The enemy will attempt to trick you and make it seem as though what you have gone through is the chastisement of the LORD. He is a crafty and sneaky Heathen, crafting up deadly schemes to destroy all plans of the Heavenly Father. He is a Lion seeking out to devour God's anointed ones and to steal the breath of to all.
The thorn in the flesh is a deadly poison creating toxic features to test or to punish God's people. Sometimes, THE LORD GOD will test his people by bringing out temptations of the enemy. Starvation and hunger, the burning and thorns of the flesh. For it is written, he that spareth his rod hateth his Son but he that loveth him chastened him be times.
When you do not feel any thorns in the flesh, God hates you.
If you don't get hit and punished for what ye have done, he hates you. Do not fall into the deceptions and craftiness of the enemy. Do not follow your own wills and your own desires and do not fall into the pride of life. This world shall utterly perish, but God's Words will never. For it is truth that every WORD OF GOD is pure.
Let God be true and every man a liar. Let Jesus Christ be true and every one a liar.