
Fallen in love with the Loli Princess in novel story

Narumi Amakawa is a prodigious magic engineer renowned for his expertise in building giant mechs and advanced war weapons. He possesses a brilliant mind and has garnered attention and invitations from various private companies and the Imperial Army responsible for safeguarding the galaxy. Despite the numerous opportunities presented to him, Narumi remains undecided about where he should ultimately devote his talents. However, Narumi carries a secret that he has never shared with anyone: he is an avid fan of a series of literature known as "Loli Princess Novel". These novels feature adorable princess characters, and Narumi, in particular, is infatuated with one character named Christina Aurestear. He empathizes deeply with her tragic story and the sacrifices she made to protect her people. Narumi's favorite scene in the series is the one in which Christina meets her unfortunate demise, a scene that deeply resonated with him and many other fans. Narumi harbors a genuine love for Christina Aurestear and fantasizes about piloting his giant mech to protect her and fulfill her unfulfilled wish. However, he recognizes the limitations of her existence as a fictional character confined to the pages of a book. On a fateful day, a mysterious event takes place that Narumi cannot comprehend. A massive warp hole materializes, prompting Narumi to make a decision to venture into it, carrying the Loli Princess Novel book he held and his giant mech. Little does he know that the destination of this unexpected journey is none other than the world depicted in the novel, the very world Narumi has longed for. Story tags : science fantasy, robot anime, technology invention, mix bathing, co-sleeping, seducing, no NTR, happy ending, polygamy, transported to novel world. Character tags : loli, loli-oppai, princess, litte sister, maid, tsundere, innocent, jealous, magic engineer, loli pilot, alluring, naked. === Recomment === Hello everyone! I'm excited to announce that I've published to the end of 1st volume, I'm here to recommend it to all the fans of isekai harem! Here are a few things to keep in mind before diving in: The main focus of this story is on romance and the development of relationships between the protagonist and the heroines. If you're looking for action-packed battle scenes, you may not find them here. Instead, expect a deep exploration of emotions and connections. While this story falls under the sci-fi fantasy genre, it deviates from the usual isekai tropes. There are no elves, dwarves, or beast girls, and you won't find an adventure guild or a slave shop. So if you're seeking a different take on the isekai formula, this story might intrigue you. I hope you give this isekai harem story a chance and enjoy the journey of romance and exploration it offers. Happy reading!

EvilcatNarumi · Fantasie
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101 Chs

Chapter 66: Sweet Moments

As the sun bathed the streets of the royal capital of Aurestear Kingdom in a warm, golden glow, the bustling city came to a halt as people couldn't help but pause and witness the rare sight before them. Two renowned figures, Narumi, the revered Goddess Apostle, and Christina, the beloved Princess of Aurestear, walked hand in hand, their presence captivating the attention of onlookers.

In the midst of the mesmerized crowd, Narumi and Christina strolled together, their steps light and filled with a contagious joy. Today, Christina had insisted that Narumi take a break from his demanding work and join her for a delightful date. It was a precious moment for them to escape the responsibilities that weighed upon their shoulders and simply relish in each other's company, taking leisurely walks through the bustling streets of the royal capital.

"Because next week we will be busy preparing for the large mobile floating fortress official launching ceremony, right?" Christina exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement, though she tried to hide it behind her tsundere demeanor. "That's why I wanted to take it easy and enjoy the royal capital today, so don't you dare misunderstand and think this is a date or anything!" she mumbled, her cheeks slightly flushed, she couldn't deny the joy she felt in spending this moment with Narumi.

Narumi smiled, his eyes full of understanding and care. "If you say it with such a joyful aura, everyone around us will definitely understand that we're on a date, right? Well, I'm really glad you invited me to go out today, Christina. I often forget to take a break when I'm engrossed in my work, so it's important for me to relax and enjoy moments like this. But you know, the most important thing is that I've always wanted to go on a date with you too." His words were genuine, filled with affection and a hint of playfulness, as he gently squeezed Christina's hand.

