
Falling for my fiance's forsaken brother :In forced marriage

" Is Mr Black having morning sickness?" " Bring me lemon no lime juice" Leon said " Right away Sir" " Young master Black should I call the doctor?" Zed asked. Such kind of love! he was actually feeling all that instead of his pregnant wife. ******* She wants to divorce him but why? because he kissed her?' "what is this?" His cold voice asked sternly. " It a court letter madam has filed a divorce and would like to cooperate if not to meet her in court" Ken said calmly despite feeling the heat coming from the boiling man. Gold could already feel the incoming headache, now what was Lai doing? he thought inwardly. This brought him three days ago. **** He was sitting on the couch in the living room with stern look as Lai didn't come home and it was already late past midnight. Her red sport car entered inside the mansion twenty minutes later on and with a dramatic entrance. Even the guards were left off guard with the way she stopped her car. Curiously everyone had their eyes on the door waiting for her, the butler swallowed his saliva as he could foresee the fight between his boss and madam. " Lai..." Gold called out angrily as he was extremely irritated. " Why are you so late?" He asked but again she ignored him. This time he didn't let go and grabbed her shoulders to get her attention. " I'm talking to you Lai!" Gold said furiously to her annoyance. " And I don't want to talk to you.....now take your #@@#*# hands off me" Lai swear and pushed his hands away. " You are drunk!, " Gold said more like affirm with disbelief. " Yeah I just got wasted myself why you wanna kill me?" Lai was so daring right now but he wasn't surprised she had always been since he knew her. " Article, two, four, five and seven violeted" he reminded her. " And you f##$ing kissed me without my consent who cares about the articles or the rules now" Lai said angrily and now he got the reason of her acting this way, She was angry and so he was, though he was tongue tied for a moment but still had that serious angry look. She had wasted herself, risk her life and even swear in front of his face violet all the rules listed. Lai could careless what he said or does from now on so she went to her bed and fall on it without care. Due to excessive alcohol she immediately fall asleep. It was just a kiss why was she acting like he took her life? he thought It took him few minutes just watching her sleep soundly before talking. " I'm sorry..." He said regretfully a very foreign word for him yet he said it with so much regret. " I'm sorry in advance because I don't regret kissing you Lai and I don't think I ever will," Gold said softly his fingers tracing her cheek gently to her annoyance. She was irritated even in her deep sleep was he that detestable to her? He thought inwardly and smiled at his pathetic state. Looking at her slightly parted lips which were now slightly red he sighed! he really was not okay. That night he didn't sleep in the same room as her and it had been so for three days now. He had thought she needed space who knew she would go extra miles to file a divorce!. That was so unexpected to him. ---------- The story is fictional No rape, definitely happy ending The book is about stories of couple with different life experience and past learning how to love and trust again. Emilia ( FL) and Leon ( ML) while my favorite couple Lai and Gold's story is later on developed. please read this book to know the amazing journey of the two,

Jay_Ibra · Urban
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305 Chs

His reputation

The feeling of being home Leon felt content in his heart he was genuinely pleased, that was how he took things, despite everything his love for the family was greater than his grievances at least that was how Nanny Betty taught him.

" Thank you! I hope to learn a lot from you all"Leon said politely.

"Come on brother we all know your achievement abroad who doesn't know my brother's abilities we hope to learn so much from you" Joseph said proudly as if bragging about his own achievements,

Hearing this Richard was not so pleased about at all but what can he say in front of his father's cold glare than continuously warned him not to say anything 

"What achievements he is twenty six soon but yet to introduce any girl achievements my foot hmph!" grandma Brown said with a scoff while looking at them.

hearing this everyone almost choked on their saliva.

"W..what are you saying grandma of course not brother had.. or hadn't"Joanna said but then realised something looking at his brother who seem oblivious to what they were talking about and just when she understood his not denying look she blurted out.

"No way you hadn't!!!"Joanna said dramatically while looking at his brother who now seem to pay attention to their reaction

"Hadn't what?"Leon asked absently minded

"Woo a woman" Joseph said a bit softly making him cough in embarrassment.

cough! cough!

