


Sofia's POV.

I sat on the couch and took deep breaths. I can't lose my baby because of Benjamin. I just have to leave all this stress. The doctor said I shouldn't stress too much or else I might lose the baby and right now that asshole is just making me lose it.

A few more days and Charlotte said she's going to go with me to Italy. I'm sure she wouldn't betray me for her brother.

/"Elijah./" I shouted going upstairs. /"Didn't I tell you to take a nap and not leave your room?/" I asked.

/"Mommy, Em was crying./" He replied and I gave him a kiss.

/"I'm glad you didn't take after your father about not caring about people./" I mumbled and left his room.

I quickly went to my room and picked Emily up. She woke up because of that stupid man shouting in my house.