecond, several other blue screens were shoved in the questioning male's face.



[You know...]

[I just assumed]

[I don't actually know anything]

[It just looks very natural on your face]

[Like you've done it a lot]

[Or like it looks good on your face]


[Like you've done it, many, many, times before!]

At this point, the transparent screens could be blocking Chikao's face even though they are, well, transparent.

However, one message caught Chikao's attention.

[Oh look how close we are to the city!]

It was a lame choice of words to change the subject, but at this point, Chikao didn't really care. Having said that, the male started walking faster.

'The system can wait.'

[Wow, I feel so loved]

Right after reading and passing through the screen, Chikao's eyes widened. Turning his head sharply, Chikao reread the screen words, actually processing what he was reading this time.

"You can read my thoughts!"

Stating it instead of asking a question was something that Chikao has done multiple times, and this is just another times.


"Fuck you"

Calming down with a simple cuss and returning to a neutral facial expression, Chikao started to talk as per usual.

[Such a dirty mouth]

"Pretentious asshole."

[Love you too]


What the system had called 'close' was like calling a marathon quick because you were halfway done. Yes, Chikao was halfway there, but how long did it take him in the first place? Half an hour.

"Hey, System? Could you, like, tell me about the town that's up ahead?"

[Has the cussing child finally accepted the help of the dear and most amazing system?]

"I mean kinda- Wait what did you call me?"

[You've cursed so much already, it's quite hard not to notice in the first place]

"Oh fuck you! I don't curse that much."

Chikao said as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms and started to walk a tad bit faster.

[Besides the fact that you cursed again]

Chikao scoffed at this.

[The town ahead of you is called Wortac]

"That's an odd name for a city."

[You're in a fantasy world, what did you expect?]

"Not much to be honest."

[In this town, there is an invisible barrier around the entire town and surrounding areas]

[This includes the area you are in now]

"So the sky I see is fake?"

After communicating for a while, the system had adjusted to the side of Chikao instead of in front of him causing Chikao to lean his upper half forward and turn his head to the side in shock.


"It looks quite real though."

[What did I say?]

[You're in a fantasy world, what did you expect?]

Chikao shrugged slightly in agreement


[Since this a Fantasy world, magic and magical beasts are active here]

[So jobs like adventurers and magicians are a thing]

"If there is magic in this world, wouldn't that mean they could solve their own cases and mysteries using magic?"

[Yes and no]

[Magic has it's limits]

[You should go to school here to fill that empty brain of yours with something useful]

"I'll pass."

[You're missing out]


The two fell in silence, not knowing what to say to each other, but unlike the first time, it wasn't awkward silence, which, Chikao was grateful for.


Arriving at the city was like entering a whole new world. And coming to a whole new world definitely raised questions for the people living in an isolated area.

"Show me your identification card."

A huge male with muscles that could probably tear meat apart in a second asked Chikao as he looked down at the small male. Obviously, being new here and not having anything on him except clothes, Chikao replied.

"I don't have one."

"What do you mean you don't have one."

The man raised an eyebrow at his response.

"I just said I don't have one."

"Don't lie to me. Everyone has one given at birth."

The man put his face in his hand while shaking his head.

"I'm not from here."

"You can't get out or in from the barrier. Don't test my patience."

The man stood tall and stayed in place in front of the city gates as he said this, his tone starting to harden.

"I came from a door in the middle of the grasslands."

'Just let me through already. I don't have an identification card.'

"Just show me your identification card."


"Just give me your damn identification card-" The giant man at the gate was then cut off when a female traveler came by with a wagon, interrupting the loud bellow of the huge fellow.

"Taro, he's with me."

"Really? How come he doesn't have an identification card?"

"He's an adventurer I found in the woods. He doesn't have any memories. Probably was attacked or ambushed."

Giving the girl one last concerned look, the large male stepped aside to let the smaller two, walk past.


"Thank you."

Finally getting out of the way, the female, led a confused Chikao into the city through the overgrown gray brick city gates.

Upon arriving on the other side of the gate, Chikao was met with a dazzling sight. Wood houses that were nice and clean, a wide staircase that led to a magnificent large fountain that was spewing clear water, and a great buzzing of people doing all kinds of things. From talking and walking to a select few who were performing small magic tricks. The city looked bright and cheerful like there wasn't such thing as a rainy day. Magical lamps were floating mid-air, off of course. There was even a weapon store selling many different types of weapons; swords, axes, shields, etc. To top it all off, in the far distance, there was a huge castle that arose and was by far the tallest building in the entire city.

Chikao must have been staring for too long because the female who had just helped him, nugded his side to tell him to hurry up while waiting for him where the wagon was blocking the road for some people.

"Hey, are you going to come or...?"


Following the kind woman, the Chikao started walking beside her.

"Thanks for helping me. I never got your name?"

"My name is Masako Ayuka."

"My name is Chikao Katsunori, but where are we going."

"To my restaurant."

"You own a restaurant?"

"Yeah now hurry up 'cause I've got to get these ingredients before lunchtime comes."


While walking Chikao starts to ponder about what kind of dishes this place would serve. Due to his memory loss, Chikao didn't know what he liked before or what he ate prior to his memory loss.


[Did you forget about me already?]

"It's kinda hard to forget about something that can read my thoughts."

Chikao said sarcastically before shutting himself up when Ayuka looked back and shot him a confused face.

"Sorry Ayuka. I was just talking to myself."

Chikao forced a chuckle while scratching the back of his head. Giving Chikao one last confused look, Ayuka looked back in front of her while the nervous male exhaled in relief.


[You are terrible at socializing]

'Fuck you'

[Whatever you say you nervous wreck]

I'm so glad I'm done! Please comment so I can count my mistakes. If you can, please comment on the parts that you like the best so I can include that type of writing in future chapters. A couple of reminders are that the '' are used for 'thoughts' and [is used for system]. Thank you again! :)

Tsuki0029creators' thoughts