
The Central Powers

As the king walked along the upper floor of the banquet looking down upon the citizens of Germanity, until one guard quickly race toward king Klaus and said, "the Royal family of Austria-Hungary have arrived."

"Thank you," King Klaus replied before he started to made his way down the stairs. The doors slowly swing open and six well armed soldiers marched in first before the King, Queen then princess of Austria-Hungary. To meet them was King Klaus himself, as he approached the Royal family their guards quickly slowed his greetings.

"King Marousek and Queen Evka," Klaus said stopping in font the guards, "glad to see you accepted my invitation."

Waving his hand the King of Austria-Hungary signalling his guards to let Klaus through, "glad you'll have us."

As his eyes glad over to where he saw a young lady; gently holds her left hand, her fingers slightly folded in his hand where he sealed their meeting with a single kiss to the surface then saying, "it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I'm Klaus Ungeheuerlich ruler of Gemanity."

     With a slight blush she quickly answered with, "I'm Princess Vladislava Danulka, the pleasure is mine and thank you for having us."

     When he released her hand, he gently grab a glass of wine from one of the passing waiters and said, " you should have a drink," as he handing one of the guard the glass before walking away, "it's a party after all."

Before he could get far King Marousek grabbed his arm and pulled himself closer whispering, "we made a long journey here and I didn't expect a party; is this the reason why you invited us?"

"No we have more important matter to discuss but for now be patient and enjoy the party," he answered before he continue to walking away.

Walking toward the stairs, he path crossed with one of his soldier. When they were shoulder to shoulder Klaus said, "watch them," as he continue walking.

Moments later the stunning Lady Sofia accompanying her the angel like Aleksandra entered the party. when they took the floor men flocked to them like bee to honey. "Gentlemen these two ladies are with me," King Klaus said standing at the back of the crowd as they disbursed.

"Lady Sofia, you look exquisite tonight," he said as he held her hand and kissed her on the cheek before kneeling to Aleksandra level, "and a little angel all your missing are wings and you'll be complete."

"You're gonna make my jealous now," Sariel said as she approached the King Klaus in her royal blue uniform, "the conference room you requested is ready."

As he turn around to see Sariel, he said, "Great, would you please inform the King of Austria-Hungary I request his audience?"

"As you wish," she replied before she walked down the stairs.

As he watched Sariel talking with the king he began to walking down the hall with Lady Sofia and Aleksandra following behind. At the sight of the King the two guards open the door and stood to the wall until the last soldier from Austria-Hungary stepped in before closing it behind him.

"You may sit," Klaus said as he gestured everyone in the room to have a seat.

The Royal family of Austria-Hungary sat opposite to Klaus, Sofia and Aleksandra; their soldiers positioning two at the door, two behind the King and one each behind the Queen and princess.

When he noticed Aleksandra left of Klaus he asked, "Is that the white Knight of Germanity?"

"No Princess Teresa will be absent during this diplomatic meeting," Sofia answered standing up to address King Marousek, " I must apologise on her behalf."

"Well then who is that child?" King Marousek, " has the king received a daughter?"

The room was silent before Aleksandra decide to stand but King Klaus stop her by resting his hand on her shoulder and answering, " Yes."

To where he was quickly interpreted by King Marousek laughter then he asked, "who is the mother so I can personally celebrate her by her lovely daughter."

"That will be impossible, she is an orphan from Polandia I have adopted," he said before the room went completely silent, "what is the problem, will her lineage pose a issue?"

"No, relations between our nations are too important to fall under those small issue," he answered, " I was just shocked by your response."

"Okay, the main reason I called this meeting is to inform you of war, the Second World War," King Klaus said before Queen Evka rose from her seat."

"What a Second World War! do you know how many person death in the first, the destruction it cause, what it cost us and Polandia won't support this action," Queen Evka explained.

"Queen Evka with all due respect I lost my parents, my rights to the throne and my status for three year; I saw the land and the people I loved crumble and suffer at the order of the Alliance," King Klaus said, "I have clawed and scratch to be where you see me now, so I do understand what a Second World War may mean."

After the king's statement Queen Evka posture quickly change and she said," I'm sorry, we will hear what you have to said."

"I only request for you to protect your borders from France to flack my army while I break through their border and if Russia try to invade while my main army is in the France you assist my remaining army to defend Germanity," King Klaus stated.

"Is that all," Queen Evka said as she look over on her husband and daughter as she pass a paper to each of them before the princess stood up.

"We will provide fifth thousands soldiers to assist in the defence of your borders but do care me asking to how you may break through the France fortified borders?" The Princess asked crushing the paper which was handed to her.

"The France has made upgrades to better defence against an invasion from us ideally Belgium's border would be most tactical area to control for this invasion but Belgium is set to remain neutral and an invasion of Belgium may resolve in Britannia intervening," King Klaus answered with his calm and confident voice, "also my intel have reveal a weak point along the demilitarised Rhine Land which is bordered by mountains and swamps,"

"I see but whom will lead this force through those difficult terrains?" Queen Evka followed up by asking.

"I will lead that force personally and strike a quick victory of my people," king Klaus answered, "we still have preparations to make before but in a month time I will launch my attack and in two day France will fall."