
Fallen Dawn

A world saturated in people born with varying abilities can a single boy hope to grow into a hero?! Dawn found himself at a standstill. His older brother, who stood in front of him, suddenly died. However, a sheet of paper, blown by the wind landed in Dawn's hands. It was an acceptance letter to the greatest Superhero Academy in the country. Two years later Dawn attends the academy. (Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional, and anything related to any person, place, or thing is also wholly coincidental.) (Cover art obtained from the help of WoodenPaw)

Pinky_Fox · Aktion
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5 Chs

Fallen Dawn - 2

The next morning Dawn was woken up again by Kyle's snoring.

However, unlike yesterday, he rolled and pushed Kyle around till he woke up.

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake dude…"

Dawn glared at him, "You're snoring way too loud…" Dawn then headed into the bathroom to take a shower.

"I can't be that loud. Hmph." Kyle fell back to sleep.

Later in class, Dawn was already seated. He stared at the door as if he was waiting for someone to appear.

Kyle then came rushing inside panting heavily. "I made it…" The bell then rang immediately after.

He hissed at Dawn for not waking him up. Dawn laughed a bit, "you fell back to sleep."

Kyle didn't argue that. He then sat down at his desk located on the opposite side of the classroom.

Cakey also laughed, "You two already seem so close, haha!"

"He just… reminds me of someone." Dawn stared at the distant sky from the window.

Dr. Schritt sat down at his desk and opened up the attendance log. "Okay, now that everyone is seated I'll call attendance. Shout 'here' if you're present!"

The class went on as usual. Everyone was fighting the urge to not sleep, however, some succumbed to that fate like Kyle who could be heard snoring.

Dr. Schritt woke him up by tapping on his shoulder. Schritt showed that he wasn't amused. Kyle then had to stand at the back of the class. His expression was rather sad.

Dawn and Cakey took a quick glance at Kyle. Then the two turned to each other and quietly laughed.

After some hours class had ended. The three walked out together and Kyle couldn't help but complain that he stood around for so long.

Dawn softly mentioned that it was his fault for sleeping. Cakey agreed.

"It's not my fault!" Kyle cried.

In the cafeteria, the trio saw the twins already seated. After the three had grabbed food they sat with them.

"Hah, you guys made it on time," Kyle smirked at the twins.

"You're one to talk, hahaha!" Cakey sat down.

Dawn began eating.

Remi, with his coarse speech asked. "Have you all heard about the upcoming tournament yet?" Demi just nodded.

Dawn and Cakey told him that they had, however, Kyle questioned what they were talking about.

Cakey gave a deep sigh, "don't you remember?" She looked at him.

"Yeah, I remember! You mentioned that they hold tournaments at that gym, but, like, are we having one right now?!"

"Not right away! Haven't you looked at Chalkboard at all?! It's on our class schedule."

"Ahem…" Remi interrupted the two. "The tournament is going to be held in a few weeks."

"This soon into the semester…" Kyle's spirit could metaphorically be seen leaving him.

Remi continued, "Anyways, this first tournament seems to be for the first years only. Our upperclassmen have their own tournaments. I asked my professor about anything else about it and he mentioned earning a thing called 'stars,' or something."

"The stars are what we need to go up a grade after a semester. They can be earned through tournaments, exams, and any events hosted by the school is what I've read." Cakey added.

"Sounds like a rough road…" Dawn was vigorously eating his meal.

"You sure do get hungry…" Cakey twitched her eyes.

"Well…" While eating, "we need to get stronger."

"EW! Don't chew with your mouth open!"

Kyle in the meantime was slowly dying inside, "I hate school…"

Later they all went to their separate classes. The twins went back to their homeroom as their P.E. class wasn't till much later.

The three now stood at the front of their gym. All three dreading to even take a single foot inside. Dawn was the first one to take the initiative to step forward, the two followed after him.

Coach Hera stood tall waiting for students to arrive. More students came in after the three entered. The rest of the students, minus a few, didn't look too excited to start.

"Before I start roll-call I want everyone to take 10 laps around the field!" Hera growled.

After the ten laps, some students were either lying on the floor or grasping the sky to breathe. Hera continued with her roll call.

The students then did drills of using their powers while Cakey was personally being trained by Hera.

After about an hour Hera called off the drills. "I'm assuming you have all read the notice on Chalkboard?"

Kyle looked down… "shit…"

"Starting in a few weeks we'll be hosting our first tournament to introduce all of you. The First-Year Tournament. This can be your chance to earn some 'Stars.'"

She crossed her arms. "So starting in the next few days…" She gave quite a devilish grin, "We'll start with sparring."

A majority of everyone was feeling quite uneasy.

But for Dawn, he clenched his fist. He felt quite excited. [I'll win…]

Cakey who stood next to him was shivering, it was quite the opposite feeling from Dawn.

Dawn glanced at her, "Are you… okay?"

Cakey took a huge breath and then slowly let it all out, "I think I'll be fine… I just need to pass."

"If it helps I have some chocolate in my backpack if you want some."

Cakey's eyes brightened up, "Really?! Of course, I'll have some!"

The day then ended with everyone returning to their respective dorms to get settled in for the night.

Dawn laid down on his bed while Kyle could be seen on his phone scrolling through Chalkboard.

"Damn! I ain't ready for this!" Kyle scratched his head.

Dawn stared at the ceiling, "Hey…"

Kyle looked away from his phone, "Hm? What is it?"

"How long have you known her for?"

"You talkin' bout Cakey?"


Kyle then went underneath his covers.

"I've only known her for like a year. Met her durin' my last year in middle why?"

"No, nothing, never mind." Dawn turned to the lamp by his bedside and switched it off.

"OH SHIT DON'T TELL ME YOU LIKE HER?!" Kyle was vastly intrigued.

Dawn covered himself with his sheets, "Calm down, I barely know her."

"Then what?"

"Don't you feel like something is up with her?"

Kyle then stared at the ceiling too, "I don't know… I'm not sure."

The two then stopped their conversation and went to sleep.

I know said I was going to update bi-weekly, but I'm going to try to update as frequently as I can! And I know this was shorter than the last chapter, but I just wanted to write the first chapter with more 'oomph' to kick off the story! Anyways I can't wait to see where the story might go next ya know ;). Fun Fact: I was inspired by JJK and some other manga and manhwa while writing this, but take that as you will!

Pinky_Foxcreators' thoughts