
Fallen Angel Paradise: Ability World Rising Fall...

In the 1970s Humans made the discovery of angels and demons, from the different planes as they walked in their planes and taught humans a new discovery that changed their life and path of evolution. The discovery started from the interaction of human kinds with other kinds and resulted in humans finding a way to control the so-called Psion. To become a witch or a devil. Witches were generally females with the ability to control Psion, whereas males were called Devils. Then Our Society Split apart... Those who can control Psion become arrogant, and those who cannot become inferior. Not just by the difference in strength, a century or more years of exertion from WItches and Devil. This caused humans who cannot use Psion, to feel insecure and helpless. Which resulted in those inferior becoming weaker in their own imagination. Military power, Social Ladders, Business Tycoons, and even Research group were covered by Superior kinds, the new all-given name for Witches and Demons. In that mess, an Inferior named Chen Yu. Successfully broke the silver lining between Inferior and Superior with a system called [Date-Steal] A system that can steal or copy the Psion power, and generation traits of the Superior person's abilities. As he rises up in the ranks of Superior while passing down abilities to the inferiors too. Follow the revolution of this world. When a single soul ablaze the feeling of triumph all across the so-called Ability World...

Shubham_Gosai_1691 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chen Advancement...

'Chen and Long, come here we were waiting for you Ya know...'

Jian walked over and called Chen Yu and Long who were walking out of the station, along with a huge grin both of them walked toward them.

Where Lena and Riza looked at Chen Yu, who has been like always with no sign of sadness within his gaze.

'I heard you brought a gift for me huh! I will be looking forward to it youngster Chen.' With an old lady-like image, Lena imitates her granny making Che and other laughs at her acting.

Where Riza was looking at her friend, and always felt that around them. Lena would always act free and unrestrained, which is the style she liked about her.

'Yeah! I thought a lot about it ya know, but this was something I was able to get this morning for you I hope you will like it.'

Chen took out the packet and gave it to Lena, where Lena looked at the inside and was surprised to see it. Given it was something, she wanted to buy and had talked with her friend about it.

'Given yesterday after the training, I heard it from you when you were talking to one of your friends. So, I thought it must be a good gift to give to you for your birthday and I also like this silver pattern style flower too.'

The broach was made looking like a flower pattern from the outer world, which an explorer had brought a few months ago.

Though the broach is designed like one of those, it was not even close to 1% beauty of the real flower that has mesmerized a nation princess.

To buy that flower at all cost, while many other superpowers fought for that flower too.

'Thank you, Chen. This is a great gift, though are you trying to propose to me or what giving a girl a gift of flower broach.'

Lena grinned at Chen, but Chen heard the notification of the system telling him that her favorability has turned to 35 reaching a budding feelings level.

'Congratulation Host.'

'Affection Level Target Lena: (35/100) Budding Feeling.'

'Reaching the next step.'

'Host has been Rewarded with Dark Matter Control Script.'

Where Chen felt the knowledge related to how to control dark energy ability of his, to condense into solid and make it into a weapon.

Where his first hypothesis that his Dark ability was actually a dark matter, which can devour light and energy was correct.

Now he condenses it into a metal-like form. Due to this, he will have a lot of manner of using it in combat too.

'Now this is a good ability here, with the help of this. My ability was to have a lot of offensive power but according to the data I have from the system. My ability defense and offense depend upon the high amount of trion I can provide it.'

Which was telling Chen that he had to break through the 4th layer soon if he want to depend on this ability of his.

Given in the third layer, there are very few methods where he can release Psion outside.

One of them is related to his Advance mastery over Basic Fist Technique, which has taught him a secret skill called Octadic Smash.

Which releases Psion for an instant to cover his fist or leg.

If he were to release that Psion in the form of dark matter, which seemed like he had mastered it in an instant due to the system.

He will be able to cover the fist with a metal sheet, to release a powerful knockout force.

As for the reason why, it is very simple due to dark matter property, which will protect his fist at all cost.

So, when punched covering his fist, the recoil of the fist will smash onto the enemy too.

So even if he punches the wall covering dark matter, more powerful will be his fist.

But Chen Yu had to be careful too, given he has retreated back too.

After all, when the instant is over the dark matter will fade and the other recoil will destroy his fist too.

Where Chen Yu who has learned basic Fist art to the Advance realm, retreating in that instant is the easiest job anyone can ask him.

'I will call it [Gauntlet Octadic Punch] that is a cool name to it huh!' Chen Yu smiled thinking how much Lena has helped him even though it was unintentional.

