
Falling Stardust

To protect my family, I became a Devil. To protect my people, I became a God. In Semeria, the war for cultivation resources is as old as time and as constant as the rising and of the sun. Even in the Abandoned Region, where the energy was so poor and polluted that one wouldn’t send their worst enemy there, had endless conflicts for resources. Humans had been living in this nightmare made a reality, fighting over what anyone else on the continent would consider crumbs for millions of years. Enter Xasha, husband, father, patriarch, Genius, artificer, creationist, and leader of the Falling Stardust Trading Company, who learns the truth of the world from three remnant souls he met on a journey. Having learned they had been living like frogs in a well. Humanity reluctantly united under Xasha’s rule and sets off. Determined to rise from their standing and one day ruling the entire continent. Xasha soon realizes their strength, even combined, was the weakest on the continent. To become stronger, they needed better resources. But all the lands had landlords and all the resources had owners. He could not turn back, they could not give up. He had a person to elevate, a family to care for, and a daughter who had a powerful and mysterious entity eyeing her from afar, to protect. In order to achieve any of his goals, any of humanity's goals. Those landlords had to die, their people had to be pillaged, and their lands had to be plundered. He inadvertently fell into the cycle. According to the Laws of cultivation. Law of Cultivation: To cultivate: acquire and retain resources. To acquire resources: plunder and pillage. To retain resources: Leave none Alive.

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To Alexi (2)

All this had nothing to do with the fervent reaction of the crowd. It was Xasha and the other council members, standing on a pedestal in the center of the plaza. All of them dressed in their ceremonial gown and a young man with lighting sparking in his blue hair, half-kneeling before them.

Xasha presented Alexi with a spear. Its body was black but had small bolts of lightning running along its length. There were two blades on each end, one-two sided and the other one-sided and curved like a knife. On both ends, there were also two energy cores, one green and the other blue.

This was the perfect weapon for Alexi, as he also used both wind and lightning. He had two energy cores, one in his forehead and another in his abdomen. He gained the second energy core as part of his transformation. Storm Dragons of the past never had two energy cores, and the lightning and rain they produced was a talent. Another thing about the weapon was the glowing glyphs on its body, the glyphs were not etched in the metal but were orbiting a few millimeters above the surface.

The weapon caught the crowd's attention. They knew this was an elite mana weapon only granted to those of exceptional strength and talent. This was because controlling an elite mana weapon was something only the strongest and most determined mages could accomplish. After handing off the weapon, everyone stepped back and looked at Alexi, who slowly rose to a stance.

He concentrated his mana essence and wrote his imprint in mid-air, then he forced it inside the energy core. With swift action, he sliced his pinky on the blade then dripped two drops of his blood, concentrated with mana and intent. Upon merging with the energy core, the blood merged with his imprint, forming a profound connection between himself and the weapon.

As if coming to life, the weapon vibrated, then floated from Alexi's hand. A loud explosion was heard, and two massive shadows appeared above the plaza. A Supreme Wind Spirit King stood with folded arms as its green eyes stared intently at Alexi. Its corporal body looked like the extravagant cloak of an emperor with runes, symbols, and jewelry. There was even a crest on his sleeve. The crown on its head was a jewel and each gem on its surface was packed with concentrated mana, no different from the mana crystals in an energy sea. There were 98 of these green gems in total, all more powerful than the last.

The other shadow was not to be outdone, while its size was much smaller, it was a Queen Lighting Sprite. Its entire body was covered in lightning and her aura made every person present feel restraining fear. The pressure brought by the two energy beast's appearance in the world made everyone feel like they were being crushed under a mountain.

Alexi stared intently at these two with determined eyes and actually flew up to meet them. First, he appeared in front of the wind spirit. To everyone's surprise, he grabbed the king's crown and smashed his forehead against the king's while staring unblinkingly into its eyes, growling like a dragon intimidating trespassers in its territory. The wind spirit caved and submitted to him without a fuss. The sprite queen saw everything and, as if in a panic, lunged at Alexi with a punch.

Alexi grabbed her hand with his lightning-covered hand. The two lightings clashed and sparks covered the sky. He stared into her eyes all while growling under his breath. The prideful sprite queen refused to submit even after she got overpowered by Alexi's lightning. Eventually, her strength ran out and, with a reluctant glare, was sucked back inside the spear in his grip. The spear shone with a powerful light that broke through the sky and its aura changed to match those of the remnant spirits inside.

Alexi returned to the pedestal, and half knelt again as if nothing happened. Xasha walked over to him with a congratulatory smile and handed him a title plate with his name on the front and the words Stardust Council on the back. He placed his imprint on the plate, then hung it from his waist for all to see.

Xasha then turned to the crowd and declared, "People of the Stardust Province, help me welcome the newest member of the esteemed Stardust Council, My own son, Alexi Von Creig!" Cheers and applause broke out and the sound could be heard for miles. The other council members all came forth to congratulate Alexi and presented him with a customary gift. The celebration had just begun as the people of Stardust Province would use any excuse to throw a party. Food and rum rivers flowed long into the night.

The Von Crieg family all sat in the moon garden of their courtyard. A long dinner table filled with food was between them, as everyone was stuffing their faces with delicacies. Alexi sat at the head of the table as the guest of honor. For the entire night, his family showered him with love and praise. A grin never left his face. The food that filled the table was now empty and the smiling faces were all now laced with regret as they rubbed their exposed bellies and groaned in discomfort.

"To Alexi!" Xasha shouted as he downed the last of his wine.

"To Alexi!" everyone else repeated in a voice that sounded like they were all close to death's door, but no one else drank.