
Fallen God: Evolved from a dual-cultivation ogre into a titan giant

In a world where a game universe replaces reality, Alexander, out of curiosity, transforms into an ogre with dual cultivation talent. The ogre tribe has beautiful slaves, and these female slaves have many ways of pleasing him, but should he settle for mere pleasure? No! This barren desert is not his destiny. What exactly is his identity? He is a descendant of the Titans! He is the king of the ogres! He is the only ogre with dual cultivation talent! He intends to build the most powerful ogre empire. His ogre empire is not only home to clever and powerful ogre warriors, but also to the Red Dragon Queen, the Succubus Queen, the Medusa Queen, the Elf Queen and more. Capable of instilling fear in countless organisms, these queens behave like gentle kittens in Alexander's presence.

RedBull · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Master, is there anything I can serve you with?

Alexander picked up a horn and blew it. The Kodo beast obediently came to his side. 

The Kodo's appearance resembled that of a rhinoceros on Earth, with two robust, sharp horns, one in front and one behind. Combined with its massive size and weight, it was unstoppable when charging.

The Kodo's limbs were extremely thick, with longer front limbs and shorter hind limbs. Its shoulder height was about the same as an average ogre. If not thoroughly provoked, it had a rather gentle nature. Whether for combat or transport, the Kodo beast was an outstanding creature.

Moreover, given the Kodo beast's physique, it could easily carry an ogre on its back without any issue. This was precisely why Alexander wanted the Kodo beast. 

He had decided that until a better mount appeared, this Kodo beast would be his exclusive ride and would be free-roaming in this oasis.

Looking at the Kodo Beast, Alexander instructed Foreskin, "Take the Kodo to the oasis beyond and make sure it's tied up well."

"Oh!" Foreskin, excitedly mounted the Kodo and headed towards the oasis.

The envy in the other ogres' eyes was almost palpable.

Alexander sighed, about to say that it was his exclusive mount, but the words died in his throat.

Oh well, who argues with a fool anyway?


The battle ended, and the ogres all drooled at the sight of the centaur corpses on the ground. Although they were hungry, they wouldn't take any action without their chief's command. 

Alexander thought for a moment and then ordered the ogres to bring the dead centaur bodies back to the tribe. In the past, these ogres would have opted to eat them raw, but now that Alexander had become their chief, things had changed. 

Meanwhile, Alexander jumped into the oasis, intending to take a bath and wash off all the bloodstains from his body. 

Especially his manhood; now that he had mastered Bloodthirsty Pursuit, he planned to try dual cultivation with the succubus slave after having a hearty meal.


Alexander returned to the tribe and used Roder's long sword to slit open the belly of a centaur corpse, placing the entrails and blood in a large pot. In this food-scarce desert, the entrails were a delicacy not to be wasted. He planned to use them to make soup.

He then cut the centaur meat into small pieces, skewered them on sticks, and placed them over the campfire to roast. The female slaves, drawn by the aroma of the meat, came out, having not tasted cooked meat in a long time.

Alexander assigned them the task of roasting the meat. He used 1 point to exchange for some barbecue seasoning from the system store, sprinkling it little by little over the meat. 

The seasoning container was small, so he poured them all into his bowl for convenience. His bowl was actually a giant beast's skull, which made handling the seasoning a bit easier.

As he continued to sprinkle the seasoning, a rich meaty aroma began to spread through the air. Soon, a circle of ogres gathered around the fire. Alexander directed the female slaves to keep turning the skewers while he himself focused on timing the seasoning.

Before long, the first batch of large skewers was ready. Alexander grabbed five and handed them to Star, who couldn't wait and immediately devoured one.

"Delicious, truly delicious!" Star exclaimed.


The ogres around drooled but dared not move without Alexander's command.

He then took twenty skewers and gave them to Foreskin to distribute. The ogres scuffled over the roasted meat, adhering to their tradition where the strong eat first, and the losers can only watch.

The aroma also attracted some cave dwellers wandering in the desert, drawn by their exceptionally keen sense of smell. A few sneaked into the ogre tribe, only to be greeted by a man with a red and swollen buttock, waving at them.

"You damn human, don't meddle in things that don't concern you. If the ogres find us, you'll be the first they kill!" warned a cave dweller.

To their surprise, upon approaching, they recognized the man as the renowned Knight Commander, Roder.

"Roder, how did you end up here?" the cave dweller whispered.

"It's my fault for being careless this time. Go quickly and ask the queen for help, send someone to rescue me!" Roder tossed a token to the cave dweller.

"Alright, I'll report to the queen right away!" the cave dweller hurriedly left.

After a while, the soup was ready. Alexander scooped a bowl of the entrail soup for himself. It tasted better than he expected. Star, following Alexander's lead, also scooped a bowl, showing a satisfied expression on his fierce face.

After Alexander and Star finished their soup, the other ogres started fighting again, this time over who would drink the soup first. It wasn't until Alexander forcefully arranged a dining order that the ogres calmed down. 

With the chief's intervention, the ogres' wild and rude demeanor gave way to a more docile and foolish appearance.

The pot was large enough for each ogre to have a bowl, with plenty to spare. 

Alexander looked at the female slaves, pitifully looking up at him. Considering they would still be serving him, he handed them a large skewer and some meat soup. 

After they finished eating, Alexander beckoned the succubus with a finger gesture.

[Succubus Slave]

[Name: Elyssia]

[Title: Alexander's Faithful Slave]

[Talent: Paralyzing Toxin]

[Combat Power: 268]

Elyssia, the succubus slave, approached Alexander. When she raised her head, she was about as tall as the root of Alexander's thigh. "Master, is there anything I can do for you?" she asked.