
Fallout 4 Infinity

Waking up in Fallout 4 little over two Months before the events of the Bombs fall. what to plan before everything changes? Updated Chapter* Main Character: Specter Lord. °Own Character° Secondary Main Character: Grit Jones, Personality: °YouTuber: StephenPlays Fallout 4 °

LordSpecter3366 · Videospiele
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41 Chs

my Friend my Brother

my friend that I have known sense elementary school, had passed from covid and I have been unable to feel the will to write, he has been a great support through my novels and has helped me many times.

the reason I have not updated is that I have been not mentally prepared to start writing again and needing time to myself, I will fist make many chapters, then post them over time.

thank you for staying with me this long even though I have been away, and new readers coming sorry might have to wait some time until I post.

Stay safe.