
Chapter 124: It's all your fault!

They all watched him like this and proved Calcel really loved this woman.

The nurses finally came to pick the body and asked.

" Sir, Please allow us to take her to the morchary. "

" ...No...I am not leaving her alone. I promised her..." Cried Calcel refusing to move away.

" Sir please allow us do our work! " Begged the nurse.

David saw the situation and went to him.

" Calcel...calm down. " He said pulling him off.

The nurses did their job and took the body away.

Gladys got up and said. " We can't change anything now. I am going to prepare for the burial. " She said getting up.

" We shall come there with you . " Said Cynthia.

Gladys smiled still with tearly eyes . " Thank you all for coming. " She said and had reached the door when Calcel stood up on his two feet and said.

" Let me drive you home and help you with the preparations. " He said making all of the to gaze at him.

" Fine then. " Said Gladys and so Calcel went with her.

' May, Control yourself for now until this is done ! " May said to herself while she watched Calcel go away with Gladys.


Calcel didn't return home until the following day when the burial was held. They had the mourning session first and almost everyone came to pay respects. Alyssa had been a rising star so the news about her death spread.

Different people from different families came to give their condolences. Calcel stood firm besides Gladys that one could think he was another child to Gladys. But since people knew Alyssa as David's wife, They didn't take this as an issue.

Juliana also came later and joined them. After the session, Alyssa's body was taken for burial in the city's cemetery. Her body was buried successfully and after that everyone parted.

Gladys had no choice but to go back to the apartment alone. When she was about to get into her car, Calcel rushed to her.

" Ma'am, I will come with you home. " He said.

" No need Calcel. You have been with me since yesterday. It's enough already. " She said.

" No, I know you still need me by your side. Not exactly me but you need someone to give you company. " He spoke.

" No need. When Alyssa was at your house i managed to live alone and I am used to it now. So don't worry about me. " Gladys tried to comfort herself.

" Madam Gladys. This is a different case. Please allow me to come with you. " Calcel begged.

" Fine then. But let us talk to your father first. " Gladys suggested.

" Okay. There they are. Let's go see them. " Calcel spoke and they went to David who was standing in a circle with his family. May, Cynthia, Juliana and Jenny who had come for the burial.

" Jenny, I want you back home. " David was saying.

" But Ms May..." Jenny was still saying when May cut her off.

" It's okay Ms Jenny. It was a misunderstanding and I already wanted you to come back. " May spoke holding Jenny's hands to show her that she had no problem with her at all.

" There comes Gladys and Calcel..." Juliana declared on seeing them walk towards them.

" Gladys, We were planning to leave. " David said.

" Thank you once again for coming. I wouldn't have managed if it wasn't your family. " Gladys said.

" You are welcome. " Said David while the rest watched them.

" ...I am...Father. I was requesting that you allow me stay at Madam Glady's for this week. " Declared Calcel.

" You can't . You have work to do.." David said.

" Father, I won't lie. I can't handle for now. I need at least a week..And besides that She really needs someone. " argued Calcel.

" No Calcel. You are married and because of that, You can't leave your wife behind. " Juliana implored.

" Mom, Please keep out of this.." Calcel requested.

" Your mother is right though. You can't stay away from your wife. " Cynthia said.

" Madam Cynthia, I thought you wanted me and May to get divorced ? " Calcel had not yet forgotten.

" What are you talking about ? " Gladys and David asked in chorus.

" Ooh ,They haven't told you Father. Madam Cynthia wants me to divorce May and we were to do it as soon as you are back. " Calcel said.

" Calcel...you can't divorce her ! " David refused that knowing the effect.

" Why ? Why can't I ? " Calcel asked.

" Because she is the wife I chose for you. " David said.

" Father we can't do this anymore. " Calcel yelled.

" Because of this shit Alyssa has died. I don't want us to lose anyone else...All of you know that she is the one that l loved. I don't want to keep in the marriage because...i really have no feelings for May..." Calcel cried.

May now stepped..'" So , Are you meaning that Alyssa died because you married me ? " May asked.

" Yes.." On answering this May herself slapped him before everyone and they all looked in shock.

" Now let me tell it to you. If you were not my wife, You wouldn't have called Alyssa to meet you that day. She wouldn't have fallen into an accident ! " Calcel spoke as if he knew the whole truth and May with Cynthia trembled but May stood still.

" No Calcel, Let me correct you. If you had not slept with Alyssa to make her pregnant, Then I as your wife wouldn't have called her up. And so she wouldn't get the accident, So...it's all your fault ! You are the reason for her death ! " May spoke back at him.

All this news about Alyssa's pregnancy with Calcel was new to Juliana so she stepped forward.

" ...You... mean ...that Alyssa was carrying Calcel's child? " Juliana asked not believing this.

" Yes Mom. We hid it away from you. The day Alyssa got an accident , I had her called so that we would discuss about the child. " May emphasized the point.

Now Juliana in tears faced Calcel. " Calcel...is it true you made your step mother pregnant ? " Juliana asked in disbelief.

" I am sorry Mom. " That's all Calcel could say.

Juliana then turned to face David and said.

" David, This is not Calcel's fault. Nor May's. It's yours ! " Juliana declared surprising them again.