

Nicola froze once more, his entire body trembling with bottled-up rage.

Samule welcomed him inside with open arms. "Your grandfather is waiting for you."

Nicola said, "You don't work for my father. You are employed by Ferra. "

Before slamming back into my ribs with full force, the gun's pressure let up a little. My cries of pain were caught by his hand, and Nicola's face contorted in anger.

"Go in, "Samule said again, his voice smooth with resentment. "We'll be following close behind. "

Nicola reached for the doorknob behind him without breaking eye contact with me. His attention was fixed on the weapon at my side.

Since his attention was fixed on me, he failed to notice the man standing outside the door. When the knife slammed into his lower back, he didn't even see the blade come out of nowhere. His pupils dilated and his jaw dropped. There was a moment when he was silent.

The man then yanked the knife free, and a yelping Nicola dropped to his knees.