

"It's still true that I did, " I murmured, my voice cracking.

"No, it doesn't. But your perspective determines the outcome of the situation. You weren't recognizable to me when Mathew abducted me, so I assumed you didn't know me. For a while there, I didn't feel like I could put my faith in you. But I was correct about you all along. Nicola, we've met before. I think you're a decent human being. When this is all done, we'll return to Lasvagas and start living the life you've always imagined. The life that you are due. "

Her comments caused a tightness in my chest. I really hoped they were correct. Her response to the unpleasant reality about me made me feel better, but I knew her ideal future with me was unrealistic. Since she had entered my realm, I could no longer send her back to her previous existence.

Just because I couldn't bear to see her leave. Unfortunately, I just couldn't bring myself to let her go.