

The girl who bumped into him was the first to rise, cleaned herself from the dust, and offered her hand to help the man who still sat down on the ground. He is still utterly shocked. “I was in a hurry so I didn’t pay attention before. Eh, are you okay?” Azalel’s eyes fluttered several times. He is still dumbstruck by what had happened. No… It wasn’t her who made him stunned in silence. Neither is her sincere apology. “You?? You can see me??” He asked her in disbelief and rose from the ground easily. She frowned at him as if he had just spilled the stupidest question in the world. “Yes, of course, I can. Is there something wrong with it? “Anyway… Are you ok?” "I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you before…” The girl kept apologizing to him and bowed repeatedly in guilt. Azalel didn’t say anything or give her a formal response but he just cleaned his cloak thoroughly. Seeing the person who bumped with her was fine, she then asked another question. But it sounds more like permission to leave as soon as possible. “You look fine, so I can leave now, right? See you…” Then, she rushed out, turned left, and disappeared without leaving any trace. Azalel remained silent on his spot while his eyes keep looking in the direction where the girl was gone. Meanwhile, Reuben came toward him and suddenly stopped his steps. He looked in the same direction where Azalel is looking right now. He seemed so confused. “Aza?” Silence. “Aza? Are you okay?” “Reuben…” "A mortal bumped me this morning…" "WHAT??? IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Reuben shrieked in disbelief. He thought he had misheard the news. “But it was... TRUE!!" "WHEN WAS IT??" "Before you showed up, Reuben..."

Nana15 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

22        HIS NEXT MOVE (1)

Several days later…

Azalel closed his eyes while Reuben stands next to him. This time Reuben will be the eyes and ears for them both. Raphael also will be around and he is the one who builds the field force to protect all of them. Now, they only need to wait patiently until she comes…

A step approached their location and the three of them immediately turned their head altogether.

A pair of golden eyes mesmerized them. A firm determination flashed in her eyes. No more fear or doubt in there. Azalel was startled when he saw those orbs. She looks like a different person today.

"I'm ready…" She said solemnly.

Azalel nodded his head and replied. "So, let it begins…"


The universe is often defined as the totality of existence where everything that exists, everything that has existed, and everything that will exist. This is an area where place and time exist as well. Including all of the energy in its various forms.


One thing or another always be the first encounter with the universe. It is everything all around us. They see it every day, it enters their sights and they live in it.

Humans, animals, and nature. They all connected and empowered each other. Nature provides food for humans and animals. Humans are supposed to be the protector and guardians to keep everything in balance. We should take what we need and not what we want. But, in the end, we failed.

Logically speaking, supernatural creatures are non-existed. Oppositely, the fact is…

They live among the visible things. Among us. Perfectly blend in our daily life. Seeing us. Watching us. But most of the times, we realized that they exist.

Scientists reject their well-beings because practically, the supernatural manifestation wasn't a subject to the laws of nature. Some people even strongly believe that is a violation of physical law. Things like angels, demons, gods, poltergeist, etc were categorized and attributed to non-physical entities.

Once, Iliya was one of them as well. She was a non-believer and skeptical. She never believed in God or those bullshits. But after that fated day, a coincidental incident where she bumped into him. And then, after a series of other circumstances, she no longer can ditch the fact that what was she didn't believe before, they exist. Things that had happened has turned over her table. It changed everything and anything in her now.

She no longer has any option besides preparing herself for what would come in her path.

"Close your eyes, Miss Iliya…"

"Relax and take a deep breath…"

"And feel everything surrounding you…"

"See-through your heart. Sense them with your feeling. Hear the rhythm and let earth's heart beating under your feet…"

Iliya follows his instructions until all the noises around her fade away and her body feels much lighter. Her soul is now connected with the universe while hearing the rhythm of earth thumping beneath her. She's able to sense the rumbling volcanoes from miles away. The scent of rains that will come in the next couple of hours. She can hear the waves on the shores from a far. Winds that howling in the snow mountains.

"Now, let their memories enter you…"

Azalel's voice echoing inside her head and she started to see some fragments. The story of mankind. As old as time itself. Wars, bloods, kingdoms, empires, betrayals, pain, sadness, and many more. They were rushing and flashing in front of her. Inside her mind's cabinet. Like a million of movies that rolled continuously altogether without stopping. These are the memories of earth and it lets her to seep and watch it. A mixed emotion was dancing inside her heart. She was able to feel them all...

