
Chapter 15: Portia

"He's not my brother." I tossed the truth out there and let it hang in the air.

"What do you mean?" A horn honked behind us when the traffic started to creep at a snail's pace.

It didn't occur to me that we hadn't moved the entire time we talked. This would end up being a five-hour trip at this rate.

"Just what I said. He's not my brother." I saw the confusion, but Bart wouldn't ask. I shook my head and gave in. I'd hopped down this bunny trail. "We were both foster kids. My parents adopted me when I was ten."

His focus remained on the stop-and-go traffic in front of him. "What about Jude? They didn't adopt him?"

"No, but they want to." I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. Here I hadn't even wanted to admit we weren't related, and now I was diving right into the third problem on my list.

"Isn't he a little old for that? You said he's seventeen, right?"