


/"Elijah what do you want from me?/" Uncle Kai shouted as we tied him to the chair. /"I'm going to fail if I don't write my test today so please let me go. I promise I won't tell Benjamin./"

/"You should've thought about your test before thinking of betraying your own nephew. Uncle are you jealous because your dad who is my grandfather loves me more than you./" I said it in his face.

/"Adrian I'm your uncle so please untie me./" Uncle Kai mumbled and Adrian started laughing.

/"I'm loyal to my first cousin and by the way you are not my uncle. You see Elijah's father and my father's mothers are sister which makes us cousins and Elijah's father is your step brother because his grandfather thought of re-marrying. Do you understand now?/"

/"But your mother is my step sister too. Your mother is a Carson and I'm a Carson too Adri./" Uncle kai replied.