
Fantasy's Reality

Things once thought to only be found in fiction, became a part of reality. The world has been reshaped. Guilds and adventures became the new normal. Follow Kobayashi Kaito as he unravels the truth of the world and the secrets hidden in the shadows.

Dragorize · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: And Now There Are Four

Bewildered by what had just occurred, Qianlong asked Kaito...

[What was that all about? Why'd you throw a dagger into the trees?]

[It's nothing. I probably just made a mistake.]

[Okay then... well anyways I'll keep an eye on these two while you go look for the things you need to help them.]

[Got it. I should hurry given their current state.]

Kaito quickly set off in search of herbs and other supplies he could use to treat Alice and Sylvie. It didn't take long for him to find some medicinal herbs that could aid in stopping bleeding as well as those that had restorative properties. He also foraged some edible plants while he was searching as they would now need supplies for four people. It took Kaito about three hours to gather everything, which he was aware was already a danger to the condition of the two girls. As he was going back to where Qianlong was waiting with the girls, he was stopped by a woman with lavender hair and violet eyes. Her beauty would have mesmerized just about anyone, but Kaito was in a rush. As such he tried to go around the woman but she prevented him from advancing.

[My my what's the rush?]

[I don't know who you are but I have to hurry back. I've already taken too long.]

The woman held up a dagger and casually tossed it and Kaito's feet, locking eyes with him the entire time. Recognizing it as the one he threw earlier, his gaze shifted into a glare.

[Who are you? Why were you watching us?]

[Is that any way to talk to someone you attacked for no reason? You nearly damaged my face you know.]

The tone of the woman's voice was half seductive and half irritating. It was obvious she was being playful and keeping Kaito there.

[What is it you want?]

[Nothing really. I just wanted a closer look at you.]

The woman gave Kaito a gentle smile and swept her hair behind her ear, revealing her crescent moon shaped emerald earring.

[Well if you had your fill, I'll be going. I have to get back to my companions.]

[You won't make it to the summit if you carry all that dead weight.]

[That's not for you to decide.]

[Hmmm, I wonder.]

Kaito ignored her and tried to run forward again. This time, the woman had let him pass without issue. The woman muttered to herself as she watched Kaito run off.

[I'll be seeing you again. No doubt about it. I look forward to seeing just how far you go.]

After parting ways with the strange woman, Kaito was a bit confused as to who she was and what she wanted, but pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he had to focus on helping Alice and Sylvie. As soon as he arrived, Qianlong let out a sigh of relief.

[Hey man, what took you so long? I was beginning to worry.]

[I got held up by something. Sorry about that.]

[Right well as long as there aren't any issues.]

[Let's get to work.]

The two boys ground up the medicinal herbs and used them in a variety of ways. Some of the herbs were ground into a paste and applied to the open wounds of the girls. Kaito used some spare cloth he had as a bandage for the girls as well. Sylvie had a festering gash on her thigh and scrapes adorned her entire body. While she looked ragged, her condition was better than Alice. Alice was not only covered in wounds similar to Sylvie, but she also had broken bones in her arms and a leg. By the time the two had finished treating the girls, it was already evening. Qianlong had elected to continue looking after them while Kaito made dinner.

[You know, you're really overworking me here.]

[Ah, my bad Kaito. I don't really know how to do much after all. Hey, weren't there supposed to be teachers or something keeping watch in case things got too dangerous? What do you think happened since no one showed up for these two girls?]

After hearing his question, Kaito thought back to the woman he met while gathering materials. It seemed strange as she did not seem angry at being attacked and did not try to do anything to Kaito other than stop him from moving forward for a while.

[Who knows. Maybe they were watching the entire time and decided not to help.]

[Would they do that? Well this is a test after all. Anyways, I'm starving! Is dinner ready?]

Kaito chuckled and retorted.

[You really are a slave driver. Yeah it's done.]

[Ahaha sorry about that.]

[I'm joking. Don't worry.]

Qianlong eyed the food before he asked while pointing at the two girls...

[So should we wake them up?]

Kaito gave a quick look at the girls and shook his head.

[Let's let them rest for now. We can save some food for them later.]

Kaito and Qianlong started to eat their meal of foraged herbs and leftover fish made into a stew. As they were eating, the smell roused Sylvie. As she had not eaten for almost two days, she was starving and started to drool, wondering where the wonderful smell of food came from, before noticing the two boys chatting a bit of a distance away from her. She then looked down at herself before turning to her side and noticing Alice. She realized they had been rescued and wanted to thank her saviours. As she was struggling to get up, the boys noticed and rushed towards her.

[Hey take it easy. You were still hurt pretty bad after all.]

Kaito tried to stop her from getting up and ease her down.

[Qianlong can you go grab some of the food?]


Qianlong quickly ran off and returned with a bowl of stew. Qianlong placed the bowl into Sylvie's hands while Kaito spoke to her in a gentle voice.

[Drink slowly okay?]

[Th...thank you...um...K...Kaito...and...um....]

[Qianlong! Nice to meet ya!]

Qianlong was smiling ear to ear and gently elbowed Kaito.

[Hey hey, introduce us already.]

[Haha I would, but I don't actually know their names.]

[What? Then why does she know yours?]

[I ran into them before we went to register for the entrance exam.]

[Lucky!! I'm so jealous!!]

[There's nothing to be jealous about though.]

The two boys just kept laughing while Sylvie watched them. They suddenly stopped and Qianlong looked straight into Sylvie's eyes.

[Oh right, so what's your name?]

[I...um...I..m...my name is...um...]

[She's Sylvie, and I'm Alice.]

Alice was glaring at the two boys with resentment and pain in her eyes.

[Looks like we got saved huh? Thanks I guess.]

A look portraying just how dumbfounded the boys were spread across the faces of the two boys. Qianlong started pointing at Alice while turning to speak to Kaito.

[Woooow. Kaito, she's pretty ungrateful isn't she?]

[Weren't you the one who wanted to be introduced to her during the last test?]

[Woe is me, you don't have to bring it up. I'm already disillusioned.]

Qianlong was grasping his chest while faking his crying. Kaito let out a sigh.

[Yeah yeah, whatever you say.]

Seeing the two boys, Alice got annoyed.

[If you're done with your comedy routine, we should get going. Thanks for helping and I hope to never see either of you again.]

Alice tried to get up but failed miserably. Kaito looked down at Alice with eyes partially filled with worry and scorn.

[Stop being so stubborn and eat. It's already nightfall and you're injured. Get some rest. We'll move out in the morning okay?]

[Fine by me!]

[I wasn't asking you Qianlong.]

[U...um...I'm...o...ok...with...that plan.]

[And you?]

[Not like I have a choice do I?]

[Alice...you really shouldn't be so mean.]

[I'm not being mean!]

Alice started to pout and let out a huff when she responded to Sylvie's remark. Kaito held out a hand to Alice and smiled.

[Well nice to have you aboard.]

Alice begrudgingly took his hand and shook it, staring daggers at Kaito the entire time. Qianlong was too busy grinning at the idea of travelling with two beautiful girls to notice.

[This is going to be so much fun!]

Kaito laughed at Qianlong's optimism.

[You got that right.]