

Lysander's heart had hardened over the years. He wouldn't be able to give his stone-cold heart to any woman. And he wasn't sure if any woman would want to marry a person like him! A man without emotions!! He wouldn't even have time for his wife to be able to give Edgeville a successor of the throne if he was married by force!

mckayy · Fantasie
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24 Chs


Anastasia looked up at Thyra as tears welled up in her hazel eyes.

Earlier before, Anastasia had thought she was locked up in Rivendelle but in a different room! But it looked like she was out of Rivendelle which explained why Lysander had told her it would take a thousand years for the most intelligent man to find her here!

"Please don't cry, my princess!" Thyra moved forward and wiped the princess's face.

"Why are you being nice to me?"Anastasia asked Thyra who just smiled at her question.

"I am being nice to you because you are special.I knew you would be here! You were destined to be here! And you are not here because of Lysander's plans only! You have a connection with the stars you belong here to us! But you don't know who you are!"

"Then help me get back to Rivendelle please!"

"I can't!"

"Why? Why can't you help me? My kingdom is at stake right now! Rivendelle is at stake, the vulnerable people are at stake! You love this place just as much as I do Rivendelle! Lysander is trying to destroy my place, my home!! Please help me!" Anastasia cried her heart out to Thyra!!

"I....I...I wish I could help you...but....I just can't. I am so sorry!! Forgive me my princess!" Thyra said and hurried out!

Lysander was the king of Edgeville.He became king of Edgeville because when his father, Amberjill had left his brothers in Rivendelle, his father seek refuge in Edgeville and they stayed here in Edgeville until they were ready to go back to Rivendelle!! But the past king of Edgeville had no son to be his successor, he had seven daughters and none of them could succeed the throne so he wanted a man he could trust to take over his beloved land but found none!

After Lysander's parents demise he came here to report the incident to the then king of Edgeville and the people of Edgeville comforted him! At age fifteen, Lysander became our king when the King of Edgeville passed away. Since then his plans to take revenge started! He sent spies to Rivendelle and got Rivendelle's most vulnerable information so even as at today, he could destroy Rivendelle if he wanted now!! But to make things more easier he would behave like a lion! He would amble at them and pounce on them when the time was right!!!

Anastasia sat back and wept some more!She didn't know what to do! She wanted to get the hell out of here back home but there was no way she could escape this place without help!!


Meanwhile the twenty more soldiers king Labhrainn sent out went out to search for the lost princess! They asked everyone and anybody they saw wether they saw signs or weird groups of people anywhere but the people replied in the negative!!

But how? Anastasia was kidnapped in broad daylight how come the busy streets of Rivendelle hadn't seen anything??

After roaming the whole area, The group decided to split into half!! Ten went towards the forest area and the other ten went to search the other towns!

It was already close to sunset and the ten soldiers in the forest, found no lead! Their hard work proved futile plus they couldn't go back to their king if they didn't want their executed heads sent to their families!

They sat on rocks to take a breather and to eat lunch! They hadn't gotten the opportunity to even eat lunch!

"This is useless. I want to quit the army!" One soldier said frustrated.

"I know, it's hard work and so much is expected of us but we are just humans!" another added with his mouth full of food.

They debated on the benefits of joining and quiting the army but stopped when one of them noticed a torn uniform in the ground soaked with blood which looked exactly like the uniform they were wearing!!

One of them gathered courage and went closer to the uniform and raised it up! And the name written on the uniform shocked him to the core! It was Rex's uniform.

"Guys! I think something happened to our army members!"

They all went closer to get a better view of the uniform!! They moved forward to see if they could get more but this time it wasn't just uniforms!

It was their army men in uniforms! They looked with widened eyes as they moved closer to identify the bodies.

"I think we should leave here! We don't know who? Or what killed them! But one thing for sure is that they were killed here!" The one who saw Rex's uniform said!

"Hey stop being a coward! Be a soldier for once and help us take the bodies back to Rivendelle!! At least our king won't do anything to us if he sees these tragic sight!"

As they proceeded to take the advice of the second soldier,they felt a sudden strong gust of wind around them! They all looked up from their bending position and their eyes met the eyes of Lysander!

He stood tall and smirked at their tiny images below the ground!

"Welcome!" He said as he smiled and walked at them.

They stood up slowly from their bending position and ambled back! Lysander moved like lightening speed and stuck them all dead just with his hands and immense strength just as he did to the others!

But just as he was about to kill the last one of them, the soldier pleaded with Lysander!

"Please have mercy! My wife is pregnant and I have an aged mother waiting for me at home please spare me!"

"Did you people spare my parents who did nothing to you? You made me an only child by burning my pregnant mother! So I will make your unborn baby an only child from you! And if I let you go, you would report what you've seen but I already spared one of you to report this to your king. So I don't think you are of any significant use!!" Lysander smashed his head against a nearby tree, smirked at the lovely sight he made.

"Keep them coming Labhrainn!" he said and went deeper into the forest!

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