
Free for all

Harkon holds onto .... his weapon and decides to wait which seems to be the popular strategy as everyone else does the same and size up the others, the silence between them is almost suffocating until it's broken by one of the kids " Guys! why are we doing this, we shouldn't kill each other for the amusement and entertainment of these savages" he is about to say something more before the guy closest to him rushes him with what looks like a rust shiv. With that the tension breaks and everyone is rushing a person they think they can take which unfortunately for Harkon seems like three people have decided that they can take him

" oh come the fuck on why me" he crys out and just trying what best he thought would help him survive he rush the one guy that was coming from his right and hoping that the two that where coming from his general left would fight each other

His opponent screams and tackles him full force into the but by the sheer luck he hadn't knocked the air out of him which after a second of trying to push him off he just grab his weapon and smacks it on the side of him which he could feel had done something

" argh fuck you, you god damn bastard" his opponent yell and try to pull back his fist to punch him but as he did he pulled back his entire body which gave Harkon a chance to slap the weapon across his opponents face " take dick you motherfucker " Harkon then kicked him off of himself and quickly gets back up. He then loos to his left and see the other two opponents fighting each other which at a quick glance looks like they are both in a ground wrestle standstill.

" keep your eyes on the person your fighting " his opponent says as he quickly looks at him only to be met with a fist to his nose which makes him fall into the makeshift coliseum wall " arrggghh my God damn nose" before Harkon could cry out more he is shut up with a punch in the mouth.

" shut the fuck up and just die" he then throws another jab towards Harkons stomach but misses as Harkon moves to the side which has him breaking his fist against a hard part on the wall " ahhhhhhhhh!" he screams out which gives harkon enough time to go to the ground and grab his weapon which he then sets up a baseball swing at the opponents head but is stop at the moment as his opponent has tears falling down his cheek from the pain which shocks him as he looked like a terrified child than the crazy asshole which was trying to kill him a moment ago.

" ah m-m-my hand" the opponent says he looked at his hand which the fingers looked terribly broken and were shaking. Harkon takes a deep breath and says " I'm so sorry, please forgive me for killing you this way" he then takes a swing with his dildo weapon knocking him down which he doesn't give him the chance of doing anything as he continues to bludgeon him to death until his face was unrecognizable.

" I-I-I-I I'm so sorry" Harkon then falls to the ground and just sits next to the corpse as he can't believe what he did ... it was different than killing those raiders as they killed his father and were probably evil men but this kid was someone that had probably suffered the same things he did and maybe worse.

The announcer grabs his microphone and yells out " looks like that kid in the corner of the arena just got the first kill and it seems he killed him with a fucking horse dildo ... wait really ... muhahahaha oh my atom he really did kill him with a horse dildo. this gotta be a first, you know what whether he dies or not lets give him a award for the most funniest kill" Harkon feels more terrible as the announcer keeps on talking and talking about the horrible thing he just did and making everyone especially the other opponents noticed

"oh fuck me!"