
Chapter 111: Alyssa Again ?

May looked at the doctor not satisfied.

" Is my husband sick ? " She asked.

" Yes Ma'am. He has not been feeling well for the past days. " Thomas answered.

" Do you mind me seeing his records? " May asked.

" I am sorry ma'am. I can just share my patience records. "

" But he is my husband! "

" And I am his doctor. "

" Fine ! " May got up. ' This man must be hiding something from me. ' She thought as she looked down at him.

" Okay thank you Doctor. " She said and left.

As soon as May was away Doctor Thomas got his phone and rung Calcel who was in his office.

" Doctor Thomas. "

" We are in trouble. "

" Which one ? "

" Your wife just came here. " Thomas declared shocking Calcel's ears.

" You mean May came over there ? " He asked.

" Oh, I will be there right now. "

Calcel got up not wasting his time and left the office.


May wss having a walk in the hospital slowly still thinking through this . At the same time Alyssa and Marvis were walking around while they conversed happily.

May was walking a distance away from them when she suddenly saw Alyssa with Marvis.May could not believe her eyes and she covered her mouth in shock. Alyssa who was not seeing her just continued with Marvis and they walked past May without seeing her.

' Alyssa again ? '

So my guess was right. It was Alyssa he has been seeing. May felt her heart squeeze again as she saw the happy Alyssa go.

They walked until they were out of her sight. May feeling her knees weak walked back to her car slowly. Tears were starting to flow out of her eyes. She couldn't believe that her husband was still cheating on her after everything she had tried to do for him.

She was just opening the door of her car when she saw Calcel's car approach and he stopped on seeing her. He got out of his car and walked to her.

" May....what brings you here ? " He asked but May looked deep in his eyes with sorrow in her eyes. From her look he could tell something was wrong.

" May are you fine ? " He asked and he saw a tear drop from May's eyes.

' Did she find out ? ' Calcel asked himself innery.

" May...I...I...i..didn't mean to ...." He was talking when she cut him off midway

" Why didn't you tell me you were sick ? " She asked solemnly.

Calcel felt relieved on hearing her questioning. He thought he had found out about Alyssa.

" I am sorry for not telling you. I didn't want to worry you and Father. " He said .

" You didn't want to worry me ? " May chuckled and rubbed off her tears

" Yes . I am really sorry. " He said again.

" Now I will not bother you from the company again. Let me go home ! " She said

" Okay May. Drive safely. " He said.

May entered her car and left.

Calcel rushed directly to Alyssa's room when May was gone. He opened the door without a knock but Alyssa wasn't inside .

' Alyssa? Alyssa? " He called checking in all the rooms. He had just returned back to the main room when Alyssa opened the door returning from the walk. On seeing her Calcel went and gave her a tight hug . Alyssa was confused by his hug.

" Calc...Is everything fine ? " She asked beneath his chest.

He released her .

" May came over here. " He said

Alyssa put her hands on her mouth in shock.

" But good enough Doctor Thomas covered up everything. "

" How did she come here ? " Alyssa asked worry in her eyes.

Calcel cupped her face and said.

" I don't know how she found out that I have been visiting this place. Alyssa, I will have to transfer you as soon as possible. " He said in gasps.

" Calcel..." She called him letting herself out of his grip.

" Don't you think that this should end ? " She asked.

" What do you mean? "

" Let me go to the states. I can't keep on hiding as if I am a criminal. "

" Alyssa don't say that ! "

" I have to Calcel. I feel bad for myself but I really do feel bad for May too. " she argued.

Calcel became speechless

" Calcel let's accept that fate didn't want us to be together no matter how we love each other and beside the fact that we have a baby together. " She stated as Calcel gazed.

" Calcel...Let us do the right thing but not what we want. " She begged.

" Alyssa I can't let you go " He muttered shaking his head in disagreement.

" And I can't watch you behave like this. " She yelled at him.

Calcel reached for her hands and held them tightly.

" Alyssa, I promise I will find away to protect you but please don't leave. " He begged.

Alyssa released a tear and have a deep sigh in confusion. When he saw her like this he used the chance to hug her again. Alyssa hugged him back and rested her head on his frim chest as she cried innery.


May arrived back to the Mansion and went directly to the cocktail room and got herself a bottle and glass which she puted and gulped down at once.

One of the maids saw her and rushed to Jenny who was cleaning with the others.

" Ma'am , Madam May had just returned but she looks so angry and she is taking Alcohol. " The maid reported.

" What ? " Jenny asked and left whatever she was doing.

She rushed to May and found her taking her fourth glass.

Jenny hurried and forcefully pulled it away from her.

" May , Why are drinking all of sudden ? " Jenny asked.

" Bring that back to me right now ! " May commanded angrily.

" No...I will not do that. " Jenny refused.

" Old woman ! You are just a servant here. How dare you ? " She sneered.

" May calm down ! " Jenny tried to say.

Some maids were gathering slowly to watch them mess .

" How can I calm down when my husband is cheating on me ? " May asked in a raised tone and everyone was left in shock.

" What do you mean, I think you mistook something. " Jenny protested.


She shouted bringing the maids to their astonishment.