

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.

Dash_vin · Fantasie
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40 Chs

Anna's Dream

Mirai and Uriel are walking nearby when they saw a huge amount of smoke spreading going outside the window of a building.

"What is that? Is there a fire going inside that room?" Mirai asked while looking at Uriel because she knows about flames.

They run to come close on that building and upon looking closely, they saw Gabriel looking outside the window.

Mirai: "Hey Gabriel! what's happening inside?"

Gabriel: "Mirai! did you see the smoke coming out?"

Mirai: "Uhm Yeah."

Gabriel: "Follow that smoke and don't let it out on your sight."

Mirai and Uriel followed the smoke but it is slowly vanishing through thin air and difficult to trace.

Uriel opened her book and use a spell to summon an elemental that is made of smoke and she ordered it to trace the scent of the smoke that they are following.

Meanwhile Azrael checked on Anna because she's still waiting for him outside the room.

When he goes outside, Anna is still there and it seems like nothing happened because she didn't see anything inside the room.

Azrael called Gabriel and said that they should stop chasing Alastor.

They go downstairs to meet with Uriel and Mirai.

Upon meeting with others, they explained about what happened earlier and they just found out that Alastor is also a demon.

At first, Gabriel wants to chase Alastor and terminate him but Azrael disagreed because he said that he cannot feel any darkness or bad intention from Alastor when they are talking with him.

They are about to go and check for other areas when Anna came and called Azrael. "Mr. Azrael! where are you going?"

Azrael walked near to Anna and apologize that he needs to leave right now and he will come back again for his promise to go a date with Anna.

Uriel and Mirai are staring seriously at Anna and they asked Gabriel who is she.

Gabriel responded and told them that Anna is the one who brought them here because they want to gather some information.

Uriel looks around the area and she noticed that there's a lot of beautiful ladies wearing sexy outfits.

Uriel: "Tell me Gabriel! this was your idea right?! you brought Azrael here because you wanted to see those sexy girls around here!"

Gabriel: "No-no-no! trust me, we just followed this girl named Anna because she told us that she knows someone who can help us and in exchange, we just need to accept her request."

Mirai: "What request."

Gabriel: "Oh boy!"

Mirai: "What is that request, Gabriel?!!"

Gabriel is not speaking because he's very scared of what these two girls might do to him if he speaks about that request.

"Anna asked me for a date. why are you so scared to say that Gabriel?" Azrael said because Gabriel is not speaking.


Azrael: "Yup! I promised that I will date with her in exchange for helping us. why are you overreacting? is there something wrong with that?"

Mirai: "Yes! because that is wrong!"

Azrael: "Wrong? but I'm always doing it with you. like Gabriel said when I asked him about the definition of date."

"W-h-h-h-at you? me? dating?" Mirai was stunned when she heard that from Azrael and her face turns into red because she imagines about dating with Azrael.

Gabriel is slowly escaping but Azrael noticed him and he uses his shadows to stop Gabriel.

Azrael: "Gabriel why are you escaping?"

Uriel: "Az! I'll explain to you what dating means. so listen, dating a person means that you are interested in her and you have an emotional feeling that you like her to always be with you and you are starting to get to know each other by having a date. Now! tell me do you like her?"

Azrael looked at Anna's face and he noticed that she became sad after hearing those things with his friend and she felt like they don't like her and they didn't trust her to be with him.

Anna: "I'm sorry guys I don't want to cause trouble with you all I'm just hoping that I can be with Mr. Azrael because when I saw him I felt loneliness with his eyes just the same with me. Anyway I don't want to bother you anymore so just forget about my selfish request!"

Anna bowed his head in front of them and she looks very sad after saying those words.

Azrael: 'I'll go with Anna. I made a promise right? and I don't want to break my promise."

Anna: "Really? Yey!"

Azrael requested his comrades to go and search the area and he will just fulfill his promise with Anna and besides, he also told them not to worry because he knows what he is doing and Anna might know where is Alastor's location.

Azrael and Anna walked away together to go to a cafe.

Gabriel: "Azrael! you are such a good man! I hope that you will enjoy your night with that cute girl! HAHA!"

Mirai hit's Gabriel on his head while Gabriel is laughing and thinking about silly things.

Mirai: "Gabriel! show respect to Azrael's decision and don't think anything bad about him!"

Gabriel: "Ouch! that hurt Mirai! I'm sorry okay?! I'm just kidding."

Azrael and Anna walks through a cafe that is a little bit far the other location right now. Anna asked Azrael what he wants but Azrael cannot decide since he only knows about the coffee that Mirai is making for him.

He saw a picture on the menu that looks like the coffee that he used to drink and he said to Anna that's his order.

A lot of people were staring at them especially on Azrael.

a few moments later after they're order came, three girls came inside the cafe and they noticed Anna with Azrael.

It's been too quiet after they got their order then Anna started to speak.

Anna: "Mr. Azrael. Where did you come from?"

Azrael: "I don't know."

Anna: "Huh? why you don't know? Is it from another city? or another country? you look very different from other people in this city."

Azrael: "Uhmm. To be honest I lost my memories and I'm still trying to recover them."

Anna: "Really?"

Azrael: "Yes and as of now, all I remembered is my name. and my friends are helping me to recover my memory."

Anna: "hmm. so you wish to recover your memory. but for me, I think It's better if I would lost my memory"

Azrael: "Huh? why?"

Anna: "Because I got a lot of bad memories and I wish that one day I will wake up and all of it will be gone."

Azrael: "Tell me. why did you choose me to come with you?"

Anna: "Honestly saying. you look like someone very familiar to me. It's like I saw you in my dreams."

Azrael: "Which of dream you are talking?"

Anna stops smiling and her face becomes serious.

Anna: "This is silly but I hope you wouldn't laugh at me. I saw you in my dream. you are wearing a pure black coat and holding a scythe. and you come to collect my soul"

Azrael was shocked by what he heard from Anna. Her description was almost the same with what others were saying and after hearing those words

Then suddenly, Azrael felt a strange aura on the surroundings and reapers were showing behind Anna and it seems that Anna's dream about her soul being collected is true.