
Chapter 118: The accident.

May told him the same place but different time. What was she up to ?


After nursing Alyssa's hands, Marvis sat back in the sofa and said.

" I am really sorry about this.I should have been more careful. " Marvis muttered.

" It's alright. My hands will be fine. " Alyssa said and got up.

" May called me for lunch. I should get prepared to go there. " Alyssasaid going to her room.

" Do you mind me helping in anything? " Marvis asked following her from behind.

" Maybe picking up a dressfor me. " They entered the room.

Alyssa opened her walk in wardrobe making Marvis drop her jaws.

" Alyssa, You mean all theseare your clothes ? " Marvis asked.

" Yes. " Alyssa answered giving a soft smile.

" Indeed ypu needed me to picka dress for you. " She said walking in and one dress caught her attention.

It was the white off shoulder bubble dress that David bpught for Alyssa the day he took her out.

" This ! " Marvis pointed at it.

She saw Alyssa's face change from a smile to gloomy.

" Alyssa, Are you fine? " Marvis asked.

Alyssa was remembering that day when David took her out and how kind he had been to her. But she had repaid his mercy by sleeping with his son.

" I am fine. But I can'twear that dress. " Alyssa said and picked the dress from the rest. She went and threw it in her trush can and covered it.

" No Alyssa. Why are throwing away that beautiful dress ? " Marvis asked as she went and removed it from the trash can.

" It'sMr David that gave it to me. I don't want it again after I betrayed him. " Alyssa said looking away.

" Then give it to me. You have thrown it alreadyso it's now mine. " Marvis said

Alyssa sighed and got herself another dress.

" I will wear this. " She said and changed her dress right before Marvis.

While she was dressing her hand hurt and she remembered that she had been burnt.

" My hands hurt. How will I even drive ?" She asked getting angry to everything

" Alyssa don't worry. I am a very good driver. I will drive you. " Marvis offered.

" Then go and change otherwiseyour clothes are smelling of Smoke. " said Alyssa.

" I already have a dress. Let change from here. " Marvis said and removed her clothes to change.

Marvis worethe dress but to Alyssa's shock she looked very cute in it.

" Wow ! It suits you just the way it was on me. " Said Alyssa.

" Of course we have the same height and body size. And figuresby the way. " Marvis said proudly and went to stand before the mirror.

She then tiedher hair in a long porn tail just the style that Alyssa liked.

" Look, Here if it wasn't for the face someone would think it was you. " Marvis spoke and turned around to look at Alyssa.

" Alyssa, You are really like a twin to me. As in we sharea lot in common. If one day comes when I have to leave I want you to know that you are the best thing that I have had in my life. " Marvis said gettingemotional with tears in eyes evidence.

" Don't talk as you are going to leave me. I am going to take care of you until babies come and grow to our age. " Alyssa replied as she held Marvis' hands.

" So because of that. Don't talk of anything like pf us leaving the other. " Alyssa concluded.

Marvis felt loved at this point and hugged Alyssa. After the hug, The two girls set to leave and entered Alyssa's car with Marvis on the driver's seat .

Marvis was almost starting the car when Alyssa asked.

" But Marvis, Do you have a driving permit ? " Alyssa asked.

" You know ever since I left home I have never gone back. I only have my ID here. " Marvis said pulling it out.

" Then let's exchange. Have my ID and permit and I have your ID. It will be easier to pass on traffic." Alyssa said and they exchanged their personal documents.

Marvis finally started the car and they drove to the high way. Moon Hotel was some distance away from Alyssa's home so they had quite a long drive.


May was already at the hotel when she received a call saying.

" Madam, She has left the apartment. " The man who was calling in the background of the phone said.

" Then do everything as planned. And don't make any mistakes. " May ordered.

" Don't worry Ma'am. The truck driver is already set. "

" Fine then. Delete this call from your phone and my number. We should not leave any room for anyone to suspect us. " May said.

" I understand madam. Let me hung up now. "

May put the phone back on the table and smirked.

' Alyssa, I fought hard to have Calcel. I just can't lose him like this. If you get a miscarriage, That will be good. If you and the baby both die, That will be best. Anyways, For now let me only trust my mom's idea of sparing you and killing the child. But if you die too, I will be thehappiest. Because Calcel will fully become mine. '

May said all these in her mind while she had a smirk on her face.

She then called one of the waiters and said.

" I need you to prepare for me a very nice meal for three people. Please bring it before 1pm. " May said checking on her watch that was showing 11:50.


Alyssa and Marvis were now driving at the cantilever bridge when a truck came opposite them in a high speed. Both the girls saw it and Marvis tried to change the car as fast as she could but it was too late.

The heavy truck knocked Alyssa's car destroying it's front part and in loosing balance the car fell on it's one said while the two girls inside screamed in terror. The track pushed the car along the road side making some sparkles due to rubbing against the tarmac road . Alyssa and Marvis were still struggling but with time they both passed out. Blood came flowing from there bodies and it was seen coming from the car.

After the job, The heavy truck moved back and drove away.

The two girls inside were already unconscious. People along the road crowded to witness the fatal accident and they felt sorry for the culprits.


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