

Antares1 · Fantasie
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14 Chs

08.Burning City

[Leveled up]

['Arcane Sword' skill has been created]

[Arcane sword]

Rank - A

Injects Mana into the sword to strengthen it and enhances it over all power


'Another good skill and its A-rank too'

"Hey open your eyes,jay please!"

Turning to the group of people I saw a woman in silver armor holding a man with white robe bleeding out of his bitten torso

Turning to the other man i saw him holding the hand of his dead companion

He look up to see me

"Thanks for helping us"

"Your Welcome"

"You! Please save him"

I walked up to the man in white robe, sat by his side and raised my right hand

Activating the [Light of healing] I tried to heal his wound but the wound were burning and refuse to heal

So i poured all my mana into the ring and stopped his bleeding

'So it can only heal to that amount even if I pour all of my mana'

The woman grabbed my hand and while tear were flowing out of her eyes

"Thank you,thank you so much"

I nodded, stood and walked to the corpse of the hell chasers and cut their bodies and took out the monsters cores

Putting it in my inventory

[Cores 3/20]

[Cp: 290]

'What's Cp?'

Turning around to face the person that came to me

The man wearing a leather armor with a bow on his back and the woman with silver armor with coldness radiating of it

"Thanks for saving us,again"

"Its fine"

"I am Janice by the way" the girl said

"I'm john" the bearded man said

'The three j's'

"Are you perhaps,related"

"No,but I can see why you asked"

"Anyway, where is your group"

"I am alone"

The man had a slightly shocked face but changed to normal after a short time

"I see, then wanna come with us to the camp"

"Camp?" I asked confused

John smiled and said

"Its just a group of participants who wanna work together to finish the tutorial"

"I see,and how many people does the camp consist of "

"Around five hundred"

Slightly shocked by the number I contemplated going or not

'But the cons out weigh the pros so I don't think I will'

"I am sorry but I can't"

" its alright but if you change your mind come to the camp ,its located east from here at the edge of a cliff"

After resting and filling my mana reserves in silence, I asked

"Do you have a map of the whole sector"

"No,there is one in the camp that has the ability to make a map"

'So I can't have the map ,huh'

"Then do you know of any bright burning towers"

John and Janice looked at each other and then john said

"I know where a few are located but..."


"But I would suggest you not to go there"

"Where are they?"

"The burning towers are located around the crater"

"Where is that,exactly"

"At the center, but I don't go there"


"The center is filled with undead-skull"

"Where is the center located"

Seeing that I wasn't going to stop ,john sighed and said

"....North from here"

"Thanks John its was nice meeting your group and I will be careful"

Turning north I started to walk and directed mana to my legs I ran

Unsheathing my sword I swung at the he chasers charging at me

Using 'Arcane sword' I sliced them in half with minutes

Picking up the monster cores ,I looked at the Cp counter

[Cores 7/ 20]

[Cp : 307]

'It went up'


['Mana field' activated]

Smiling I looked at the group of hell chasers growling at me

They were eyeing my every move looking for a weakness to attack

Taking a deep breath I injected a large amount of mana in the sword

Taking a stance I stared at the hell chasers that started to circle around me

The hand started to hurt due to the mana pressure and my sword started to vibrate


The hell chasers lunged at me from behind but was meet with a 'Mana blast' instead of flesh

I swung my sword with all my might the mana stored in my sword was released with pressure

The released mana flew away from the sword and cut the hell chasers in half and cut deep into the building behind them

I was in awe of the destruction but I was pulled out of my thought by the pain radiating of my hand


My sword was dropped as I grabbed my right hand and activated [light of healing] from the ring

In a few minutes my hand was healed and I picked up my sword and looked at it

'Its durability must has dropped by half in that attack'

I swung the sword in my right hand a few times to check if it was okay

Then I used 'Arcane sword' and it was fine but the proficiency of 'Arcane sword' had raised and it was easier to use

Then I gathered the cores from the corpses and put them in the inventory

[Cores : 14/20]

[Cp : 380]

I ran towards north and not long after I was being chased by undead skull

First they were a few and then the few became a horde of running bombs

I threw four 'Mana blasts' and started a chain reaction that exploded the horde into pieces

[Leveled up]

I dashed towards a building and jumped as high as I could before using 'Arcane sword' to make a path through the flames

I stabbed my sword in the wall and used it to steady myself before concentrating mana in my legs and run up the side of the building

I propelled myself by using 'Mana blast' to explode small amounts of mana beneath my feet

In no time I reached the roof and jumped to another burning roof before making a path with 'Mana blasts'

I stood at the edge of the roof of the sixth building looking at the bright burning tower

It was a distance away from me but the necklace was vibrating whenever I faced its direction

"Found it!"


Give me Power Stones

Antares1creators' thoughts