
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Chapter 4: Touch

Duke slid the door of room no. 1018. He slowly entered the room and sat on a chair beside her bed. He looked at her..she was asleep and her face looked very calm. Duke noticed that her eyelashes are a bit bigger than any other normal people..it was adding more beauty to her features.

After looking at her for a while he remembered that he needs to give that wristband to her. He took that out from his pocket and tied that on her left wrist. He wondered what was so special about this simple braided band.. and what even she told him.. "being lucky to avoid destiny!! Huh" he said in a whispering tone.. He always thought these things were the superstitions created by humans to avoid fate.

He was busy in his thoughts when he heard a light sobbing sound.. he looked at her again.. but now her long eyelashes had a trace of tears..he saw tears rolling down sidewise from her eyes. He wasn't sure of what happened because he never faced this kind of situations before..

Then she slowly lifted her hand gesturing to find someone. "D-dad.." she uttered..

Duke understood she was searching for her dad but he remembered that he didn't see anyone except that old lady waiting for her..

Juliet was continuously and desparately gesturing hands to hold the other's but there was no one except Duke..

"D-dad do-n't le-ave me ple..ase..." She said while sobbing..more tears was sliding down from her eyes now and her breathing got heavier.. the monitor, in which her vitals were showing started to ring the beeping sound more than before when it's normal.. She was still searching for that warm hand of her father.

Duke couldn't understand what to do so he just held her hand..

She stopped searching.. She found a 'TOUCH'.

After some minutes her breathing came back to normal with the usual rhythmic beeping sound of the machine.

She grabbed his hand tightly as if he will disappear if she let his hand go for a second..

Duke was a little taken aback by her action because it was his first time experiencing a human 'TOUCH' as well.. but he didn't struggled to get his hand back...he let her hold his hand.. he pitied her for being so vulnerable at this state.

In the meantime a sliding of the door was heard and that old woman entered the room.

Duke took back his hand from her hold..

"Thank you young man for looking after her while I was away, I thought you'd go back after giving her that wristband.."

Duke replied.."It's ok." He stood up to leave the cabin and give them a personal space.

But the old woman called him stopping his motion. "May I ask your name?"

He replied "Duke".

"Nice one, I'm Selena, her grandmother.." then she took out a card from her purse and streached her hands towards him.."keep this".. he took the card and it was a business card..he did not ask anything as he thought that the humans of high class usually pay for anything and everything..maybe she thought to give him a compensation for asking a favor as well..

Duke put the card in his pocket and left the room..Selena was a bit surprised as she thought he would ask her the abouts of this action..but she shrugged off her thoughts when she saw Juliet moving her fingers..she rushed outside to call the doctors..

After the doctors came they checked her and said "She is out of danger now but still not fully conscious.. her body is very weak as well so we'll keep her under 1 week of observation and then if she improve, you can take her home." With that the doctors left the room. Selena came and sat beside her bed. She caressed her hand and gave her a peck on her forehead.

2 more days passed but she was still half conscious.. Her grandmother used to come to the hospital 2 times a day and spend 2-3 hours with her each time she came.

At the 4th day her grandmother was usually sitting beside her caressing her hand when.."Granny.." a very low but audible voice hit her eardrums..she perked up to look at her and yes she opened her eyes..."Doctor doctor!!" Selena went to call the doctors..

After checking her the doctor assured that she was alright and could go home after 3 more days of observation. Selena was very happy to hear about that..she went to Juliet and kissed her forehead saying "You are recovering quickly and going to get discharged after 3 days..are you happy!?" Juliet asked "how is Mr. Park?"

Selena knew that she'll ask this but now was not a time to tell her the truth.. Considering her condition she said "He is alright".

Then she asked "Where is he?" Selena couldn't understand what she was saying so she replied.."who?"

"The man who saved us!"

"A man! What are you talking about? The hospital staffs said to me that there was no one beside you two on the accident spot and they rescued you after getting a call from an unknown number."

"He left!? But I couldn't say thank you to you.." Juliet muttered silently specially the last part came out of her mouth like a whisper.

Thank you for reading..❤

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