
Fallen Dawn

A world saturated in people born with varying abilities can a single boy hope to grow into a hero?! Dawn found himself at a standstill. His older brother, who stood in front of him, suddenly died. However, a sheet of paper, blown by the wind landed in Dawn's hands. It was an acceptance letter to the greatest Superhero Academy in the country. Two years later Dawn attends the academy. (Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional, and anything related to any person, place, or thing is also wholly coincidental.) (Cover art obtained from the help of WoodenPaw)

Pinky_Fox · Aktion
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5 Chs

Fallen Dawn - 3

"Yo, wake up. It's the weekend!" Kyle was slapping Dawn's face with a pillow.

Dawn sat up with a crazy amount of bedhead. Then turned to Kyle, "Asshole…"

"Hah, says you…" Kyle crossed his arms, "We finally got through this ass week. Why don't we go out with everyone?!"

Dawn had his eyes open halfway. He glared at Kyle. "You're the type to sleep in during school and wake up early when there isn't…?"

"Early bird gets the worm, bro." Kyle stood proud with his hands on his waist while smiling widely.

"Haaaa…" Dawn sighed, then laid down, "I'll hang in a bit. Let me sleep some more."

"Man… Fine, I'll call up Cakey." The phone rang, but there wasn't an answer.

"I guess she's busy…"

"We do have homework…" Dawn whispered as he gradually faded back into his slumber.

Kyle stepped back and crawled to bed, "ugh… don't remind me." His energy disappeared after hearing the word 'homework.'

By the time the two had woken up again, it was noon. Both sat up on the beds and stared at each other.

Dawn's bedhead looked worse. It was like snakes were wriggling out of his head, ready to turn any into stone.

Kyle's bedhead was just as bad as it puffed up into an afro.

Looking at that made Dawn wake up, "Pffff…" He started to laugh, "You're hair!" He grasped his stomach.

Kyle got annoyed, "Ya' know, I thought you had a rough time talkin', but you seem just fine to me!" He roared at Dawn.

Kyle then grabbed a pillow and threw it across the room, hitting Dawn.

Dawn threw it back with the same force.

The two ended up having a pillow fight for the next half hour.

After a fierce battle, the two got ready to leave.

"You think the dorm cafeteria is open durin' the weekend?" Kyle asked.

"Dunno… haaa…" Dawn yawned.

"I see you're back to your nonchalant self."

Kyle adjusted his tea shades back up to his nose bridge. "Well, we'll find out when we get there."

The cafeteria was, in fact, still open. The gothic architecture still awed the two.

The buffet line had an assortment of food lined up from meats, including ham, turkey, and fried chicken.

There were vegetables and a salad bar with any and all possible greens.

They even had pizza lined, though it was a "breakfast" style. It had bacon as the topping.

Pastries, sweets, and a varied selection of bread were on the far side.

"I wonder what I should get…" Kyle muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, Dawn had already stacked his plate with meat along with some rice.

"..." Kyle just stared at Dawn and his plate. He gestured his hands outward and asked, "But why…?"

"Protein… Carbs… I need to get stronger." Dawn answered.

Kyle was slightly taken aback.

After they were both done grabbing their food, they saw Cakey sitting alone at a table.

They all greeted one another.

Kyle then asked why she couldn't answer her phone in the morning. She responded with "homework."

Dawn then asked if the assignments were challenging,

"It wasn't too bad… just a lot of busy work." She replied.

Kyle butted in, "ya' wanna hang with us? A break could be good!"

"I… uh… maybe later haha…" She anxiously chuckled.

Dawn noticed her shaking. Especially her hands. It looked more like they were twitching or itching for something to do.

To him, the feeling he saw in Cakey was familiar.

As the three finished eating, Kyle first put his plate in the dish pile near the buffet line.

Dawn faced Cakey. "It's okay to feel stressed, but you don't have to feel alone too."

Cakey looked up at Dawn. He hadn't noticed how tall he was until now. "Thank you…" She smiled.

Kyle walked back towards them. He felt as if a spark was happening between the two.

He thought nothing of it and brushed it off but felt a little jealous.

Cakey then separated herself from them.

She went back to her room while the two boys stepped outside.

"Let's walk around the city! I'll call up the twins." Kyle then took out his phone.

Remi picked up, "We're back at home! Sorry, maybe, next time…"

"Alright, next time…" Kyle pocketed his phone.

"Guess it's just us." Kyle turned to Dawn.

"Guess so…"

The two walked around the city but spent most of their time at an arcade.

They played Dekken repeatedly, "Damn Dawn, you suck AHAHA!" Kyle manically laughed.

"Fuck…" Dawn muttered to himself.

After the arcade, they went around hunting for food stalls. Dawn ate and grabbed as much food as he could carry.

"You sure you should be buying that…" Kyle pointed at his food.

Dawn was stuffing food into his mouth, "The school gave us funds for our education and resources…"

"Ya' know, I don't think all that food relates to that…"

The sun then gradually started coming down. The streets were slowly being lit up by lights.

"I guess we should head back," Kyle told Dawn.

Dawn nodded.

Along the way back, they heard a faint scream in the distance.

"Can you see?" Dawn frantically asked Kyle.

Kyle took off his tea shades, "down that alleyway! Looks like that woman got her purse snatched…"

Dawn dropped what he had and ran into the dark alleyway. He saw a woman, who looked slightly injured, on the ground.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" Dawn raised her back up.

It seemed like the woman sprained her ankle and hurt her wrist, trying to fend off somebody.

"Thank you, but I'll be able to stand alone."

The lady wore a white dress with a necklace dangling from her neck.

"Do you know where he could have gone?" Dawn asked her.

The lady then pointed at another alleyway. Dawn ran for it as quickly as he could.

Then he heard the deep voice of a man trip. "Ah, shit…"

Dawn faintly heard the voice and ran towards the sound.

The man there was lying on the floor. He wore a black sweater and had his hood thrown up. He wore a mask to cover his face and had the purse in his left hand.

Dawn charged forward, attempting to get the bag off from the snatcher.

The thug noticed and quickly retreated back in a flash.

[What was that…?]

The thug quickly got up and sprinted away from the scene. Dawn followed in pursuit.

The man was fast, and he gained more distance with every other step he took.

[What kind of power…]

The thug then shifted away into another alley. Dawn followed after him.

The alleyway looked like a dead-end.

"Well, fuck…" The thug said.

The thug then turned around and raised his fists.

"Sorry, kid. But I'm gonna beat your ass black and blue."

The man then raised his right arm, prepping to throw a right cross, but it was feint. Instead, a kick came up from the ground, hitting Dawn's thigh and dropping him to his knees.

The thug then took the opportunity to swing his foot forward to kick Dawn in the face.

Dawn caught the foot and lit it ablaze.

The fire then spread upward from the shoe. The man fell on his back and frantically screamed for it to stop.

Dawn put out the flames and stood right back up.

"The bag." He coldly stared at the man.

"H-Here…" The thug stuttered.

After receiving the bag, Dawn gave the man a good right cross, knocking him out. He called the authorities soon after.

The man got arrested, and then Dawn returned the bag safely to its owner.

The lady was extremely grateful and declared that she owed the young boy.

Dawn smiled at her, only replying, "he would've done the same."

Kyle, now with Dawn, pointed at himself, "Who me…? I mean, I would have…"

Dawn ignored him. The two continued walking home, with Kyle congratulating him the entire way.

I hope no one caught it, but I published this chapter a bit early by accident... Well OOPS! Anyway... I hope ya'll enjoyed the slice of life from these two! Next chapter we'll get started with the sparring sessions >_________<

Pinky_Foxcreators' thoughts