

He returned to the meat of his argument by saying, "And that's part of why you desire her." In other words, "How long do you think you can keep fucking her like this?"

"As if you were just a generic dull guy living a generic boring existence. Even if you don't enjoy the violence in our society, at least you can play with your toys. When it comes to women, you like toying with and controlling them. For some reason, being in charge appeals to you. Your self-awareness extends to this. You have this trait, and I know it. To put it bluntly, Emily is not fragile. In fact, I have no doubt that she is adaptable. What would she look like bound in your ropes? Can't you just image it? "The darker phrases he was using affected him as much as they were enticing me, and his voice became harder as he pronounced them.

"We can't" ,"I can't. "Emily isn't made for roughhousing."