"Hmm! It's fine if you want to go on a date with me that much, but just so you know, it's only for today! Don't get any funny ideas that I'll always have time for you," Christina retorted with her usual tsundere tone, though a hint of a happy smile played at the corner of her mouth. The sweet atmosphere wrapped around them, deepening the special connection between the two as they continued their leisurely stroll through the bustling royal capital.

After leisurely strolling around and admiring the playful children in the playground, Narumi and Christina's stomachs rumbled in unison, signaling that it was time for lunch. They spotted a charming small restaurant tucked away in a cozy corner and decided it was the perfect place to satisfy their appetites.

As they entered the restaurant, the aroma of delicious food greeted their senses, making their mouths water. They exchanged a knowing glance, their anticipation growing. Seated at a cozy table, they perused the menu, their fingers tracing the descriptions of mouthwatering dishes.

Narumi leaned forward, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Christina, how about trying the chef's signature dish? It's rumored to be an explosion of flavors that will leave you wanting more." Christina raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Oh, really? Well, I'm not one to be easily impressed, but I'm willing to give it a shot."

As the food arrived, their taste buds were treated to a symphony of flavors. Narumi couldn't help but savor each bite, a contented smile playing on his lips. Christina, though trying to maintain her tsundere facade, couldn't hide the delight on her face as she savored the exquisite flavors.

In the midst of their delightful lunch, their hands accidentally brushed against each other while reaching for a shared dish. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, a hint of warmth passing between them before Christina looked away, her cheeks tinged with a gentle blush. Narumi cleared his throat, breaking the brief silence. "So, what do you think? Not bad, huh?"

Christina tried to maintain her tsundere demeanor, but a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She glanced at Narumi from the corner of her eye. "Well, I suppose it's... passable. Just passable, okay?" Narumi chuckled, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "Passable, huh? I see you're trying hard to hide your true thoughts." Christina crossed her arms, feigning nonchalance. "Of course! Don't get carried away just because I admitted it was decent."

Their playful banter continued as they savored the remaining bites of their meal. The cozy atmosphere of the restaurant seemed to amplify the sweet tension between them. Narumi occasionally stole a quick glance at Christina, and she would pretend not to notice, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

After finished the meal, Narumi suggested they visit the center square, where a lively free market was taking place today. Christina's eyes lit up with excitement as she nodded in agreement, her tsundere demeanor momentarily forgotten.

As they strolled through the bustling free market, Christina's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she spotted a basket of adorable kittens. The sight of their playful antics and innocent charm captivated her. Narumi couldn't help but be enchanted by Christina's fascination. He gently squeezed her hand, a tender gesture to convey his presence and support.

"Would you like to have a kitten in our room at the large mobile floating fortress, Christina? I can buy one for you," Narumi offered, his voice filled with warmth. Christina's eyes widened with delight, and a soft blush graced her cheeks. She observed the kittens with careful consideration, her gaze fixated on a particular white one with light purple markings on its paws and the tip of its tail. "I... I love that one," she whispered, her voice filled with affection.

Narumi approached the vendor, an old woman with a kind smile, and began negotiating a fair price for the kitten. Despite the vendor's initial reluctance to accept money from Narumi the Goddess Apostle, he managed to persuade her and reach an agreement. As he handed the basket with the fluffy kitten to Christina, her eyes sparkled with happiness.

Carefully cradling the kitten in her arms, Christina gently stroked its fur, eliciting contented purrs. "I'll take good care of you, Lavender," she murmured, her voice filled with tenderness. Narumi leaned closer, his finger lightly touching the kitten's ear. "Do you already have a name? Lavender sounds like a cute and cool name. I'm glad I could bring a smile to your face, Christina. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Christina looked up at Narumi, a slight blush coloring her cheeks as she fought to maintain her tsundere demeanor. She mustered up her courage and expressed her gratitude, "Tha...Thank you, Narumi. It means a lot to me. Lavender will be a wonderful addition to our family." Narumi smiled, his eyes filled with understanding and affection. He gently brushed a strand of hair behind Christina's ear, his touch conveying reassurance.

