
Synth problem

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over +25 chapters in advance

Story is complete in my P@treon.com

Expect chapter releases on Mondays and Thursdays

you can read +20 advanced chapters of my other works on Patreon


Double release!



[Quest complete the Jewel of the Commonwealth]

[Receiving silver Gacha ticket]

While Piper and Nora were doing a scene together to scam the guards to open the gates, Six received a call from Fate.

"Emperor. We just received confirmation from the Deathcore Troopers that the institute has been completely demolished. All scientists and data have been processed, VIP Father has been captured has been confirmed."

"Good to hear. Have the 5 BM Think tank Models Reveal all the data and start experimentations Which said data. Also make sure to safely incarcerate the VIP father."

Out of curiosity, Six checked his main menu Then came to the surprise that he had leveled up twelve times. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, he distributed the 180 points, 40 to Strength, 40 to Dexterity, 40 to Perception, 20 to Vigor, 20 to Vitality, 10 to Attunement and10 to Skill. Then he asked the system why he received the points.

"System, why they receive levels from sending Deathcore Troopers to eradicate the Institute and not by the other teams that I sent throughout the world."


[Host received 12 levels from the new system update. Previous orders or actions cannot count for newly updated system]

"Huh? So, you're telling me, I can now just send teams, and I'll get experience."


"What if I give new orders to the teams, I sent throughout the world so I can get experience? Will that work?"

[Negative. Previous foreign missions by host cannot be redone or resented. Loopholes have been patched by a new system update]

[Notification to Host!] 

[New system update does not allow Hosts to trade rare minerals, that Host has created to System Store]

"Great! My new uncle's really going to make this more difficult for me. Then again, I am their source for entertainment."

Walking inside Diamond City Nora and group were stopped by a man shouting at Piper.

"Piper! Who let your back inside? I told Sullivan to keep that gate shut. You devious, rabble-rousing slanderer. The level of dishonesty in that paper of yours. I'll have that printer of yours scrapped for parts."

"Oooh, that a statement, Mr. McDonough? "Tyrant mayor shuts down the press?"

"Why don't we ask the newcomer? You support the news? 'Cause the mayor's threatening to throw free speech in the dumpster."

"What newspaper are you talking about?"

"Mine. Publick Occurrences, and we're the hard look at the truth. So are you with us or not?"

"Always believed in freedom of the press."

"Good people. No, no, no. You look. like Diamond City material. Welcome to the great jewel of the Commonwealth. Safe, happy, a fine place to come, spend your money, settle down. Don't let this muckraker here. Tell you otherwise, all right."

"what are you two arguing about anyway?

 "What do you think? Print lies and everybody's happy. But if you print the truth."

"I'm sure your city's a great place."

"Yeah. Greatest House of cards in the Commonwealth until the wind blows."

"Now, was there anything in particular you came to our city for? Our cities the safest place in all the Commonwealth with the strongest community and the highest standards of living available? But we have stores, doctors, schools, power, running water and the wall as our sacred protector. You'll learn more about the walls soon, I'm sure. But I was talking about you. Come on now. What brought you all the way out here?"

"Who would I talk to about finding a missing person? As mayor of a great city must know everyone. Who can help me find my son. Shaun. He's less than a year old?"

"Oh, you hear that, McDonough? What's Diamond City Security going to do to help this woman, huh? This isn't the first missing person's report to come through here, and now we've got an infant who's been taken!"

"Don't listen to her. While I am afraid that our security team can't follow every case that comes through, I'm confident you can find help here. Diamond City has every conceivable service known to man. One of our great citizens can surely find the time to help you."

Six walked in straight into Mayor McDonough and his eyes starting to glow.

"OK that's enough of you, synth designation M7-62. Where can we get the information we need?"

"Sir, private citizen. Nick Valentine. A detective, who specializes in tracking people down. Usually for debts, sir."

Everyone at the entry lobby was shocked and began to panic ay the revelation that Mayor McDonough was a synth. While Piper didn't waste her chance to get the truth out of him.

"I want the truth, McDonough! What's the real reason security always shrivels away when talk of missing persons comes up?"

"The institute has taken them for their various scientific projects, and double replacements."

Piper bit her lip tightened her fist and punched him square in the jaw.

"You fucking monster!"

Nora then grabbed Boone scared out of her wits

"Holy hell, there everywhere!"

 Sid then spoke out to get everyone's attention.

"So, what are you people going to do now? Your highest seat of authority has been compromised, for God knows how long."

They all began to murmur, not knowing what to do next. With their hesitation, six took this time to take advantage of their desperation. With a white smile, he began to issue orders.

"Diamond city guards, inform everyone in the city that they will have an emergency meeting within an hour, and I will explain what will happen next to the city."

An hour later the city guards had informed and rounded up everyone inside the city, bringing them the backstage fields for an emergency meeting. Standing up on the podium six began his speech.

"Good evening fair people of Diamond city, my name is the Imperial Emperor Six D. VI. I've come to inform you of most grievance news your mayor McDonough was a synth infiltrator the whole time. He has been the cause of your missing people this whole entire time."

He left his words sink into the crowd, as they started to murmur and talk Amongst themselves.

"Sadly, the only information I took from that synth was that everyone they took was being used as experimental subject or replacement doubles."

"I say this to you good people of Diamond city. Do you which to live in fear of the Institute in your people's hearts, turn a blind eye as you're your people disappear, as well."

Some in the crowd started shouting "No!"

"Will you folks keep being afraid of going to bed at night, wondering if the Institute is going to switch them with a double. Or if the loved one they went to sleep next to is going to be different when they wake up!"

