

In response, I gave a little nod. Most people would be terrified by Mathew, but I knew him to be much gentler than that. He was a nice guy who would never harm a woman, much less someone as young and innocent as Emily.

, "Did you get her to write the messages?" he probed.

“Yeah. The notebook, however, is still in the bedroom where I left it. You should probably hold off for a time before going to get it. It's true that she does need some personal space. "

"Okay, but don't make me wait too long. Before everyone starts to worry, we need to get those emails out. To make sure she was okay, her roommate had already contacted her. I tried and tried, but I couldn't get in to answer it. First, we have to find out her secret code. Is she able to access her email account with the credentials you gave her? "

As I remembered the details, a little curve formed in my lips. Her name and passphrase were both lovely, just as she was. I told him the passwords.