

During the ride into the city, I laid my head on his shoulder. Two weeks ago, Mathew revealed the estate's precise location to me. To be honest, I didn't realize we were so close to the city, but I did know that Nicola and Mathew could make the trip there and back in a day.

Thick snowflakes were falling by the time we reached the city, dusting the sidewalks. I appreciated the more sober, weather-appropriate attire Nicola had given me. Maybe he enjoys it when I wear nothing but a bathrobe around the house, but he never lets anyone see Mathew staring at me in that state. When it didn't involve Mathew, he was just as possessive as ever.

When Nicola opened the door and helped me out, I pulled my light pink pea coat closer around me because I was cold. Not more than a few seconds passed before he had me inside the restaurant, and then Mathew had pulled away from the curb in search of a parking spot.