
Two Rebecca's

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"So, we're helping this guy kidnap some Corpos?"

David asked Maine.

"Don't know if you realized it kid, but we're mercs. Kill for cash, steal candy from babies all that crap. Hah!"

Pilar rolls his wrist and starts laughing

"It ain't our biz to ask questions, Dave my man! We just do the job."

"I don't care much about the stealing, but kidnapping? Aren't we getting involved in something we shouldn't? What if all this stuff blows on us?"

David asked nervously.

"Don't worry about it kid. Kiwi and Lucy are going over the gig and it's not specifyin' how and when we get the target. As long as we can get them intact, he doesn't mind if they're bruised here or there."

{Maine, I finished going over the contract. He's offering us 5 million Eddies per target, doubles if we bring them alive. He doesn't mind if we kill them, as long as we don't make it be known public, just as long as we can bring him the head intact.}

Kiwi informed Maine

{Yeah, big boss. There's nothing in the contract that will get us screwed over.}

Lucy confirmed That the gig was straight.

{Alright guys, we're taking a gig. The scratch is good! Rest of you, follow my lead.}

Maine informed his crew.

Soon, 4 men the height of 2.5-meter covered head to toe in some advanced plated body armor, came into the room, holding a tied-up male and a female pair of Saka Ninjas. These new guards were completely different from the regular masked geared guard, that their new boss had around him.

The regular guards threw a tarp on the ground, while the plated ones dropped the two tied up Saka Ninjas Into the tarp. Everyone in the crew pretty much knew where this was heading.

"So, why did Arasaka send you for, Samurai?"

Six asked in a jokingly tone.

"§I would slit my own throat before I tell you anything. Barbarian!§" 

The male ninja told six in Japanese.

"§You know. You have a lot of royalty to wannabe Emperor!§"

Both the Saka Ninjas were surprised by the fluency of his Japanese in the Hokuriku dialect.

"§Your Japanese!§" 

The female Saka Ninja gasped in shock the someone from the motherland would go against Saburo Arasaka

"§Nonsense his just a Gaijin!§"

The male Saka Ninja refuse to believe Six is from the motherland.

"§Nope! name's Sasaki Ganryu, born in Fukui Prefecture.§"

Six gave them his true name from his Sasaki Kojiro Template.

"§Don't listen to him Sakura his telling lies. No one from the motherland would harm Saburo Sama!§"

The male Saka Ninja didn't believe his lie.

"§You know what? I don't really care.§"

"Jaffa hold him down."

"§I'm going to send your Saburo Sama a message.§"

Following his orders the male Saka Ninja gagged, and the Jaffa held him down bringing a large box and Caliburn.

"§Stop squirming! I thought you all wanted to die like a Samurai.§"

In a single stroke, he severed the male Saka Ninja head cleanly off, almost as if he was cutting butter. The Jaffa quickly retrieved the head putting it in the box, that was prepared beforehand. They then gave the finished wrapped box to their Emperor.

"§You kunoichi! Take that box as my gift to your beloved Wannabe Emperor.§"

He then let the female Saka Ninja leave the building with the wrapped box in hand. Watching her disappear from the room, Six's face showed a sarcastic smile.

After a moment of contemplating Six turned his sights back to Maine and his crew and saw that all of them were fine, just a bit nervous. Except for David, he was nearly shitting himself, terrified of him.

"Holy shit Maine! He just Flatline that guy in front of us like it was nothing."

David whispered to Maine, being incredibly scared of Six.


Coughed out, this world's Rebecca.

"Boss! After my team went through the contract. We decided to take the gig."

Maine told Six that he was OK of the contract.

"Good. If have you require anything for the job, you can speak to my secretary. She's outside the room and can help in any of your issues in the gig."

Soon, Maine and his rack tag team left to prepare for their new gig.

"So, Bossman. What'd ya' think of my old self?"

"Rebecca, no matter how much either of you change, you both still act like the same rumbunctious girl who lives each of her days, to her fullest, like it's her last day on Earth."

"Yeah, the Bitch is pretty much me!"

"Now come here. You turn me on so bad, when you execute that guy. You deserve a Reward!"

Rebecca, like a jumping monkey, leaped on top of Six's torso, wrapping her legs on his waist and started making out with him. Knowing where this was going, he dismissed all the guards, so he could have some Privacy while they screw each other.

Roughly ten minutes off Six screwing the brain's out of his Rebecca. He heard a knock at his private room. Covering his lower half with only a towel, He answered the door, coming face to face with this world's Rebecca.

"Is there something you need to miss?"


Rebecca was stuck in thought, with her eyes wide open. Ingraining the sight of Six's half naked body.

'Holy Fuck! This guy's body is built like an Adonis. Look at all those muscles, I could probably use those to climb on top of him!'

Snap, snap!

Six began to snap his fingers to get her attention.

"Miss, is there something I can help you with?"


A hand snaked behind Six's waist, pulling Rebecca inside the room. Turning around, he came into the image of his Rebecca kissing her other self.

"Girl, consider yourself lucky! Tonight, you gonna have the best day of your life. Now come here Six and Fuck this bitch in heat!"

Without giving much thought six locked the door behind him, while his Rebecca was undressing her other self. Pretty soon, the room was filled with screams and moans of pleasure. From both Rebecca's

"Don't Stop, Don't Stop... Omg I'm Cumming!"

"Fuck me, Daddy!"

"Omg I'm cumming Uhggggggg!"

"Fuck me as hard as you can!"

"I can't control myself! Fuck. I'm cumming so hard. God I can't stop coming"

This world's Rebecca didn't return until the next morning, with a limb on her step And unbeknown to her a present in her belly.

