
Unlikely Valentine

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over +20 chapters in advance

Story is complete in my P@treon.com

Expect chapter releases on Mondays and Thursdays

you can read +20 advanced chapters of my other works on Patreon


Double release!


Nick Valentine then lights up a cigar and begins to talk to Nora and group, like one of those old-fashioned noir detective stories.

"Gotta love the irony of the reverse damsel-in-distress scenario. Question is, why did our heroine risk life and limb for an old private eye?"

Nora was shocked and discovering that Mick Valentine wasn't human.

"What, are you?"

"Told you. I'm a detective. Look, I know the skin and the metal parts ain't comforting, but it's not important right now. The only thing that matters is why you went to all this trouble to cut me loose."

"Hope that's not going to be a problem, because there's not much I can do about it, if it is. Now since you know about me, why don't you return the favor. What brought you out all this way?"

"Tracking a murderer. The bastard who shot my husband. Took my son. I don't even have a clue who he is or where he's gone."

"So, you need a little angel of vengeance, huh? Well, I don't usually go after blood money, but I guess I can make an exception. Somehow "nice and simple" never makes it onto the menu in my world."

"I've been cooped up in here for weeks. Turns out the runaway daughter I came here to find wasn't kidnapped. She's Skinny Malone's new flame, and she's got a mean streak. Anyway, you got troubles, and I'm glad to help. But now ain't the time. Let's blow this joint. Then we'll talk."

"Malone's crew here used to be small time, muscled out of the old neighborhood by bigger players. Until they found this place. Don't know what happened to the previous owners, but they're not exactly around to charge rent. An empty vault. Perfect hideout."

Following Nick Valentine, he bleeds the team out of the vault.

"Hold up! I hear some of them coming. There they are. How do you want play this?"

Six combines his shave with his superspeed and kills all six trigger men inside the dining area with finger pistol. Surprising Nick and Nora.

"Holy shit Six, even your finger is deadly. How to you and Rebecca foreplay?"

Six deadpans back at Nora

"Nora. what I just did is a martial art. I don't use that in the bedroom."

"Can you teach me in that. Cough, cough. Of course, when martial arts purposes."

Boone verts eyes towards Nora locations. Not believing her shamelessness.

"Nice and quiet. You keep this up, you'll make a name for yourself. Not a good name, mind you, but who cares?"

They go through the whole vault, meeting multiple triggermen, which Six gives them all the finger and deals with them. Finger pistol mind you! 

"Skinny Malone and the rest of his boys are waiting for us, somewhere. The name's, uh, ironic, but don't let that fool you. He's dangerous."

"Another locked door. Shouldn't be too hard. Okay, I got it, but I hear, big fat footsteps of the other side. Once we stepped through this door, you better be ready for anything."

Going to the doors, they're met with a big, thick man. Which makes his name being ironic that his named skinny.

"Nicky? What're you doin'? You come into my house. Shoot up my guys. You have any idea how much this is gonna set me back?"

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your two-timing dame, Skinny. You ought to tell her to write home more often."

"Awww... poor little, Valentine. Ashamed you got beat up by a girl? I'll just run back home to daddy, shall I?"

"Darla's a runaway. Her father wanted me to bring her back home. Turns out she skipped town to be with my old pal, Skinny Malone. Mob boss."

Six cut into all their conversations, pulling up both his Lucky's.

"Yeah! I'm not dealing with this. You have to count of five to put your guns down."

"Five, Four, Three, Tw-"

Before finishing sentence, he unloads all his ammunition into all 12 trigger men, excluding Skinny's girlfriend.

"You girl go home, so the Nick gets paid."

The Mobster Girl, Darla ran away to her home like a scared rabbit.

"Not the way I would have solved the problem, but your way worked well. Plus, I didn't get shot at, and I'm getting paid for finding the girl."

Nick chuckles at all the death and destruction that six has cost. As he leads the group out of the vault and out of the tunnel.

[Quest complete Unlikely Valentine]

[Receiving silver Gacha ticket]

Six checked his main menu, seeing that he had leveled up 4 times. He distributed the 60 points, +20 Luck, +20 Perception, +10 Strength, +10 Resistance.

"Ah look at the Commonwealth Sky. Never thought something so naturally ominous could end up being so inviting. Thank you for getting me out. How did you know where to find me, anyway. Not many people knew where I went."

"Your Secretary, Ellie sent us."

"She did? I should give her a raise."

 "Now, you mentioned something about your son, Shaun, and how he went missing. I want you to come to my office in Diamond City. Give me all the details. Besides, I think you've earned a chance to sit down and clear your head."

Nora then remembered that Diamond City was now flying in the atmosphere making it impossible for him to return to office.

"Actually, Nick, you won't be able to go reach Diamond City without help. The city is now floating on a high altitude, that you need flying transportation and its going towards Concorde's location."

"What are you talking about ma'am?"

"Our fearless leader here, Transformed Diamond City into a floating island Which you can't reach without flying transportation. Make it impossible to be attacked by Raiders, mutants or the Institute."

"Okay, Missy. If what you're saying is true, then how am I supposed to go back to my office, I can't sprout wings and fly there."

"Oh, don't worry Nick we have it covered."

Nora finds a large open area and throws her Hoi-Poi Capsule, containing her pelican. In a puff of smoke, the pelican appears, making Nick raise his eyebrow In surprise.

"Well, you got me there Missy now I think I've seen everything there is to see in the world."

"Nick you barely seen the tip of the iceberg. Six here has a lot of crazy stuff, that he's saving up."

"Well, I'll be I'll believe you, after seeing all the crazy things he did with one finger."