As Narumi and Christina gracefully walked through the bustling free market, Lavender nestled comfortably in the basket held by Christina, the trio formed an enchanting sight that captivated the passersby. The soft whispers of the market were momentarily hushed as people couldn't help but be drawn to the adorable scene. Smiles adorned their faces, their hearts melting at the sight of the renowned couple accompanied by a playful kitten in a basket.

Whispers of admiration and excitement filled the air as onlookers recognized Narumi, the revered Goddess Apostle, and Princess Christina, a beloved figure in the Aurestear Kingdom. A gentle buzz of awe and delight swept through the crowd as they exchanged warm glances and admired the adorable addition to their entourage. Children pointed excitedly, tugging at their parents' sleeves to get a closer look, while adults couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming display. The sweet atmosphere enveloped the couple and their furry companion, creating a sense of joy and connection among the gathered crowd.

As they made their way back towards the royal castle, Narumi and Christina were surpise when they unexpectedly crossed paths with Flora's family, who had just arrived in the royal capital of Aurestear Kingdom. Flora's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and delight as she recognized the familiar figures of Narumi and Christina. Overwhelmed with excitement, she couldn't contain herself and dashed towards them, leaving her parents momentarily speechless.

"Narumi-sama! Christina-sama!" Flora exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy and admiration. The sparkle in her eyes spoke volumes about the admiration she held for her heroes. Narumi's smile widened as he caught sight of Flora's enthusiastic approach. He welcomed her with open arms, pulling her into a warm hug. With a gentle lift, he raised her off the ground, the sheer happiness radiating from both of them.

"You've grown so much, Flora-chan," Narumi remarked, his voice laced with genuine affection and pride. His embrace conveyed a sense of familiarity and fondness that brought comfort to Flora's heart. Flora's parents, who had regained their senses, hurriedly approached the scene, their faces filled with both concern and contrition. They knelt down before Narumi and Christina, bowing their heads in deep apology.

"Please forgive our daughter's impulsive behavior," Flora's father said, his voice tinged with remorse. "We will ensure to educate her more strictly about proper etiquette and respect." Narumi's eyes softened, and he gently raised his hand, signaling for them to rise. "There's no need for such formality," he reassured them, his voice filled with genuine affection and joy. "It warms my heart to see Flora's happy smile."

Christina nodded in agreement, her expression softening. "Flora-chan's excitement is a beautiful reminder of the connection we share. There's no need to worry about etiquettes in a private place like this," Flora's parents breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the understanding and kindness shown by Narumi and Christina. They stood up, their gratitude evident in their eyes as they exchanged appreciative glances.

Flora, still beaming with excitement, couldn't contain her happiness. "Narumi-sama, Christina-sama," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "I will work hard and strive to become a skilled magic engineer, just like you, Narumi-sama!" Narumi's eyes gleamed with pride as he gently put Flora down and kneeled down to her level, placing a hand tenderly on her shoulder. "Flora-chan, your determination is truly inspiring. I have no doubt that you will achieve great things. Keep following your dreams and never lose sight of your passion. I will be there to guide and teach you every step of the way."

After the heartfelt reunion, Narumi expressed his gratitude to the two staff members who had taken care of Flora's family. With warm smiles and kind gestures, Narumi and Christina led Flora's family to the room prepared for them in the large mobile floating fortress. Each step along the way filled Flora's parents with awe and disbelief, as if they were walking through a dream.

Finally, when they were alone in the room, Flora's parents could no longer contain their emotions. Overwhelmed by the grandeur and magnificence of their surroundings, they found themselves exhausted and collapsed onto the floor, their bodies trembling with a mixture of disbelief and sheer exhaustion. The weight of their journey and the incredible experiences they had encountered had taken its toll on them.