


Lying was never my thing

But for Benjamin not take Elijah away from me then.

I have to lie. I have to make lying my thing.

Sofia Valentines

Sofia's POV.

I couldn't believe what Benjamin asked me, because of my big mouth I told him about Elijah. At least I didn't say his my son, but sooner or later he will find out. Benjamin always find out. Lying was never my thing but in order for Benjamin not to take Elijah away from me then, I have to lie. I have to make lying my thing.

/"His um-/" A knock on the door interrupted us, /"thank you God./" I whispered softly making sure that Benjamin didn't hear me.

/"I'M GOING TO FUCKING BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN BENJAMIN IF YOU DON'T OPEN IT RIGHT NOW!/" I could hear Anna shouting, I can't believe they met again. I wonder if they like each other.