Everyone gets on the pelican except for Six, he just stood there waiting for everyone to get on the ship.

"What's up Six, you're not coming with the group to Nick's office."

"I'm good Nora. I'm going to go look around the area, you guys can go have your fun with your new adventure."

"OK then Six, we'll see you each other later on."

RACE: Outer God

Proxy Body: Misterian/Eldridge Horror



Vigor: 30 +10 (40)

Attunement: 30 +5 +10 (45)

Arcane: 10 +5 (15)

Endurance: 30 +10 +5 (45) 

Vitality: 60

Resistance: 20 +5 +15 +25 (65) 

Strength: 85 +10 (95) 

Dexterity: 85 +2 +10 (97)

Perception: 90 +2+2 (94) 

Skill: 30 +15 (45)

Mind: 10 +5 (15)

Intelligence: 10 +5 +10 (25)

Faith: 10

Luck: 30 +2 +20 (52)


Crimson custom riot gear: +1 Perception, +2 Dexterity, +20% Movement-speed while in sneak

Crimson custom cowboy hat: +2 luck, Critical Chance +5, Perception +2, 


Rings (10/10):

-Sage Ring +2: +5 Arcane, +5 Attunement, +5 Intelligence, +5 Mind

-Wolf Ring +3 Version: +15 skill, +10 Attunement, +5 Resistance

-Knight's Ring: +10 Strength

-Hunter's Ring: +10 Dexterity

-Scholar Ring: +10 Intelligence

-Chloranthy Ring +3 Version: +10 Vigor

-Ring of Steel Protection +3 Version: +15 Resistance

-Havel's Ring +3 Version: +25 Resistance, +5 Endurance

-Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3 Version: +20 Luck

-Covetous Silver Serpent Ring Ring +3 Version: +35% more XP

Reckless (0/1):



-Fortune Finderlv4, Scroungerlv4, Cap Collector lv3,

-Toughnesslv5, Stonewall, Adamantium Skeletonlv3, Aquaboylv2, Party Boy,

-Grim Reaper's Sprintlv3, Implant GRXlv2, Ain't Like That Now, Refractorlv5, 

-Solar Poweredlv3, Night Personlv3, Lead Bellylv3, Lifegiverlv3, Action Boylv3, 

-Steady Aimlv3, Awarenesslv2, 

-Strong Backlv5, Rootedlv3, Pain Trainlv3, 

-Pickpocketlv4, Locksmithlv4, Hackerlv4, Sneaklv5, 

-Chem Resistantlv2, Rad Resistantlv4, Canniballv3, Ghoulishlv4, Local Leader, V.A.N.S.lv2, Idiot Savantlv3, 


Mysterious Strangerlv4, 

-Gunslingerlv5, Riflemanlv5, Commandolv5, Heavy Gunnerlv5, Demolition Expertlv5,

-Iron Fistlv5, Big Leagueslv5, Basherlv4,

-Better Criticalsx2, Ninjalv3, Quick Handslv3, Moving Targetlv3, Four Leaf Cloverlv4, Gun Fulv3, ---Ricochetlv3, Critical Bankerx4, Sniperlv3, Penetratorlv2, Concentrated Firelv3, Lady Killer lv3, Lone Wanderer lv4, 

-Attack Doglv4, Animal Friendlv3, Inspirational.lv3, Wasteland Whispererlv3, Intimidationlv3, 

Nerd Rage!lv3, Mister Sandmanlv3, Blitzlv2, Bloody Mess, 


-Jury Rigging, Mediclv4, Science!lv4, Robotics Expertlv3, Gun Nutlv4, Armorerlv4, Blacksmithlv3, -Nuclear Physicistlv3, Scrapperlv4, Chemistlv4,

Magic perk:


-Dual Casting, Quiet Casting, Matching Set, Treasure Hunter, -Master Destruction, Master Restoration, Master Conjuration, Master Alteration, Master Illusion,

-Augmented Elements, Destruction, Recovery, Avoid Death, Regeneration, Necromage, Respite, Ward Absorb

-Summonerlv5, Necromancy, Dark Souls

-Magic Resistancelv5, Mage Armorlv5, Stability

-Master of the Mind, Hypnotic Gaze, Aspect of Terror

-Conditioning, Well Fitted, Tower of Strength, Reflect Blows

-Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Deft Movement

-Perfect Touch, Misdirection, 


-Barbarianlv5, Sweep, Devastating Blow, Champion's Stance, Great Critical Charge, Warmaster, Deep Woundslv5, Limbsplitterlv5, Skullcrusherlv5

-Armsmanlv5, Bladesmanlv5, Bone Breakerlv5, Dual Flurrylv5, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike, Hack and Slash

-Overdrawlv5, Critical Shotlv5, Eagle Eye, Bullseye, Steady Hand, Quick Shot, Power Shot

-Shield Wall.lv5, Quick Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Elemental Protection, Block Runner, Shield Charge, -Disarming Bash, Deadly Bash, Power Bash

-Fists of Steel, Cushioned, 


-Enchanterlv5, Elemental Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect, Soul Squeezer, Soul Siphon, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer, Oblivion Binding

-Arcane Blacksmith, Steel Smithing, Dwarven Smithing, Elven Smithing, orichalcum Smithing, Ebony Smithing, Daedric Smithing, Dragon Smithing, 

-Juggernautlv5, Agile Defenderlv5,

Cyberware: all tier 5

-Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan, CHROME COMPRESSOR, 










Gacha ticket: 0xViolet, 1x gold, 2x silver, 0x white

caps: 2,337,682 + 741,001,200,000,000 berries

MSP: 17,981,576,435