
Falling for my fiance's forsaken brother :In forced marriage

" Is Mr Black having morning sickness?" " Bring me lemon no lime juice" Leon said " Right away Sir" " Young master Black should I call the doctor?" Zed asked. Such kind of love! he was actually feeling all that instead of his pregnant wife. ******* She wants to divorce him but why? because he kissed her?' "what is this?" His cold voice asked sternly. " It a court letter madam has filed a divorce and would like to cooperate if not to meet her in court" Ken said calmly despite feeling the heat coming from the boiling man. Gold could already feel the incoming headache, now what was Lai doing? he thought inwardly. This brought him three days ago. **** He was sitting on the couch in the living room with stern look as Lai didn't come home and it was already late past midnight. Her red sport car entered inside the mansion twenty minutes later on and with a dramatic entrance. Even the guards were left off guard with the way she stopped her car. Curiously everyone had their eyes on the door waiting for her, the butler swallowed his saliva as he could foresee the fight between his boss and madam. " Lai..." Gold called out angrily as he was extremely irritated. " Why are you so late?" He asked but again she ignored him. This time he didn't let go and grabbed her shoulders to get her attention. " I'm talking to you Lai!" Gold said furiously to her annoyance. " And I don't want to talk to you.....now take your #@@#*# hands off me" Lai swear and pushed his hands away. " You are drunk!, " Gold said more like affirm with disbelief. " Yeah I just got wasted myself why you wanna kill me?" Lai was so daring right now but he wasn't surprised she had always been since he knew her. " Article, two, four, five and seven violeted" he reminded her. " And you f##$ing kissed me without my consent who cares about the articles or the rules now" Lai said angrily and now he got the reason of her acting this way, She was angry and so he was, though he was tongue tied for a moment but still had that serious angry look. She had wasted herself, risk her life and even swear in front of his face violet all the rules listed. Lai could careless what he said or does from now on so she went to her bed and fall on it without care. Due to excessive alcohol she immediately fall asleep. It was just a kiss why was she acting like he took her life? he thought It took him few minutes just watching her sleep soundly before talking. " I'm sorry..." He said regretfully a very foreign word for him yet he said it with so much regret. " I'm sorry in advance because I don't regret kissing you Lai and I don't think I ever will," Gold said softly his fingers tracing her cheek gently to her annoyance. She was irritated even in her deep sleep was he that detestable to her? He thought inwardly and smiled at his pathetic state. Looking at her slightly parted lips which were now slightly red he sighed! he really was not okay. That night he didn't sleep in the same room as her and it had been so for three days now. He had thought she needed space who knew she would go extra miles to file a divorce!. That was so unexpected to him. ---------- The story is fictional No rape, definitely happy ending The book is about stories of couple with different life experience and past learning how to love and trust again. Emilia ( FL) and Leon ( ML) while my favorite couple Lai and Gold's story is later on developed. please read this book to know the amazing journey of the two,

Jay_Ibra · Urban
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305 Chs


" Hey wake up..." Emily said nervously as the guy seem to be losing concious.

" hey mister you can't close your eyes...stay awake okay" Trying her best to make him open his eyes but Leon seem to lose concious and his breath became shallow after all he was bleeding a lot despite her attempt to stop his bleeding applying pressure on his open wound that was covered by a piece of white cloth that was now red from all the blood oozing out from it, seeing this she panicked,

" wake up... please don't die on me...hey Mister..." Emily didn't even know his name anyway she continued waking him up almost crying now but then she heard a soft yet hoarse voice.

"It Leonard .."he said softly almost not audible but she still heard him, his eyelid slightly open to meet her wet black eyes which now show confusion over what he just said.

"My name.. is Leonard now don't..cry..I..I. be..fine" he said with difficulty showing her a light smile on his face but she was not convinced, he was in pain and was just trying to appear strong so she would not get worried.

Not sure what to do at the moment because she had lost her purse she couldn't even call for help, what a pathetic state she was in but just then among his things on the floor she saw her grey purse.

And right then she remembered this man

wasn't he the guy he bumped into at the Airport?

yes it is him! Emily realized he was the same man she overtook to grab the available cab and in the process she must have had dropped her purse, so did he followed her all the way here to return her purse?, who does that?, in this busy city everyone mind their own business

people could careless what happens to you, where is this guy from?

But then soon her bodyguards that she had a long run so she could escape them came for her and behind them was another guy who introduced himself as Mr Brown's assistant Henry.

But Emilia was not in the mood for introduction she urged her bodyguards to take Leon to the hospital immediately as he was already unconscious and had lost a lot of blood.

" Boss! ...what happened to him?" Henry asked, he was surprised to see his boss in a very bad state.

wasn't he just looking for the owner of the purse why did he end up like this? but there was no time quickly they carried him while calling for an ambulance.



Richard was fuming silently while sitting on the couch as his father kept nagging him over what he did earlier in his engagement party but sadly the man didn't seem to care, so what if their partnership got broken he would not sacrifice himself for the sake of partnership, Richard thought but didn't dare say it loud to his already angry father.

while they were at it Mr Brown got a phone call and just by looking at the caller ID he frown but not only him also everyone in the house had buzzing phone with either a message or a phone call.

The news of the broken engagement between the two prominent families had spreed like wildfire and everyone was curious about it.

But JN group had it bad way and it flames was burning them mercilessly.

Some business partners started to reconsider their collaboration while some even withdraw from the company, it was clear that there was a source behind all this.

In a matter of few hours their stock market drop off badly and everyone knew that this is all because of Mr Smith he was showing his anger this way.

His influence was no joke now that they have offended him in matter of few hours everything became chaotic, everyone in the house was busy dealing with the mess that he created.

Richard was still in daze wondering was it really a big problem?, looking at his father who seem to be talking to the phone more like pleading he started thinking about what he had done, did he just cause this big trouble?.

Soon the house was surrounded by reporters but luckily there was a tight security guarding the house who immediately took care of the reporters and made sure they don't come close to the house, it was the same in the company things were quite chaotic and all employees were doing their best to minimize the storm though it was not easy task.


"Are you happy now?" Just then a soft yet angry voice coming from the Matriarch of the Brown family was heard as she seem disappointed at the moment. 

Though she hardly interfere into their business but when it comes to family involvement she wasn't going to stay quiet.

" when everyone is trying hard to maintain happiness in this house you just had to ruin it in a matter of seconds without a care"

"Well.. congratulations son"Mrs Brown said angrily and only then did he realize how grave his mistake was,

he looked around and all eyes were on him showing nothing but disappointment from his parents to his young siblings even his cheerful grandmother looked angry.

Not saying anything anymore everyone resume their job as they were taking to people on the phone.

But as they were busy grandmother Brown's phone rang and the news she got made her drop the phone taking everyone's attention immediately they looked at her direction to see what happened. 

"Mother what's wrong did something happen?"Mr Brown asked his mother with worry visible on his face but grandmother Brown said nothing instead she stood and left in hurry than her usual self, seeing this everyone had no choice but to follow her,

but where was she going in such hurry?.

hello dear readers I hope you will enjoy reading this book.

Jay_Ibracreators' thoughts