
Fan-Fic Fairy Tail

A man was born, grew up, aged and died as an ordinary person, he wanted to reincarnate in a fantasy world like Fairy Tail, a world where he can live freely.

Xeeksot · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 12

"What? maybe I can help."

Well, since she offered to help, why not take it?

"I'm looking for a man who was kicked out of the Ghost Lord guild, he has shadow magic, do you know about something?

She looked at me with a thoughtful face.

"Um... I heard about this, as far as I know, he entered the Ghost Lord guild, to talk to the president, and never left his office, is that enough?" She said licking her lips.

"Thanks a lot, I'm in a hurry so I'm heading back to the bar, hope to see you again." After that, Zafir ran back to the bar.

"Goodbye". Fufu, interesting boy, I feel something special about him, my heart hasn't stopped beating for a second, is this what we can call love at first sight? or is it something different? I don't know, but I'll find out for sure, I just can't be too hasty and scare him, fufu.


Entering the bar, I see Selina sitting on a bench next to the bar, the bar is not busy today, so the environment is better for talking. So I went to her.

Selina is not doing well today, a day she was supposed to be happy, it ended up getting depressing, because she couldn't get any clues about her father."

"Good evening, may you have the honor of having me sit next to this beautiful lady?"

Selina who is not in a good mood, after hearing this, she got annoyed, she was already about to use magic, then she realizes it was Zafir.

"Zafir, it's not good to appear behind others in regret. How was your quest.

"I looked everywhere I could for information, but I only found 1 piece of information and I don't know if it will be useful to you."

"You did it! Thank you so much Zafir, please tell me.

She's very anxious, but you can't blame her. it's a delicate matter.

"The information I found is that there is a high chance that your father will be trapped inside the Lord Phantom guild, it is not at all certain, it is that the informant said that he entered the guild and did not leave, and his father was a powerful mage, no is anyone who could have beaten him."

"So, what are we waiting for? let's go now." She said, with a face of euphoria and sadness.

"Calm down, it's still night, and hurrying won't do any good, and if he's really stuck there, do you think he'll release him just at your request?"

"Selina, you can't be reckless forever, one hour it can end up costing you a lot, needing less to get some information about the guild, for example: if the guild master is there, you would never be able to rescue your father." I had to try to convince her not to screw up, if she stops like that, it's game over.

"Maybe I can help."

The three startled at the sudden voice.

Then a woman comes out of the shadows, she was in the corner of the bar, if anyone passing by doesn't pay attention, they might end up unnoticed.

Selina is no longer in a good mood and a nosy appears, she couldn't hold back. "Who are you? If you are unfair in a matter that has nothing to do with you?

I looked to the side and saw a small looking girl with long black hair, golden eyes with vertical slime pupils and dark skin. Parsha?! why is she here?

"Zafir, who is this girl?" 2x

I was surprised about the girls' reaction. "She's the informant I mentioned."

"Are you going to want my help? From what I hear, you would need a lot of help, just the two of you wouldn't stand a chance, you'd just be throwing your life away."

"Let me think a little." After saying that, Selina gets up and leaves the bar.


Should I accept help from a stranger? Or try on your own? Zafir and Nero are helping me so much, I can't be selfish, accepting her help would greatly reduce the risks for both of them.


After breathing some fresh air, Selina returns to the bar.

"So little girl, have you decided?

"First of all, I would like to thank you for the information, it was very useful, besides, I will accept your proposal, but I don't trust you completely."

Parsha laughed.

"That's enough, it's not like you're the reason I'm helping, I'm more interested in this little boy here, I feel something powerful in him that made me feel attracted."

"I'm flattered, but if it's just that, then you'd better not go with us, it'll be dangerous and you could end up losing your life." I hope she thinks hard before she makes any decisions that might compromise her.

"Are you worried about me? fufu, how cute, don't worry, I'm stronger than the two of you together."

"OK, tomorrow we'll meet here in the morning and leave."

After that we went back to the hotel.


Gravity is applied to the surface, and the further away from the surface, the less gravitational force it receives.

Already sitting cross-legged on the bed. I started meditating, these last few days were relaxing and it helped me to relax, but I can't give up the training, I need to understand my power better.

Suddenly I feel something different, this feeling, dense, heavy and gentle, as if it were part of me.

So I start to move my magic to interact with this feeling, suddenly there was an "EUREKA", this feeling maybe from my own magic, more specifically speaking, my true magic.

Earth, earth element is immeasurable, it is powerful and gentle. An infinity of earth element appeared around him.

"My magic happens to be earth element this whole time, but because I have an affinity for gravity, I didn't notice." Zafir muttering.

I feel a special power over the earth, something pulsating like a heartbeat, I will call it 'earth pulse', it sounds like forbidden magic.

The 'pulsing power' contained in the earth." Once the spell is cast. It is a protective cover that appears transparent. This is where the "pulsing force" contained in the earth is formed.

"This pulsating force. Very different from the general element, but a new force, now it seems... It just needs to be converted." When he fully understood the 'earth pulse', Zafir's heart was also suddenly illuminated, using the ' earth pulse'." In addition to the shock wave attack, there should also be a pulsating force attack.

Zafir felt an enormous desire to test this new power, but it's not the ideal time, it's good to wait until the next city.

After that, he went back to sleep.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xeeksotcreators' thoughts