


/"Seriously Benjamin, I'm going back to my own house, not this./" I shouted not getting out of the car. I should've known that he would take me back to his house for his wife to finish me.

/"Carlene doesn't live here anymore./" He replied.

/"I don't care. I want to go back to my house./" I said firmly and he sighed starting the engine of the car.

/"Your house was sold a month ago./" Benjamin said driving.

/"I need to get something from that house than I'll make a plan for Elijah and I./" I rolled my eyes and he didn't bother arguing with me again.

/"Hurry up./" Benjamin said stopping the car at my old house.

How I wish I always lived at this house where there was no drama.

/"Elijah don't you want to say hi to Annette while I go look for something./" I asked Elijah and he nodded jumping out of the car. /"Don't hit her okay./" He smiled nodding again.

My son is definitely an actor.