Their miseries, sorrows, joy, happiness, excitements….

All good or miserable occasions…

All they ride and dies…

Those laughs and tears are ripping and tearing her from inside. It was overwhelmed. Swirled inside her body and soul. Ringing out inside her head like somebody is hammering her head repeatedly without stopping. Blurring her vision until finally…

She reached her limit and can't endure it anymore.

"STOP!!!" Iliya shouted desperately while she cupping her owns ears.

Soon, those pictures dissipated and her body collapsed on the ground but Azalel move faster and catch her in his arms. Iliya's breath is panting heavily and sweats dripping from her forehead. Watching her, a smirk curve on Azalel's face.

"Are you okay, little girl?"

Iliya can't answer it quickly because she still managed to catch her breath. The rushing emotion that she saw before still giving her a butterfly effect afterward. She feels dizzy but in the same time, she also feel that she was getting stronger than before. This time, she didn't fall out and able to digest everything.

"What was that, Mr Angel?" She finally can ask it out.

"Memoirs of Gaia…"

"From now on, no one will able to hide a truth or telling lies to you anymore. Once you touch them, you'll able to see and reveal what they were hiding. You already connected to Earth and it allows you to link and find out about their past…"

Iliya pulled herself from Azalel's arm and finally managed to stand up steadily on the ground.

"Why did you teach me this? Why are you telling me this?"

Azalel inhaled a deep breath for a moment and exhaled it slowly. As if he was trying to let go of a heavy burden on his shoulder. Something that he has been carrying all along the way.

"Because of that man, little girl…"

"That man?"

"Monav Mokshit…"

"What is wrong with him?" Iliya asked him again with a perplexed look in her eyes.

"I don't trust him. There's something off about him. Something amiss. But it wasn't my call to find the truth of who he is or was. It's yours…"

"I will only tell you one thing, little girl…"

"Be careful…"


Her training that day was running smooth and pretty much fun. Raphael and Reuben also didn't find any suspicious around them that day. After they chatted a while, Iliya finally waving a goodbye to two of them while Raphael turned himself into a invisible mode and followed her. After she moved away, Reuben walked a step closer to Azalel.

"Why don't you teach her "Windle Waves?"

"It was quite powerful for her to defend and attack her enemies at the same time…"

"I will, Reuben…"

"But not today. Entering and watching Memoirs of Gaia was far too much and had drained her energy. Thankfully, she was still able to stay sane and intact afterward. For most humans, once they entered a million-year memory of Earth, otherwise they would get lost inside or it will drive them crazy afterward…"

"Not everyone was blessed or lucky enough to get through all those and get back in a whole piece. She is exceptional, for sure…"

Reuben sighed. "What do you think will happen to her then, Aza?"

"I don't know the answer either, Reuben…"

"But I truly hope that she was able to seek and find out the truth by herself…"


The next day…

Iliya was so busy that day. After she leaves for a couple of days, she found that the pet shelter was devastating. The other volunteer had left the place and Mrs. George was struggling to take care the place all by herself. The animals are malnutrition and stinks because nobody bathed them for days. The cages are dirty and disarray. And she has to put lots of effort as best as she could to clean up all these mess. Thankfully, all her assignments had been done that week so she can spend more time and tidy up what was left.

After more or less six tiring hours, the pet shelter has returned to its forms. Neat and much tidier. Iliya also already prepared the food portion for each animal in the shelter while Mrs. George dealing with the administration and legal papers of the adoptive hosts who will get the animal by end of this week.

It almost dark when Iliya finally finished her job and waved her goodbye to the old lady and riding her bike to go home. But then, on the way, she smell a homemade toasted bun and her tummy grumbling vigorously. Ah, yes, she hadn't have her lunch yet! So, she rides her bike to the nearby bakery and queue patiently. When it was her turn, suddenly, there is a young tall man break in and stood before her to make an order instantly. Felt irritated and upset, she raised her voice and rebuked the ill-manner guy in front of her.

"With all respect, you should queue like ever…"

Hearing her voice, the tall man immediately turned his head and he looked surprised when he saw her.

"Miss Iliya??"

Iliya gasped and her eyes widened like a saucer when she recognized the guy that she addressed before.

"Mr. Monav Mokshit??"

"W…Wh….What are you doing here?"