
Chapter Two

After my brother went downstairs, Kat helped me unpack and we walked down. We all sat down and started eating. Patton immediately asked "So, Roxy, how was life without your family?" I choked on my water, surprised. "U-uh, it was o-okay. *cough*" Patton started asking me questions about my past life and I happily answered all of them. But then he asked "So, who's Caelum?" Logan murmured to him "Patton!" I replied "No it's fine, Logan! He was my friend in the pack-" He looked at me with interest "Pack?" I thought Shit. "U-Um, w-well, I lived with w-wolves for a while! Since I have *gestures to ears and tail* these." He nodded "But how did they accept you- I-I mean that in a human way!" I shrugged "I transformed. Easy." Logan coughed "WHAT?! HOW?! IT IS NOT LOGICAL!!" "I have p-powers, I-I guess." I replied nervously. Logan chuckled "Alright then." After dinner I walked to my room to find Kat sitting on my bed. "You do realize he's gay?" I looked very confused "Um, who??" Kat groaned "Logan. Also Patton, and

Remus, and Janus." I laughed "I'm not interested. Calm down!" She gave a chuckle "Okay! Just wanted to tell you! You probably know your brother's gay though, right?" I nodded. "Roman and Virgil are straight, by the way." "Mk." I muttered and I got ready for bed. Kat bid me goodnight and we all fell into a deep sleep.IN THE MORNINGI woke up sweating in fear. Great. Another nightmare. I thought, rolling my eyes. I got up and changed. As I walked downstairs, I heard shouting. My ears started to hurt then I felt something wet on my head. Crap! I thought. It was blood.

Every time my ears hurt, they bleed. It sucks. I walked quickly to the sink and wiped my ears off. Janus was shouting at Roman. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GO OUT AT SEVEN AM AND FIGHT A DRAGON WITCH?!" I winced in pain. Patton noticed. He gave me a small smile. "You okay?" I nodded and he saw the blood. "Jeez, Roxy! Let me help." He exclaimed and helped with blood. "D-Does this happen every time when it's loud?" He asked, clearly concerned. I nodded.

He gave me a huge hug. I huffed a laugh. "T-Thanks." Janus noticed me and chirped "Morning!" I gave a nod. Roman looked down, trying to hide the fact he was bleeding. "Holy- Roman! You're bleeding!!" I exclaimed. He nodded, wincing in pain. "Let me help you." I told him and brought him to the bathroom. "L-Look, y-you don't h-have to h-help! I'm fi-" He stammered but I cut him off. "I can't see anyone in pain so I am helping." He gave a weak smile and took off his shirt. He had a huge gash on his side."D-Did not tell me i-it was this bad!" I muttered. He gave a laugh then a wince realizing that it hurts to laugh. Nonetheless, I got it all cleaned up and wrapped his side with bandages. "T-Thanks, Roxy." He stammered. "No problem." I replied. Suddenly a weird feeling erupted from my stomach. No,no, no! Damn imprinting!! I thought. Roman noticed me and murmured "You okay, Rox?" I nodded. "Y-Yep! I'm fine!" I quickly replied and added "I got to go talk to Kat real quick. I'll see you later." He called after me "Okay!" I walked to Kat's room and closed the door. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Roman got hurt and..." I started. Kat murmured "What?" I muttered "He had the G.A claw mark on his side." Kat yelled "WHAT?!"