RACE: Outer God

Proxy Body: Misterian/Eldridge Horror


LEVEL: 694

Vigor: 635 +2 +10= (677)

Attunement: 825 +2 +5 +10= (842) 

Arcane: 840 +2 +5= (847) 

Endurance: 880 +2 +10 +5= (892) 

Vitality: 840 +2= (842)

Resistance: 750 +3 +5 +15 +25= (848) 

Strength: 985 +2 +10= (997)

Dexterity: 985 +2 +2 +10= (999)

Perception: 990 +2 +2+2= (996)

Skill: 630 +2 +15= (647)

Mind: 590 +2 +5= (597) 

Intelligence: 835 +2 +5 +10= (847)

Faith: 590 +2= (592)

Luck: 775 +2 +2 +20= (799) 


Crimson custom riot gear: +1 Perception, +2 Dexterity, +20% Movement-speed while in sneak

Crimson custom cowboy hat: +2 luck, Critical Chance +5, Perception +2, 


Rings (10/10):

-Sage Ring +2: +5 Arcane, +5 Attunement, +5 Intelligence, +5 Mind

-Wolf Ring +3 Version: +15 skill, +10 Attunement, +5 Resistance

-Knight's Ring: +10 Strength

-Hunter's Ring: +10 Dexterity

-Scholar Ring: +10 Intelligence

-Chloranthy Ring +3 Version: +10 Vigor

-Ring of Steel Protection +3 Version: +15 Resistance

-Havel's Ring +3 Version: +25 Resistance, +5 Endurance

-Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3 Version: +20 Luck

-Covetous Silver Serpent Ring Ring +3 Version: +35% more XP

Reckless (1/1):

Ancient Clasp Neckless: +1 Resistance, +2 All Stats



-Fortune Finderlv4, Scroungerlv4, Cap Collector lv3,

-Toughnesslv5, Stonewall, Adamantium Skeletonlv3, Aquaboylv2, Party Boy,

-Grim Reaper's Sprintlv3, Implant GRXlv2, Ain't Like That Now, Refractorlv5, 

-Solar Poweredlv3, Night Personlv3, Lead Bellylv3, Lifegiverlv3, Action Boylv3, 

-Steady Aimlv3, Awarenesslv2, 

-Strong Backlv5, Rootedlv3, Pain Trainlv3, 

-Pickpocketlv4, Locksmithlv4, Hackerlv4, Sneaklv5, 

-Chem Resistantlv2, Rad Resistantlv4, Canniballv3, Ghoulishlv4, Local Leader, V.A.N.S.lv2, Idiot Savantlv3, 


Mysterious Strangerlv4, 

-Gunslingerlv5, Riflemanlv5, Commandolv5, Heavy Gunnerlv5, Demolition Expertlv5,

-Iron Fistlv5, Big Leagueslv5, Basherlv4,

-Better Criticalsx2, Ninjalv3, Quick Handslv3, Moving Targetlv3, Four Leaf Cloverlv4, Gun Fulv3, ---Ricochetlv3, Critical Bankerx4, Sniperlv3, Penetratorlv2, Concentrated Firelv3, Lady Killer lv3, Lone Wanderer lv4, 

-Attack Doglv4, Animal Friendlv3, Inspirational.lv3, Wasteland Whispererlv3, Intimidationlv3, 

Nerd Rage!lv3, Mister Sandmanlv3, Blitzlv2, Bloody Mess, 


-Jury Rigging, Mediclv4, Science!lv4, Robotics Expertlv3, Gun Nutlv4, Armorerlv4, Blacksmithlv3, -Nuclear Physicistlv3, Scrapperlv4, Chemistlv4,

Magic perk:


-Dual Casting, Quiet Casting, Matching Set, Treasure Hunter, -Master Destruction, Master Restoration, Master Conjuration, Master Alteration, Master Illusion,

-Augmented Elements, Destruction, Recovery, Avoid Death, Regeneration, Necromage, Respite, Ward Absorb

-Summonerlv5, Necromancy, Dark Souls

-Magic Resistancelv5, Mage Armorlv5, Stability

-Master of the Mind, Hypnotic Gaze, Aspect of Terror

-Conditioning, Well Fitted, Tower of Strength, Reflect Blows

-Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Deft Movement

-Perfect Touch, Misdirection, 


-Barbarianlv5, Sweep, Devastating Blow, Champion's Stance, Great Critical Charge, Warmaster, Deep Woundslv5, Limbsplitterlv5, Skullcrusherlv5

-Armsmanlv5, Bladesmanlv5, Bone Breakerlv5, Dual Flurrylv5, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike, Hack and Slash

-Overdrawlv5, Critical Shotlv5, Eagle Eye, Bullseye, Steady Hand, Quick Shot, Power Shot

-Shield Wall.lv5, Quick Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Elemental Protection, Block Runner, Shield Charge, -Disarming Bash, Deadly Bash, Power Bash

-Fists of Steel, Cushioned, 


-Enchanterlv5, Elemental Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect, Soul Squeezer, Soul Siphon, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer, Oblivion Binding

-Arcane Blacksmith, Steel Smithing, Dwarven Smithing, Elven Smithing, orichalcum Smithing, Ebony Smithing, Daedric Smithing, Dragon Smithing, 

-Juggernautlv5, Agile Defenderlv5,

Cyberware: all tier 5

-Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan, CHROME COMPRESSOR, 










Gacha ticket: 0xViolet, 0x gold, 0x silver, 0x white

Money: 425,440,191,950 Eddie's

MSP: 16,480,576,435