
chap 1

Kid of 14 years plays fallout 74 he is kinda bored he ain't got no one to really play with and it's more of a team playing game.

he exits the game and scrolls through his library to find fallout 4

After logging into his moded account

he decided to just find a bunch of monsters and attack them with an army of brother hood Paladins

There was a certain amount of satisfaction seeing your army destroy everything in there path.

Next he used synths they were quickly spawned in and same as the the brother hood Paladins destroyed all that stood in their path.

He always wondered what would happen if he pit these two armys against each other the synths could continue to spawn while the brother hood of steel would soon run out of bodies so the answer was pretty clear.

either way he decided this will mark his last time using them he set there hostility towards

not towards themselves how you might have thought but against all of the other fall out characters.

Whether it be simple merchants to raiders to giant mutants ghouls everything.

he saw his army lose countless of soldiers weather synths or not it hurt him he wanted to help to be the main protagonist but if he did than his army wouldn't grow wouldn't learn.

To taste the seventh Flavor of life there must be pain enough pain to cause you to want to kill.

Seeing the army that he spent so long to creat be killed one after another he felt like killing despite being seated on a chair watching all of this through a monitor he couldn't help but feel like he was there watching it in person

He commanded his armys into strategic locations with weapons that would help them, and even after he stopped assisting with the commands others stepped up and led they moved strategically.

Mistakes where made lifes where lost but they learned, and grew stronger.

his computer was lagging and freaking out he was so excited that his AI's where developing that he "accidentally" spilled water over his PC Himself and the Extention outlet. He was unfortunately wearing a conductive power armor prototype that matched his characters.

So sparks flew every where setting his room on fire and ending in a electrifying explosion.

A huge white light was sent out from his room he disappeared and his whole room was a mess.

seeing white and then Nothing but darkness kinda freaked him out but something in him kinda snapped he felt memories and experiences flooding into him.

He was in extreme pain he could feel the emotions and pain he could see memories that he remembered not because he experienced them but because he created them his characters back story.

Instead of Shaun being taken it was his father.

When he and his mother got out of the vault she struggled to keep up God's worth helped and she ended up going through the whole journey being the minute men general and as he grew he became a Paladin at the young age of ten he had strength and strategic skills.

That allowed him to rise he earned the respect of the elders and high elder.

soon he became a elder by the age of 14.

he had power great amount of it and one day he was confronted by the menace of the common wealth. The institute he allowed the couriers to escort him and he was a little surprised by the teleportation.

When he was there he was confronted by an older version of his father.

long story short they have a family reunion in secret and decide to make Shaun the high elder of the brother hood of steel.

after fighting in countless battles and a mysterious explosion from a beloved traitor Dan that killed the elders ,generals and high elders only one survivor elder Shaun who took command as high elder executed Dan by firing squad and put the blame on the railroad a secret organization that would kidnap synths and reprogram them to replace people.

Soon people saw the institute as a force of good as they had synths patrolling and saving people. The brotherhood of steel "reluctantly" agreed to be allies with the institute.

Soon a era of peace emerged as the three major factions worked together to build a better future.

Until the railroad triggered a nuclear explosion on the common wealth sending all inhabitants into a void and sending shuan into a void where he combined with our protagonist and was over ritten by the protagonist soul.

shuan had a handsome young face and a body better than captain America. with blue eyes and white hair that looked good on him.

our protagonist was taking in all of this when a bright light appeared and turned into an old imposing figure that practically screamed god.

"Son I have had the pleasure if sending many of souls to countless worlds yours is a little different but still intriguing."

" Is this the part where I decide what world to go to." Said shuan or our protagonist in a calm manner almost as if this was a daily occurrence.

"cough cough my word are you not in the least surprised by what's happening to you young man, I mean you've just died and your soul has been implanted into your game character."

"Well I am surprised just not really enough to freak out or anything, so can we get back on track can I choose where to be sent."

"Well you have a wide range of options i could give you powers and such but it would limit you from choosing your conditions of appearing in your new world."

"What powers would i have if i decide to just choose where and when i want to appear in a other world."

"Well you have all the powers of your character, and the ability is just like the game along with inventory and all just a bit of tweaking to make them compatible with the world."

"The world will freeze when you use vats and when you access your pip boy."

"of course you can decide if you want the world to freeze or not, so as to make it so you can show others what you are doing."

"You have access to the cheat room and you have access to all the equipment and abilities your character has."

"Sweet I'm definitely going to need the cheats since I'm going somewhere where every day there's a villain trying to take over the world."

Shuan responds.

"So where would you like to go" God questioned me " ah never mind I see you've thought about it already plus I'm God so I know, well this is farewell, I wish you good luck in your new life Shuan."

With that said I'm blinded by a bright golden light. and I lose consciousness.

please give me some feed back I'd like to know if it is a good story to pursue.

I have to change the marvel world and create my own cause I just cant find a place to put my characters in marvel I might have to completely change the story or I could just put him in the battle of new York and see where it goes. comment down below to help me decide

Thanks yall.

Melanthiascreators' thoughts