

I gave her two good punches and she squealed after the second one landed. Nicola held her tightly as she squirmed in his arms. For the third time, I belted her with a little more force. For a split second she remained silent, and then a long cry erupted from her throat.

I reassured her, "Just two more," and she relaxed. "If you feel the need to cry, go ahead. "

Her tiny body shook as she sobbed loudly. Seeing her cry didn't affect me emotionally. Having this was essential for her. She required the reprimand, the focus, and the love. Because I was taking her by the hand to shield her from harm, even if doing so caused her some discomfort.

The final two blows I delivered came quickly after each other to disperse the pain. She let out a loud scream as her back arched and her muscles tensed. Then she just slumped over against Nicola, head tipped forward, and tears ran down her face and onto the bed.