

There was a knot in my gut and I tried to avoid thinking about the dawning knowledge of the terrible treachery I'd just perpetrated.

To show his affection, he kissed the crown of my head. OK, sweetie. Soap up and get clean. After that, you can get some work done, and I'll get you some food.

Eventually, apathy crept in, and I nodded.

When he finally let go of me, his muscular arms were cold and I could feel goose bumps forming on my skin.

He urged me to "go on" though I showed no signs of moving.

I rapidly retreated, peeling myself away from him like a Band-Aid. I quickly locked myself in the restroom to create space between us.

I stripped down and activated the shower. Water was hardly warmed above room temperature. The climax had left me sweating and my body warm. To refresh myself, that is.

Orgasm. When Mathew's voice would go low or when he'd touch me firmly, I'd go crazy and smear myself all over his hand. When he had me in his grasp, I felt so little and defenseless.