

"No, things aren't that way between Matthew and I. " Surprisingly, he maintained a cool demeanor. "I am relieved that you shared your feelings with Matthew."

I looked at him in shock. Indeed, I must have dozed off, for this simply cannot be the case.

Mathew urged Nicola to "kiss her" and then commanded him to do so. You've lost her faith. Exhibit your emotions to her.

I turned to Nicola to see how he was taking Mathew's bizarre directives.

Nicola leaped in for a kiss, his aquamarine eyes blazing with desire.

Since I had cheated on Nicola with Mathew, I knew he would never forgive me or treat me as though I were the most precious thing in his life by giving me a passionate kiss. He gently cradled me in his arms as his lips gently stroked mine.