
Fall of the king

Synopsis Alana Queens is a young lady who has been mistreated by her father her entire life. She accepts a life of misery up until the point where she is forced to marry AresKings, the Alpha King of the werewolves. Ares is the werewolf kingdom's Alpha King. A strong and enigmatic man, He is both a natural leader and a skilled fighter. Ares is a decent and sympathetic person. As Alana and Ares get to know one another, they begin to fall in love. Their relationship is put to the test by the challenges they face from both forces outside of their own kingdom and from within. Can Alana and Ares overcome their challenges and find true happiness together? or will uncontrollable factors tear their love apart?

Ummi_Ado_0477 · Fantasie
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15 Chs


Strange Things Occur.

I ate more of my ice cream and watched my beautiful partner work in silence, admiring her.

I ate slowly because I wanted to be with my partner as much as possible.

When I had finished my ice cream, I sighed because I knew I had to go.

I might go back tomorrow, as Bryce kindly suggested.

I agreed and decided to come back the next day.

I got up, walked over to her, smiled at her, and said, "Thank you," before walking away. In my car, I drove back to the packhouse. As soon as I walked in, I was welcomed with "good afternoon, Alpha" or "Hey. "After tending to them, I went to my room and sat back on the bed.

I've finally met my true love, my other half, the person I'll always adore. I grinned broadly as I considered how ideal she is and how she would make a wonderful Luna for my - no, "our" - pack. I am unable to tell her since we just met. But I also want to talk to her, sleep with her, and hold her. My wolf insists that she must be present.

Bryce complained, "I want Ares, our mate.

"Be patient, Bryce.

even though I want her. How could I possibly not know that she is our Mate?

Bryce exclaimed happily, "Isn't she just perfect?".

After a brief period of lying down, I got up and went to my office to pack up while I waited for tomorrow to meet her again, find out her name, and get to know her better. He cut the link after I nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, she is.".

I made dinner for him, cleaned the house, and did my job, then I went to my room. Very strange things happened today. My attention was initially drawn to a very attractive man, but I backed away out of concern that he might strike me. Later, he came by my place of work, smiled, and started talking to me. Every time he smiled, I'm sure my heart skipped a beat. I smiled back at him without even giving it a second thought. His laugh would be fantastic; my God, his smile is contagious. I felt a tingle when our skin touched that I had never felt before, and all I want to do is have that sensation again.

I'm not sure what my health situation is.

I reminded myself to stop obsessing over him because he was only playing around with you. It doesn't seem that way, though, from the sincerity of his smiles. But unlike anyone else, he did try to flirt with me. Okay, Alana, put him out of your mind and get to bed. I replied.

I was awakened by the grating sound of my alarm. I slowly got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made some pancakes. As I placed the plate on the table, he then emerged from behind me and pulled my hair back.

Back up, bitch.

I was pulled back by my hair as he said, "Let me see what you made today. I complained. He grabbed my hair even tighter when he saw the pancakes.

This is what you made? I want fucking bacon today, he scoffed.


He removed his hand from my hair, slapped me, and I fell to the ground. My ribs and stomach were both struck by him.

I stumbled and said, "I'll get there now, sir.


"You must be a b*tch.

He struck me in the stomach once more just before he left. He commanded, "So get up and make it.". I cried out in excruciating pain and stood up. Tears poured down my face. I quickly prepared bacon for him, set it on the table, cleaned my blood and bruises, covered them with makeup, and hurriedly changed into a long cream sweater and blue jeans. Fortunately, when I went down, he wasn't there. I took an apple and set off on my walk to school.

While I was eating lunch, Nick, the new boy, approached me.

It would be an understatement to say that when he said, "Hey.


I said, "Hello," in a low voice.


Nick asked me what my name was.

My name is Alana, I said hesitantly.

Alana here.

He jokingly bowed down and said, "Nick.

"I already know your name; right now, the only topic on which the entire class is chit-chatting is you.


Yes, of course. He said, incoherently mimicking a girl, "Can't help I'm pretty famous you know," and motioned for his invisible long hair to flip. We both chuckled, him and I.

Would you like to eat with us today, he asked with hope in his eyes. Although I would like to, I don't want to cause a scene. They won't be happy to see me and won't hesitate to cause a commotion.

"Possibly at a later time. I said, "Since I'm not hungry, I'm going to study in the library during my lunch break.".

You could do your homework later. He jokingly said, "Have some food now, that's what the canteen and lunch break are for.".

I retorted with a small grin, "I'm not really hungry anyway. I told you to leave.



Alana, I'll see you around, he grinned. I hadn't had a conversation this long

in a while. He seems like a good man, I thought as I walked into the library.