
Fan-Fiction: Journey of Lionel in the Multiverse

Lionel Fortis was just an ordinary otaku in your neighborhood. He lives his life watching animes, reading novels, playing games and even dreaming about his imaginary waifus. But why is he an otaku you say? The reason is that his whole body, except for his head and arms are disabled which means that he can't move that much. Which is why he loves anime and novels since it feels like he was the one traveling through different worlds and all. One day, his illness resulted in his death with an unknown cause and was later found out that the reason for it was a mistake from the Creator whom he had met. As compensation and for his entertainment, the Creator granted Lionel five wishes and made him travel to any world that he would like. Given a chance with a new life, Lionel takes the offer without hesitation and goes through a whole lot of change in his life. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ [First World] Coiling Dragon ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Note: This will be my third novel and to be honest I am also not sure whether I will be able to continue writing this one but I will try my best but just don't expect too much. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Tags: [OP from the Start] [Harem] [Fan-Fiction] [Adventure] [Fantasy] [Organization Building] [Mutiple World] [World Travel] [Universe Travel] [Plot Destroying] [Fast Cultivation/Progress] ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ Chapter Length: Will be 1000~2500 Chapter Release: Will be at random but expect to have two-to-three chapters a week. More if I can. Note: English is not my first language and I am not really good at English. Although I will be using Grammarly, there will still be mistakes so I am sorry for it in advance. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. Pat reon page: www.pat reon.com/rahers Pat reon advantages will be the advance chapters.

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14 Chs

Morgiana's Sword Move: The Hidden Stalker

After having a pleasant meal together with Morgiana, nothing interesting happened and they just enjoyed their time together. Although there are still some men lusting over Morgiana on their tour, he secretly killed them without anyone around knowing.


Morgiana "Nel! Nel! Give me your sword!"

Lionel "Why should I?"

Morgiana "Just for a sec okay? Now gimme!"

Lionel sighed as he thought that he is spoiling her too much, but it was all worth it to see her happy and her smile that melts his heart whenever he sees her.

He then unsheathed the sword from his back, his sword, which was a meter long, 2 inches width, and was 1 centimeter thick. It was a black sword which he named Dakumun which was Japanese for Dark Moon. Lionel thought that it was cool and didn't think about it any further.

It weighs 2000 pounds despite its small size, it is made of a very dense metal that can only be found at the Fanalis Empire, it was forged by one of the best blacksmiths in the empire, and it was also customized by Lionel since he can't trust his weapon to be made by someone.

When Lionel handed the sword to Morgiana, she was able to hold it barely which is already surprising for a girl of her age. This only shows the extraordinariness of the Fanalis Family.

Morgiana "Moo~ Your sword is so heavy, how do you carry this thing around?"

Lionel "You'll get used to it if you carry it every day. And what are you going to do with my sword anyways."

Lionel said as he looked around him, the two of them are currently outside the city and it was all Morgiana's suggestion. She said she wants to try something, she was looking for something around the forest while Lionel just followed her, then she just stops in front of a large tree and asked for Lionel's sword.

Lionel "Anyways... What's up with this tree by the way? I can see that you are looking for this but why?"

Morgiana "Hehehe. You just wait and see..."

Morgiana winked at him and he just rolled his eyes at her going at her antics again. She puffed her cheeks as she looked angrily at Lionel.

Morgiana "Hmph! Just shut up and watch."

Lionel "Okay?"

Morgiana then walked in front of him and stopped about a meter away from the large tree. It was a large tree that looks similar to a pine tree except that it was wider and was bigger.

Morgiana held the sword with both of her hands as she keeps it steady in front of her while its end was pointed to the tree. She closed her eyes and her face was full of seriousness but because of her the childishness on her face written all over it, her serious expression was very cute.

(AN: Just like this one: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9b/34/2e/9b342e4a6924f8bae7c3d26aad42bd05--sinbad-magi-anime-magi.jpg)

Lionel was looking at her face and can't stop laughing at her, although she was suppressing it so that she won't be able to hear him avoid distracting her 'Serious' expression.

Dakumun started to glow red around it as the surroundings started to heat up, the temperature which was already high started to increase bit by bit. Morgiana was channeling her battle qi to the sword and it seems like she was planning to execute some sort of move.

Lionel was looking at how she was executing it and through his Library of Heaven's Path, he was able to see some flaws to her execution. But that would have to wait until later, he was waiting what she was planning to show him.

Morgiana's closed eyes then suddenly opened as she dashed towards the tree, she then slashed the sword towards it normally without any techniques or hidden movements, it was purely just a slash.

When the sword hit the tree, instead of some friction like slowing a bit before cutting through the tree, the sword cut through the tree like she was just slicing a butter. The tree them gradually fell on the ground as it issued a large creaking noise as it fell.

When it hit the ground, the dried leaves around it all flew because of the wind created by its impact when it fell. Then the leaves the flew all started to rain down and it was a sight to be held.

Since the dried leaves were in a variety of colors from red, orange, to yellow, it was such a beautiful sight to see while Morgiana was just standing there with a smile of contentment on her face. And Lionel thought to himself that he would protect those smile of hers until the end of his life.

After her execution, Morgiana went back to Lionel's side as she returned his sword to him. With a smile on her face, she said.

Morgiana "What do you think? Was it cool??"

Lionel "Yeah. It was cute."

Morgiana "Don't say that it was cute. I want it to be cool."

Lionel "But it was cute and was not cool."

Morgiana "And why do you say so? I think it was cool."

Lionel "But it is not, because it was cute."

Morgiana "Argghh!!! I hate you!"

Morgiana then left him in anger due to his teasing, Morigana was cute when she is happy, cuter when she is serious and was the cutest when she's angry.

Lionel smiled as she looked at Morgiana slowly walking away figure but his smile then disappeared in an instant the same time as he disappeared. He then reappeared near a tree where there was a middle-aged man wearing a loosed fitting robe while his arms are hidden by the sleeves of the robe and crossed over his chest.

Lionel had detected this man following them the moment that the came out of their house, he was just only waiting when he will make a move but since he did not, then Lionel will make the first move. He did not like it when someone is stalking them, especially if that someone is as strong as him.




Note: By the way guys, the reason MC is wearing a mask is to avoid attracting too much attention because of his charm and Morgiana said so too.




So what do you think of this chapter, I know that this kinda looked like a filler but believe me, I have a plan why I showed you guys this chapter, this will be an important one I guess so remember it.

By the way, have you all guessed who the old man was and am I making the MC a bit too overpowered?

We will have a time skip to the school start, agree or disagree?

MC will go to the same class as Morgiana, agree or disagree?

MC will befriend Linley, agree or disagree?

Raherscreators' thoughts