
Falling for him

All my life ,I was always fine.I felt that I was supposed to be fine because i was surrounded by incredible people but still I felt empty,like something was missing but that was until him. He made me realize that I could be happy too. Whenever him & I were together , somehow the time used to stop and fly at the same time. When I was with him , each hour felt like a second. When I was without him, each second felt like an hour. He was so annoying yet peaceful at the same time. He used to drive me crazy and keep me sane at the same time. He filled a void in my life that I didn't even know existed. And now that I've seen what life is with him, I can't even begin to imagine a life without him. He made me realize I didn't have to be perfect because sometimes it's the imperfections that make people beautiful. I didn't like him. I mean I couldn't like him. He wasn't my type but I guess love & lust sees no type. I didn't want to fall for him as i knew falling for him would only break me & my heart.So I decided to be in denial of my feelings.I was honestly doing a really great job of being in denial but then a storm happened due to which him & I were struck together for 3 days. What happens when you're struck with someone alone, who you may like but are not accepting your feelings towards him? That storm went away but it messed up my life . It messed up my heart. It messed me up...........

_ashelle_ · Urban
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21 Chs

I'm engaged. I’m not blind

I am in the plane that I'm supposed to fly and I'm walking towards the control room where the other pilots are along with Jen by my side. I'm currently walking through the business class section when a deep voice interrupts me, "excuse me, maam!"

I look in the direction of the voice to see a man sitting on his seat and he looks…how should I put it, unbelievingly hot. Jen and I both look at each other and I know that she's also thinking what I'm thinking. "yes?", I reply.

"Can you please bring a glass of your finest champagne", he asks politely.

"Ya, it will be brought to you in a minute" ,I reply in my most courteous tone, a tone which I haven't been using much since I met Liam but I guess it's the only tone in which you can talk to a person if you're mesmerised and enchanted by them at the same time.

He gives me a smile.

I continue walking towards my cabinet and I see an air-hostess on my way over there. I instruct her to provide the unbelievingly hot man the champagne that he asked for.


I have landed the plane and now Jen and I are heading out of the plane when a familiar voice interrupts us, "hey, you never brought me that glass of champagne"

I look over at the direction from which the voice came. It's him, the unbelievingly hot guy from the business class. Another man is standing by his side. "Ya, but I asked someone else to bring it to you", I reply to him.

"Aha, that's exactly what I'm trying to say. I asked you to bring it to me, so technically you should be the one bringing it to me. You know, usually people do exactly what I ask them to do, you trying to make an exception to that or something", he says arrogance reflecting in his tone.

Okay, why is every hot guy that I'm coming across these days, turning out to be an egotistical jerk. I retaliate by saying, "Well, technically the plane wasn't going to fly itself."

He asks surprised , "Wait, are you a pilot?"

"Yeah ,is that so hard to believe?", a reply with a rhetorical question. Now I am the one who is rude. I'm already exhausted and this guy is pissing me off. Do I look dumb to him? I start walking away and Jen follows me.

I can hear his friend say, "Bro, every hot girl isn't an air-hostess." okay , now I'm blushing. I keep on walking when a hand holds my hand and pulls me towards them. I land over his chest which is hard, which just indicates that he must be really fit.

He says, "hey, I'm really sorry. I didn't want to be rude or anything. Can you just forget about my behaviour earlier. Just give me a second chance, I'll be really polite and we can have a nice meet-cute." I'm about to decline his offer but Jen intrudes and says, "she's all about second chances."

He gives her a grateful smile and looks at my direction again, "well, I am Bryce Kingston and…", he says and stops.

"Ya??", I reply confused as to why he didn't finish his sentence

"Well, if I could rearrange the alphabets I would put you and I together", he flirts and then winks.

"You know that ten year olds can come up with a better pick up line than that, right?", I say and look away trying to hide the shade of red that instantly appeared on my cheeks.

"Well, if you find yourself free over the weekend then maybe you and I can meet and I can use some pick up lines that twenty year olds use, preferably over coffee."

"That's a really discreet way of asking me out"

"Well, I wasn't really asking you out on a date but if that's what you want then it's fine by me.", he says with a toothy grin on his face.

"Geez, you're so generous.", my sarcasm makes a come back.

He retaliates by saying, "Well, my mum raised a gentleman."

I'm about to walk away when I hear him say, "can I atleast get your name?"

"Its Gemma, Gemma Anderson", I tell him.

"It was really nice to met you, Gemma", I can hear him shout from where he's standing.

I smile and continue walking.


I'm currently lying on my bed looking at the ceiling, and thinking about the guy that I met today. My thoughts of him are interrupted by the dress that I came across last Sunday. God, that was so pretty. If I would have gone out on a date with that guy , I would have definitely wore that. I decide to stop reminiscing about that dress and decide to make myself a chocolate smoothie. Why? Because chocolate is the only thing that can never let me down. Also, it always makes me happy.

I walk out of my room and I see Jen working on her laptop.

She asks, "heyy, what were you doing?"

"Just thinking, nothing much", I answer her.

"About whom? The hot guy that you met today? What was his name again?", she asks.

"Bryce" I immediately respond.

She chuckles and says, "Well, I guess your promptness answered my question". She adds after a minute, "He's really sexy though. And he looks quite....quite tasty, if you know what I mean. He just made me wet by his smile", she says and winks.

"You know you're engaged right", I ask her , seeing her enthusiasm for him.

"Ya , well I'm engaged. I'm not blind", she replies matter of factly.

We both laugh at this.

I head towards the kitchen and take out the chocolate syrup, oreos and milk. I am putting everything in the mixer when I hear Jen gasp out loudly. I immediately walk out of the kitchen and ask her, "oh my god, are you okay?"

She gets off from the couch and hugs me tightly , squeezing the life out of me.

She shrieks, " you wouldn't believe what just happened right now"

"What?", I ask laughing at her excitement.

"So, well Jace and I got engaged almost two months ago and since then, all of our friends and family have been asking us to throw an engagement party. Jace and I have been looking for a venue from past month but we couldn't really find anything that we liked. There is this place in New York called 'Mi Casa'. I went there when I was a little girl to attend my aunt's wedding and I immediately fell in love with that place. That's when I decided that all my wedding and related ceremonies will take place there. But for the past two months I've been trying to book it but its always booked. Right now a date opened up and I was just browsing the net when I received the notification that it was free for 29 December and I immediately booked it", she says. I swear that she said this entire thing in a breath. Now she's catching up on her breath.

"So , did you pay for it?", I ask.

"Aha. oh my god, Liam is going to be totally psyched about this. I'll call him and tell him about the news.", she says and immediately fetches her phone and begins dialling.

I look at the blonde jumping up and down for almost ten minutes while I make my smoothie. I am so happy for her. It is amazing really, that you start to care about someone so much that they become one of your priorities, who were not even a part of your life a month ago.

Sometimes I ponder over all the people that I have lost on the way. Sometimes I reminisce them and I am sad. But I guess I have also met so many amazing people on my way to where I am currently.

I guess sometimes instead of crying over the past, we need to be grateful for our present.

Well hello guys

what have you guys been upto. I by the way have nothing to do so I am using my time to write this book, for instance I wrote two chapters yesterday. I am thinking of watching a series or a movie. If you find something good of rom-com genre, do let me know by comenting down below. Byeeeee......

_ashelle_creators' thoughts