"What's wrong with that?" Leon asked innocently making everyone shake their head he didn't seem to understand anything.

" It very wrong !!!! tsk! tsk! tsk! grandma was right"Joanna said dramatically again making Leon frown he looked at his father who looked down not ready to say anything then he looked at Richard who was smiling slyly, looking at his young brother curiously he asked

"What does she mean?" Leon asked with a frown not able to hide his curiosity.

"Nothing really brother don't listen to Joanna" Joseph said almost laughing Leon looked at his young brother doubtfully not sure if he should believe him or not because looking around everyone was laughing even his cold father was now laughing quietly

"Mrs Brown doesn't he remind you of someone we know" Peter who was there as family friend of the Browns asked while looking at his old friend, he had come for they had things to talk about as he was one of the major shareholders of JN group.

"Mmmh sure he does remind me of someone," Mrs Brown said smiling ear to ear looking at her husband who didn't seem to like where this conversation was going.

"Who does he remind you of mother" Joanna asked curiously while looking at her mother for juicy news.

"Who else but my once shy suitor " she said grinning quietly with Peter who looked at his friend provocatively how can he forget his shy friend who used to be afraid to woo the girl he liked very much.

Everyone was confused who their mother was talking about,..wait was it their father? no way! their father doesn't look like a shy person who could not woo a woman or was he? they looked at their father who said nothing but clearly not liking their joke.



Joanna had asked her second brother to accompany her to buy some clothes that she would be wearing to attend dinner at the Smiths and being the doting brother he was, he couldn't refuse her.

So Joanna asked him to take her to one of luxurious clothes store in the city.

After having failed to do her shopping few days ago, she was determined to spend a lot today.

Leon noticed her happy face as he parked the car in front of a luxurious mall.

seeing it was her favorite Star malls she grin happily making him chuckle, what's with women and shopping? Leon thought as he unbuckle his seat belt and went to open the door for his happy sister.

" thank you Mr gentleman" Joanna said dramatically making him smile as he helped her get down..

" The pleasure is mine madam" Leon too said playful that she couldn't help but laugh cheerfully.

ahem! Leon cleared his throat and asked

"You want me to assist you in or wait here ?" He asked politely

hearing his words Joanna looked at his brother proudly, examining him from head to toe that he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"How can I let my good looking brother here I want to show you off ...who knows I might get sister in law soon "Joanna said giggling happily and went to the store dragging him along, just as they entered the mall everyone looked at them in awe to be exactly they were ogling 'AT HIM '.

the tall handsome man with medium neatly styled black hairs, he had this lazy blue eyes that makes you want to keep looking at him, well protected by his thick long eyelashes that makes women jealous, he was wearing a formal black suit that well fit his muscular body he wasn't wearing a tie and two botton were undone showing his perfect built broad chest his face showed gentle smile enough to make ladies faint

soon the mall was filled with commotion and whispers as ladies couldn't stop themselves from looking at this hunk alien that invade the earth 'he is so hot' '

' what a catch' '

' he is so handsome and sexy '

'look at his bewitching eyes oh my God he is looking at me '

' is he a celebrity?' the whispers continue as they strode from one store to another but he didn't seem to understand not even paying attention to them, they were clearly smitten by him even the staffs couldn't help but tripe on their feet over the sight.

Seeing this his oblivious brother, Joanna shook her head no wander his brother had no woman he is too innocent for his own good ,

after an hour and half of moving from one store to another they end up buying all the clothes she wanted and shoes Joanna even forcefully made her brother try some casual clothes that even she was astonished by his charms, he was like a runway model.

not caring his protest she bought every clothes he tried on because they all look good on him.

Leon helplessly agreed with his demanding sister until they finished shopping.

" Are you ready now let's go" Leon said calmly but one could see that he was already tired given he was still not completely healed.

Joanna couldn't believe she failed her mission his brother is too clueless no matter how much women gave him a sign he wouldn't notice.


" yes I'm done let's go back"

Joanna sighed and said sadly, she was disappointed why is his brother so clueless?.