'What are we waiting for, let's go and have a party for Chen's new home and Lena's birthday. I had called 2nd brother, and he is bringing a huge hunt for us Ya know.'

Jian called out, where Chen Yu, Long, Lena, and Riza joined the cheers. Where Chen Yu noticed how Riza has been looking at Jian.

While he snickers at his brother's luck, of having a beauty like that falling in love with him so easily too. Lena also smiled at Riza's look, where both of them noticed each other and nodded.

Given if possible they will give them a push toward each other.

They headed inside the hotel, which was one of the properties of bastard Long. As they sat at the table, while they ordered the food.

Where Lena was insistent on paying for them after 5 minutes had passed and a person walked inside the room.

He had red wild flaming hair, with a tall structure and physical level idol shape.

Yes! He was the so-called 2nd brother of the handsome Group. His name was Meng Jian, 2nd strongest member of the student body of their high school.

Where his cultivation has already reached the 6th layer of Student Realm.

'Yo! Long, Chen, and Jian. And look at that, we have 2 more beauties accompanying us today. What do you girls think, want to join our group? Though we might have to change the name of our group from Handsome Group.'

He had a goofy smile with a heavy tone, but the way he was chatting with them all. Anyone in the group could tell he was kind of a good guy from nature-wise.

'Yeah! Right, but both of us are thinking of joining a girls' team. Which is quite famous in the other region Ya know.' Riza spoke and chatted about that group, where they also hear them speaking given in [Inter High Admission Exam] they might be competing along with them.

'You guys can join them, even though both of your groups are in different regions huh. That is quite a convenient way of recruiting, I had ever seen in this life. But I must say, it is also quite good for choosing both of you on that.'

Meng Jian smiled at that statement but he was also one of the smart ones among them, he had calm and clever nature.

But for the enemy, his nature is that of a viper itself, he is way too cruel and indirect at everything.

That is why even though he has such a straightforward kind of profession being a heavy loader, with a noble sword attack he was quite strong with his dual-wielding.

After the party was over, Chen was asked to join Long and Jian at her real party of Lena. That was held by her family at a certain hotel, where Chen Yu refused to join given he was not called by them and he has no intention of doing so.

So, he walked out and headed toward the mansion, where on the way to the mansion, he found a group of three students at the end of the road.

Where he gave him a buzz, which was not a good sign for him. Still, he kept a silent mind and kept on walking with no hint of suspicion.

But inside him, the Psion energy was rumbling, with the overflowing emotion of anger.

Throwing him out of his own home, getting bashed by others, and getting angry at him. Everything he does really starts to down on Yu's nerve.

'This time I will answer every one of your questions, in the way you do things.'

Calming with a deep breath and walking up to them at a steady pace.

He saw one of them walking toward him, the way in which their shoulder are meant to collide when they would pass by.

So, using this timing and thinking to use against him was Chen Yu's first thought. After all, he was alone and they were 4 of them.

He was confident in fighting it out with three of them who were in 3rd layer of Student Realm, but the last guy was at least 4th layer of Student Realm. So, Chen was thinking of wrapping all of them up before he attack himself.

The instant they were in a meter of combat range, both of them changed. Which was felt by both of them at the same time. Chen's memories of the assassin were surging, while his body moved like it has its own muscle memories from being an assassin.

He was coming from the left, with a right punch. His mind made a sharp assessment and his left body stopped with his right leg taking a sharp turn.

Stopping the punch with the left arm + Taking a deep right stomp making a perfectly balanced state of the lower body and the Right punch filled with the whole momentum.

In that few second, the group of three were shocked from behind. Where two of the people that were standing from the start, dashed toward Chen.

Who had knocked out the first guy with the first solid punch in the right jaw of the opponent?

His jaw could also have broken with that attack too.

Where Chen did not intend to let them make momentum when running toward him, so he kicked at the rock which went straight for a guy's face.

'Fuck.' The guy was scared shitless from the shooting rock and managed to turn right at the nick of time.

The other guy was heading straight for Chen, who twisted his body and a kick was thrown at the leg of the running guy. 'Crack.' Given the guy was running, he was not able to stop suddenly. While the kick was deadly sharp, to the point he did not even have a turn to shout.

Basic fist Viper blast.

One of the basic fists can use whip-like action, to confuse the opponent where the attacker wants to punch. Plus due to his sharp fist shape. This attack can break an arm or shoulder blade in a single punch of someone in the same realm.


The shoulder blade being demolished by a quick attack, made the guy crumble down with snot and tear. Given with that he knew that his life as a Psion user is ruined completely.

Looking at all three of his lackey lying on the ground, crying like babies. The boss of their team felt a cold stream of air passing through his body.