The crowd gave a loud shout "No!"

"Will you hide under your beds as the boogeyman, the shadowy monster takes your children and family in the night?"


"Then join my Imperium and I will promise your safety. What say you!"

RACE: Outer God

Proxy Body: Misterian/Eldridge Horror



Vigor: 30 +10 (40)

Attunement: 30 +5 +10 (45)

Arcane: 10 +5 (15)

Endurance: 30 +10 +5 (45) 

Vitality: 60

Resistance: 10 +5 +15 +25 (55)

Strength: 75 +10 (85)

Dexterity: 70 +2 +10 (82)

Perception: 70 +2+2 (74)

Skill: 30 +15 (45)

Mind: 10 +5 (15)

Intelligence: 10 +5 +10 (25)

Faith: 10

Luck: 10 +2 +20 (32)


Crimson custom riot gear: +1 Perception, +2 Dexterity, +20% Movement-speed while in sneak

Crimson custom cowboy hat: +2 luck, Critical Chance +5, Perception +2, 


Rings (10/10):

-Sage Ring +2: +5 Arcane, +5 Attunement, +5 Intelligence, +5 Mind

-Wolf Ring +3 Version: +15 skill, +10 Attunement, +5 Resistance

-Knight's Ring: +10 Strength

-Hunter's Ring: +10 Dexterity

-Scholar Ring: +10 Intelligence

-Chloranthy Ring +3 Version: +10 Vigor

-Ring of Steel Protection +3 Version: +15 Resistance

-Havel's Ring +3 Version: +25 Resistance, +5 Endurance

-Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +3 Version: +20 Luck

-Covetous Silver Serpent Ring Ring +3 Version: +35% more XP

Reckless (0/1):



-Fortune Finderlv4, Scroungerlv4, Cap Collector lv3,

-Toughnesslv5, Stonewall, Adamantium Skeletonlv3, Aquaboylv2, Party Boy,

-Grim Reaper's Sprintlv3, Implant GRXlv2, Ain't Like That Now, Refractorlv5, 

-Solar Poweredlv3, Night Personlv3, Lead Bellylv3, Lifegiverlv3, Action Boylv3, 

-Steady Aimlv3, Awarenesslv2, 

-Strong Backlv5, Rootedlv3, Pain Trainlv3, 

-Pickpocketlv4, Locksmithlv4, Hackerlv4, Sneaklv5, 

-Chem Resistantlv2, Rad Resistantlv4, Canniballv3, Ghoulishlv4, Local Leader, V.A.N.S.lv2, Idiot Savantlv3, 


Mysterious Strangerlv4, 

-Gunslingerlv5, Riflemanlv5, Commandolv5, Heavy Gunnerlv5, Demolition Expertlv5,

-Iron Fistlv5, Big Leagueslv5, Basherlv4,

-Better Criticalsx2, Ninjalv3, Quick Handslv3, Moving Targetlv3, Four Leaf Cloverlv4, Gun Fulv3, ---Ricochetlv3, Critical Bankerx4, Sniperlv3, Penetratorlv2, Concentrated Firelv3, Lady Killer lv3, Lone Wanderer lv4, 

-Attack Doglv4, Animal Friendlv3, Inspirational.lv3, Wasteland Whispererlv3, Intimidationlv3, 

Nerd Rage!lv3, Mister Sandmanlv3, Blitzlv2, Bloody Mess, 


-Jury Rigging, Mediclv4, Science!lv4, Robotics Expertlv3, Gun Nutlv4, Armorerlv4, Blacksmithlv3, -Nuclear Physicistlv3, Scrapperlv4, Chemistlv4,

Magic perk:


-Dual Casting, Quiet Casting, Matching Set, Treasure Hunter, -Master Destruction, Master Restoration, Master Conjuration, Master Alteration, Master Illusion,

-Augmented Elements, Destruction, Recovery, Avoid Death, Regeneration, Necromage, Respite, Ward Absorb

-Summonerlv5, Necromancy, Dark Souls

-Magic Resistancelv5, Mage Armorlv5, Stability

-Master of the Mind, Hypnotic Gaze, Aspect of Terror

-Conditioning, Well Fitted, Tower of Strength, Reflect Blows

-Custom Fit, Unhindered, Wind Walker, Deft Movement

-Perfect Touch, Misdirection, 


-Barbarianlv5, Sweep, Devastating Blow, Champion's Stance, Great Critical Charge, Warmaster, Deep Woundslv5, Limbsplitterlv5, Skullcrusherlv5

-Armsmanlv5, Bladesmanlv5, Bone Breakerlv5, Dual Flurrylv5, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike, Hack and Slash

-Overdrawlv5, Critical Shotlv5, Eagle Eye, Bullseye, Steady Hand, Quick Shot, Power Shot

-Shield Wall.lv5, Quick Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Elemental Protection, Block Runner, Shield Charge, -Disarming Bash, Deadly Bash, Power Bash

-Fists of Steel, Cushioned, 


-Enchanterlv5, Elemental Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect, Soul Squeezer, Soul Siphon, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer, Oblivion Binding

-Arcane Blacksmith, Steel Smithing, Dwarven Smithing, Elven Smithing, orichalcum Smithing, Ebony Smithing, Daedric Smithing, Dragon Smithing, 

-Juggernautlv5, Agile Defenderlv5,

Cyberware: all tier 5

-Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan, CHROME COMPRESSOR, 










Gacha ticket: 0xViolet, 0x gold, 1x silver, 0x white

caps: 2,337,682 + 741,001,200,000,000 berries

MSP: 17,981,576,435