

"I want three emails," he said, ticking them off as he spoke. "One for family, one for roommate, and one for professors." You'll explain that you're having a difficult time—I'm sure they've all seen how depressed you've been since losing Nicola—and you'll say—"

"Please excuse me?" I interrupted him. "A mess?"

He furrowed his brow. “Yes. A mess. I had people looking at you. Would you like to see the before and after pictures? I have some from when you were with Nicola, as well as some from later. If it makes you feel any better, he doesn't usually look this bad. To be honest, he's a little vain."

"Don't listen to him," Nicola said, his voice genuine and warm. "You're stunning, angel."

"I never said she wasn't beautiful. I only said she was a shambles after you left." Mathew's words were defensive, but he didn't come across as contrite. If anything, he seemed annoyed by the exchange, as if it didn't matter.