

Lysander's heart had hardened over the years. He wouldn't be able to give his stone-cold heart to any woman. And he wasn't sure if any woman would want to marry a person like him! A man without emotions!! He wouldn't even have time for his wife to be able to give Edgeville a successor of the throne if he was married by force!

mckayy · Fantasie
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24 Chs

In the same bed

The people who were trying to control the strong raging colours froze at the sight of Anastasia, slowly moving upwards.

They tried to get her but Thyra warned them against that! They would die trying so!

Anastasia whose eyes were closed opened her eyes and the reflection of the colors on her eyes was so much it was like a flashlight turned on. The light in the sky came in thunder-like form striking into Anastasia's body.

Lysander felt the urge to go up there and do something. He couldn't stand seeing her like that !

'All this is my fault! If only I hadn't brought her here!'He thought!

"No it's not!'' Thyra answered placing a hand in his back.

Everyone up landed back to the land! The rocks had stopped raining and the fire too had stopped. Anastasia's body was receiving all the light from up! She started screaming in agony and pain! Smooth lines like that of cracks on a dry ground appeared on her skin with golden light reflecting from them!

"This is not good!" Lysander said in an attempt to go up there but of course Thyra stopped him!

"You will die doing that! You can't go near her! The power in her body will kill you then!"

"But she's in so much pain! How can you be so heartless? I know how that feels like that is why...!"

"I am not heartless! Nature has to take it's course!"

Suddenly there was a large blow of wind over everywhere. The light was gone and so was Anastasia! Everyone kept looking up to see what had happened to the princess!


"I don't know!" Thyra answered before he could even complete his question.

"Look, there she comes!" a little fat boy announced pointing to the small figure falling from the sky! Several of them caught her before she could land, cracking up on the ground.They carried her to the king's room and started checking her vitals. Everything kept on showing she was okay but no one would listen!

"Let's all leave, please!" Thyra announced as more people bursted into the room. After a while of calming the raging crowd, Thyra sent them all out and left too with the exception of Lysander. He just paced up and down slowly in his room reflecting on the series of events that just took place!

All this was his sister's fault! He was going to punish her even more. With all what he had just seen, he was thinking of freeing Xenia, Casimir and Anastasia's mother! And even retracting from his revenge plan! He had done so much already!

After getting deeper into his conversation, he realized all this wasn't his sister's fault! Infact his sister did all that because of what happened to him earlier! And all what happened to him was because of who summoned his spirit and delivered the message to him!

No one in Edgeville would dare do that! And nobody knew how Edgeville was maybe except Ashland where they too were just like them and they wouldn't risk doing that!

So someone from outside Edgeville was behind all this! And no one from outside could know of how to contact his spirit if no one from Edgeville hadn't told him! Therefore, he was going to look for who fed the outsider the information and then track down who contacted his spirit!


Lysander sat outside Anastasia's room. And looked up the balcony. He smiled a little at the memories of Anastasia wriggling for help.

"Is that a smile I see?" His other sister, Astrid asked.

Lysander quickly wiped out the little smile and pushed a little for his sister to sit on. She was the third born out of seven daughters.

"She is going to be okay!" Astrid said staring into Lysander's eyes which were looking elsewhere.

"I know! Everyone hopes that too!"

"Everyone? Not you especially?"


"Forget about that anyways! About you! What happened earlier!"

"I want to know who can leak out information about us to outsiders!"

"I will get you the list of names tonight and the people tomorrow, hopefully God-willing!"


After some more conversations, the night had deepened! Astrid went to bed and Lysander headed towards his room. On his way into the palace, he saw people growing back burnt plants from the initial incident and that reminded him of how he burnt the farms of Rivendelle!

He entered his room and his gaze flew to the figure lying on his bed! She laid in the same position she was left but thank God she was breathing.

He went to his bathroom and took a bath with the help of his maids. They prepared him for bed and left afterwards. He went to bed not caring he had Anastasia in there! After a while of looking into the ceiling with his hand behind his head, he drifted off to school.




Lysander woke up very late in the morning. He was pretty sure he missed breakfast! He turned to his left but Anastasia wasn't in his bed. He became alarmed immediately! He stood from his bed and walked tall towards his bathroom! He grabbed his door and flanged it open. All the maids let out a scream in fear!

Lysander's alarmed face relaxed a bit after he saw that the maids were bathing the still unconscious princess! He breathed out the air he didn't know he held back and walked further into his grand bathroom space!

The maids looked at him with questioning looks! Wasn't he supposed to leave the bathroom? A princess was being bathed!!!!!

He didn't care! Infact it slipped off his mind!

He went to the changing room and changed to his luxurious bathrobe. He came back and entered the large steamy bath which was built just like a large swimming pool decorated with fragrance flowers and oil!

He rested his hands around the bath facing the princess! The maids stared at him and he stared back! They resumed with their work forming a barrage around her! Lysander didn't know why they did that, he just watched how they washed her up, skillfully!!!!




After they took her out, they dried her and prepared her up! They dried and combed her hair adding natural hair nourishing oil! They wore her royal clothes and placed her on her bed! After which they left!

Lysander, after his bath, came back to his room and got dressed up by the maids help again! The maids did everything for them here! He sat on the side where Anastasia was laid and just looked at her carefully to see if she was okay or more precisely, breathing! After he was satisfied with his results, he got up to leave but what he saw stopped him!