

"Matthew won't harm you," he reassured me". Neither will I. Never in a million years would I harm you, Emily. Ultimately, I want want you to be happy and healthy. "

I rubbed up against his chest and nodded, knowing he was sincere about his friend's hazardous nature. Even though I tried to avoid danger, I couldn't be quite sure that I was safe while I was with Mathew. My stomach lurched and my heart pounded as he spoke.

"Stay with me?" I begged, explaining that I didn't feel comfortable leaving Nicola's side while Mathew was there.

He reached out and ran his hand down my back to calm me, saying, "I'm here here." I've got you covered.

I knew in my heart that he would keep me safe now that he had made such a reassuring promise, and I could finally let go and rest in his strong arms.
