
Falling for my fiance's forsaken brother :In forced marriage

" Is Mr Black having morning sickness?" " Bring me lemon no lime juice" Leon said " Right away Sir" " Young master Black should I call the doctor?" Zed asked. Such kind of love! he was actually feeling all that instead of his pregnant wife. ******* She wants to divorce him but why? because he kissed her?' "what is this?" His cold voice asked sternly. " It a court letter madam has filed a divorce and would like to cooperate if not to meet her in court" Ken said calmly despite feeling the heat coming from the boiling man. Gold could already feel the incoming headache, now what was Lai doing? he thought inwardly. This brought him three days ago. **** He was sitting on the couch in the living room with stern look as Lai didn't come home and it was already late past midnight. Her red sport car entered inside the mansion twenty minutes later on and with a dramatic entrance. Even the guards were left off guard with the way she stopped her car. Curiously everyone had their eyes on the door waiting for her, the butler swallowed his saliva as he could foresee the fight between his boss and madam. " Lai..." Gold called out angrily as he was extremely irritated. " Why are you so late?" He asked but again she ignored him. This time he didn't let go and grabbed her shoulders to get her attention. " I'm talking to you Lai!" Gold said furiously to her annoyance. " And I don't want to talk to you.....now take your #@@#*# hands off me" Lai swear and pushed his hands away. " You are drunk!, " Gold said more like affirm with disbelief. " Yeah I just got wasted myself why you wanna kill me?" Lai was so daring right now but he wasn't surprised she had always been since he knew her. " Article, two, four, five and seven violeted" he reminded her. " And you f##$ing kissed me without my consent who cares about the articles or the rules now" Lai said angrily and now he got the reason of her acting this way, She was angry and so he was, though he was tongue tied for a moment but still had that serious angry look. She had wasted herself, risk her life and even swear in front of his face violet all the rules listed. Lai could careless what he said or does from now on so she went to her bed and fall on it without care. Due to excessive alcohol she immediately fall asleep. It was just a kiss why was she acting like he took her life? he thought It took him few minutes just watching her sleep soundly before talking. " I'm sorry..." He said regretfully a very foreign word for him yet he said it with so much regret. " I'm sorry in advance because I don't regret kissing you Lai and I don't think I ever will," Gold said softly his fingers tracing her cheek gently to her annoyance. She was irritated even in her deep sleep was he that detestable to her? He thought inwardly and smiled at his pathetic state. Looking at her slightly parted lips which were now slightly red he sighed! he really was not okay. That night he didn't sleep in the same room as her and it had been so for three days now. He had thought she needed space who knew she would go extra miles to file a divorce!. That was so unexpected to him. ---------- The story is fictional No rape, definitely happy ending The book is about stories of couple with different life experience and past learning how to love and trust again. Emilia ( FL) and Leon ( ML) while my favorite couple Lai and Gold's story is later on developed. please read this book to know the amazing journey of the two,

Jay_Ibra · Urban
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305 Chs

the lady in white

It was a moonless night but the city's bright lights coming from the tall buildings and the city's roads made it lively like it was a daytime, people of this city could careless about time as they continue with their busy life.

A young lady in white dress was seen looking down the length of a very tall building from it top,' this is it! she should just let it go,

'yes let's just put an end to all this' she thought as she closed her eyes ready to jump and let go but before she could jump she heard a tired man's voice from behind her.

"Finally I have found you" he said with relieved tone then immediately lean on his knees as he try to catch his breath.

He seem tired from all the run and had to take the stairs in order to catch up with her not with the jam in waiting for the elevator.

Emilia was ready to jump off the roof when a very handsome young man happened to appear before her but it seem he was oblivious of what was happening there.

"I have been looking for you the whole day, finally here you are ...but wait! what are you doing up there this place is real dangerous why are you...." Leon said after catching his breath but looking at where she was standing it suddenly clicked into his mind what was this young lady about to do '

she was about to jump off the roof!!.

No way! his eyes widen after sudden realization of what was happening slowly but carefully he walked towards the girl who covered her face with a mask but his move didn't seem well taken by her.

"Stay back I'm going to jump now! stay away from me" she said with her soft melodic voice that was trembling a bit, she seem very afraid but yet determined.

Leonard was shocked, what was happening here? he was just trying to return the purse to it owner but only to witness such dangerous attempt in front of his eyes phew! cold sweat started to form on his handsome face as he thought about it.

"Look it too dangerous up there! come down now... here I will help you "Leon said as he try to pursue her to get down and even offered her his hand to help her but it didn't seem to work instead she refused angrily. 

"I said get back!" she said furiously almost losing her balance, seeing that Leon decided to step back a bit and then moved to his left side leaving her confused by his actions.

Then after he didn't say anything concerning what she was about to do, Emily was still afraid and breathing heavily as she realised how far it was from up there to the ground.

While she was busy conquering her fears she heard some rustling noise on her other side and when she looked she was surprised,

"Wh... What do you think you are doing?" she asked with shocked tone and from her voice one could tell that she was embarrassed, what was that man doing?.

Emily was surprised to see the guy who appeared out of nowhere was suddenly taking off his clothes.

First he took off his suit coat and place it down then he removed his expensive watch before putting it down where his coat laid.

Then he went all the way to take off his shoes then moved to his tie but when he started opening his shirt button he heard her voice.

Leon turn to look at her and stare at her like she was asking the obvious question and that is exactly what he answered.

"Stripping of course!..." He said calmly before he untied another button. 

"Look if I'm going to jump I did rather leave my clothes out of it don't you think so?" he said calmly before unbuttoning his second button the third then another until he successful took off his shirt.

Emily almost screamed but thankful he was still wearing a vest.

" I heard it gets real ugly when you get down there did you know that?" Leon said again after successfully tossing away his shirt then he looked down the building before gulping.

It felt chilly and dizzy up there and the building was real high, how could someone jump from here? he thought while secretly admiring the girl's courage to stand there or maybe not it was sad to see her brave herself like that.

Emilia became confused what is this man trying to do? she was the one who wanted to jump why was he suddenly saying that?.

" What are you trying to do?" she asked confusion visible on her face as she didn't understand why was he taking it personal when it was just her business.

"I'm going to jump with you isn't it obvious, if you jump then I jump" he said getting closer to her who was still in daze, she was looking at this dumb guy in disbelief.

"What nonsense is that?"she said looking at the man who was now close to her and he stood near her ready to jump

"hey! what are you doing? get down now you shouldn't involve yourself into this" Emily said feeling a bit irritated with his interference but it didn't seem to bother him at all.

"Too late I'm already involved if something happens to you now I'm the first one to be suspected actually my life is already a mess so it better this way" he said as his eyes focus down the building.

' Is this guy for real? ' Emily thought as she continued looking at the shivering man, it was cold after all and he was only in his vest and pants,

What was wrong with this guy?


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