


/"It was me, Moerat. I had a fight with Mr Carson and I'm the one that called the doctors./" Anna added.

/"What are you doing?/" I asked her as she stood in front of me.

/"It was an accident but if you want to question me, let's do it at the station with my lawyer present./" Anna told him and he nodded his head. /"Call my father Sofia, I'll be out soon, I promise and please don't tell Marko anything. Take care of Meghan and Annette for me./" She gave me her phone and went away with the police.

/"What is she up to?/" Damien asked me and I shrugged myself. /"She is really crazy if she thinks Moerat will let her go in a day, she will be locked up at least two days./"

/"How is Benjamin doing nurse?/" Mercy said shaking, she wasn't even here when the police was questioning us. I hope she knows she is only his PA and nothing more.